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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Buggar, thought I'd be clever and vote our little Turkish Big Brother lookalike. 2 others beat me to it. Pah
  2. From what I've read there's not even anything 'wrong' with the Emre and Luque transfers. Just that Quest could not get access to the agents documents and therefore can not clear the transfers - i.e not concluding on them wither way
  3. Sunderland v Arsenal first game - nailed on!
  4. http://www.fcbarcelonaweb.co.uk/v3/news/1181586720/116/index.html Wouldn't that be what is commonly known as tapping up?
  5. Would love Liverpool to sign Forlan, a signing to actually weaken a team
  6. Gary Speed - although proven quality before he arrived Rob Lee - took him a few years to become recognised as the excellent player he was Not the best examples, but Lee in paricular is the last youngish player I can remember coming for a relatively low fee and having a continued spell of success
  7. Sol Campbell. Still need the experienced head at the back and someone who is used to winning things
  8. What happened to the 'don't want to buy success', 'I'd rather walk away than be anohter Chelsea' attitude from a couple of months back??!!
  9. Signed for Hearts - £500k - Source www.Football365.com
  10. That salmon pink was close enough though
  11. Errrrrr... It was Keegan who bought Philippe Albert and he has played inside the last ten years at Newcastle. Better buy than Woody for a mile. Not as good player than woody but had much more influence to the team and he wasn't ALWAYS injured... Did miss a lot of one season with a cruciate injury though iirc
  12. He'd be the first player to pay his club for playing... Could Robert have been fined anymore than he was anyway at the Toon. Once a month it seemed that he was getting a fine for something or other
  13. Isn't it nice when people try ever so hard to back up what others are saying about them?!
  14. Bottled it a couple of years ago. Living in the comfort zone, will not improve anymore imo
  15. Boris Johnson was spot on. City built upon and thrives on pity. Never their fault, always shifting the blame from themselves
  16. Agree with that totally. It's the 'holier-than-thou' attitude that gets me. They genuinely believe that it's always someone else's fault. They're never to blame. They can do no wrong and because they can knock YNWA out at the end of every game, they're the best fans in the world. Complete and utter wankers. Ban the pricks. Aye, there are far too many who defend the blaggers for being smarter than UEFA. They should be found and barred from all games for life. Nevertheless, there are two separate groups of fans here. The utter w*nkers who stole from their own and those left standing outside with valid tickets. UEFA do have a responsibility to them and were at fault for being naive. If I walk into your bank, lay my Tesco ClubCard on the counter, and empty your account with it, you'd be after the bank, too. Bearing in mind that this group of, basically, utter shits who follow Liverpool are scum, thieves and muggers, how do you expect normal, decent folk to stick up to gangs of them? They'd kick your head in. We as supporters have no influence over or say in who else follows the same club. I'd hope the club would take efforts to find and ban the culprits, but given Parry's ill-advised pre-match comments, that seems unlikely. There was no trouble in Istanbul, either. The fact that that was also Liverpool vs Milan would indicate other factors were involved, would it not? On one side there are loads of Liverpool fans pointing at UEFA and on the other UEFA pointing back at us. In reality, both must accept part of the blame for what happened. So I imagined the turkish waitor getting slab of concrete chucked on his head and getting barred from numerous newsagents in Liverpool for not signing the petition to free Michael Shields?
  17. Everyone I work with thinks we're mad for letting Parker go. Mind you they are a collective rabble of Swansea City, Spuds and Man U fans so what do they know!
  18. Thisd thread title is so gay on first glance
  19. When being padantic it is best to spell check, incase other Pedantic people comment on your typos. Never knew pendantic had a capital P
  20. Sunderland in for Forlan according to SSN - £25m to spend this summer Think this thread should evolve into a lets all laugh at Sunderlands transfer activity thread
  21. Don't think you can 'buy' the league now, too many big hitters. It's more about buying Europe imo
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