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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Why would I want to marry Cherly Tweedy? The whole point would be to fuck her brains out, no chance of that once there's a ring on her finger
  2. The podgy footballer or the podgy singer?
  3. I really don't think the Blackburn scenario is the same. Yes they bought their team rather than nurtured it, but they simply paid the maket rate for these players. Chelsea and City are waving monopoly money around and its dangeorus and tbh a bit boring. Football was better when he whole country was excited about Klinnsmann joining Spurs or Ravanelli the smogs. Who really cares if Eto'o signs for City? Its just another player now. I seriously give football in its present form 5 more years and then something will have to be done. An European Super League is my guess and then the rebirth of 'proper' football domestically where money isn't a pre-requisite for success. Those identikit Ikea stadia will look a bit silly only being half full, but I'd rather be part of this 'second' tier then playing a corporate game accross Europe.
  4. I'm guessing its a four year contract? Thats over £75m for one player (and thats assuming that the wage is before tax!). I can see the justification in paying that for a Beckham or a Ronaldo due to the commercial profile they bring to a club, but Eto'o would pretty much have to win the Champion's League for city within the four years to come close to justifying the number. And thats completely disregarding the numbers being paid out for Robinho and whoever else they bring in over the next 4 years. Is anythign really worth that sort of money???
  5. To be fair I think Man Utd are different in the fact that they have earned the right to spend money, most of their expenditure is self financed. I know that in our time we have spent heavily, as have Blackburn for example, there is a difference however in that neither we nor they were completly distorting the market place. Man City aren't simply outbidding rivals, they are picking random numbers out of thin air for before fees and wages
  6. I'll stick my hand up, I would hate for us to be doing a City. Football will eat itself, and right now the knives and forks are being put on the table, we are at a situation where its no longer about development of players, maintaining links with the locality of the club and having an identity. Its identikit stadia, identikit strategy and identikit teams. Ironically the one team breaking this mould is the most successful team in the country, but Man Utd are a different breed to every other premier league club. What is the difference to supporting Liverpool, Chelsea or City now? None of these clubs represent their history and heritage. they will in all probability all play the same style of football next season and the make up of the teams (in terms of nationality and ratio of home grown to imported (i.e. bought in regardless of country) will be one and the same. Then move down a rung or 2 of the ladder. Bolton, Sunderland, Hull. All live in Mechano flat pack stadia, all buy the cheap imitations of the Chelsea et al players and all play a lite style of their football. Yes it sucks being relegated, but I bet as fans we enjoy next season more than than true (i.e. not johnny come latelys) City fans. A lot of us have played/play FM, and most of us have at one time given oursleves an unlimited budget. It's an empty feeling winning the league like that. As a product the Premier League has had a good run, but its coming to an end and will need to be reinvented. The next few years will be looked back on as being the bad days of the concept.
  7. Who would you be willing to take from Spurs in exchange? Darren Bent, straight swap
  8. First things first. Find your passport. Or ring Nobby Solan, he will sort a Greek one out for you
  9. I assume you mean £1 for every £1m under £100m? Like I said its dependant on the loan debt, IF Ashley expects his loan back then I wouldn't expect anyone to pay more then £20m for the club at the very most. Right so I have to give you £1 for every £1m under £100m including loan debt (so if it sells for £20m and the accounts tell us Ashley is still owed £100m loan that counts as £120m sale price). You have to give me £1 for every £1m over £50m including debt Tell you what, I'll play bookkeeper for this little spread bet for a very reasonable cut of 30% of either winnings :colo:
  10. Killing his career if he leaves Swansea now.
  11. Just an aside but Billy Kenwright was despised by a lot of Everton fans up to around 5 years ago. He even got death threats when he signed Moyes as it was showing his level of ambition. Look at him now
  12. If only the Sultan of Brunei fancied a football club (or he hadn't hidden his brothers credit card)
  13. The theme from He-Man. Inspirational stuff. Failing that the music that the Ultimate Warrier came to the ring to (sampled by the Kaiser Chiefs on 'Everyday I Love You Less and Less')
  14. Would rather we stayed away from them unless they are with a view to a permanent deal. We should be using this season to build a young hungry team whcih will develop at Newcastle, promotion as champions with a build up of momentum then unleash them on the Premier League. We've had enough personnel changes without going through a season with temps in the team
  15. Butt pulling the strings from midfield no doubt though
  16. if a bid is made and accepted, it should be quicker than when Ashley bought the club though, surely? Ashley was having to buy up shares, and then once he'd done so, was obliged to make a formal offer for the club. If theres money in one big pot (the consortium) buying out Ashley, then surely it could go through in about a week? How long did it take the Arabic group to buy Citeh from Shinawatra? Can't remember it dragging on. It took a while iirc but they put up a wad of cash prior to the take over being formally completed. They were buying the club whatever so they could afford to do it. A consortium/individual buying us would probably not be in this position and wouldn't release any funds until all the i's are crossed and t's dotted etc
  17. Like I said, the worse performances we put in the more players wages are quoted as. Owen started the season quoted as being on £90 a week. Now the quotes are from £125k per week up to in some places £140k a week. It's crazy. Frankly nobody has a clue what any player is on. Yes we know those who are on high wages but we don't know what those high wages are. He wasn't even worth that tbh
  18. Swansea and Cardiff within an hour of me so those for certain
  19. He has a squad of over 25 players, he has every right to use them in my opinion. He should play the 11 he would use if this was the match he had to win to get the title thats what he should be made to do! bollocks, quite frankly, there's absolutely nothing in the rules that suggests he has to play anyone in particular apart from players registered to play. yes there is. In every league match, each participating club should field a full-strength team. 1 Goal Keeper 10 Outfield Players Required number of substitutes Thats a full strength team
  20. OMG Its only around 10 hours over 8 days. Not even one exam a day. and law is piss easy
  21. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
  22. Shearer to register himself for the game. Owen gets crocked on 90 mins winning a penalty. Up steps Al from the subs bench.............. (If Carlsberg did relegation escapes)
  23. Love it to be Nile It will be Heskey who sends us down or Dukes who keeps us up
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