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http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/man-utd-news-pogba-morrison-11398820 Alleged the best ever talent at old Trafford according to Ferdinand.Pogba used to look up to him & idolised him. Imagine if Rafa could sort him? He must have settled a bit now, he's 23. I know coaches who had him at Manchester United. Both agree he's 'the best player they've seen' and both also said he was an idiot who they had little sympathy for. I also know a trainee they had who was chucked out for serious bullying (i.e. aggravated violence / GBH). They have a lower opinion of Morrison's personality. I know quite a few people who know him personally / grew up with / played at junior level with him and they all have the same view - insanely talented and a lot of trouble. As people have said though, he is older now ... So, who knows?
Ahhh ... Puccini's ... must have a pizza ... must have a piza ...
A Manchester United coach I worked with said the same (one of the most naturally gifted players he's seen), as do lots of people I know who grew up playing with him (on the streets and at clubs). All ... and I mean every one of them, also say he's endless amounts of trouble. Hmmm ...
As another 51 year old whose seen all the same and many dark times (and more than my share of false dawns) who even had to listen to the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup in a room full of Sunderland fans (relatives) so that was spoiled as well, I can say that, even given this, Pardew is the most obnoxious mix of everything bad all at the same time: big-head, negative, poor, inflexible, panic driven, liar, spineless ... I could go on!
Miss: The chestnut seller on the old Gallowgate entrance. Playing when it had snowed and not caring if everyone died. Nut crunching tackles on really cold days. Sitting on the climbing frame in the park and being able to see the old scoreboard. Sitting there all match with just this and the sound to know what was happening. Kids standing at the front by the advertising and no-one caring. Piss running down the terraces. As already mentioned, the feeling death was an instant away as everyone moved together on the terrace (and, sadly, later we learned it was). Swinging around the old crush barriers like an acrobat. Football! Don't miss: The Nazis selling their crap magazines outside the ground (and inside). Headhunters, ICF etc. Gordon Lee's Black and White Army being sung (even though I can still hear it in my head). Fencing Piss running down the terraces.
I live a few doors down from his old house (i.e. the one shown in most of the old documentaries): http://i1.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article843699.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/An++exterior++view++of++the++house++belonging++to++Manchester++United++footballer++George++Best++in++Bramhall++August++1973 ... which incidentally is just around the corner from Ronaldo's old house. A few things: 1. He was so well regarded the house had bundles of flowers outside when he died even though he hadn't live there for decades. 2. The present owner didn't dare move them. 3. A lot of women I've worked with used to bunk school to sit outside the clothes boutique he owned just in the hope he'd pop in ... (more innocent times) 4. Since I moved to Manchester in 1980, saw him drunk almost as many times as Alex Higgins ... just a case of which one went first really! 5. It was like watching a ballet when he played.
Al Swearengen http://www.rohanharris.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/6a00d83451b1b869e200e553b1b1188834-800wi.jpg cocksukah
They're definitely way more hardcore, much harder challenges with a fraction of the flopping around. As someone who coaches both, I've had a girl play on in goal with a broken wrist (and then ask to go to hospital later ... lied and played on even though she knew she'd broken it) and boys who run to their Mothers if they don't score. In general the girls deal with pain better. It was Salford though ... no shortage of hard girls!
Golaço! Portuguese for 'fantastic goal'
That testimonials (and I'm particularly thinking about Jackie Milburn's here) were real and the results were just what happened on the day ... Even a miss against Newcastle from about 2 inches out didn't disabuse me of this notion. Strangely, modern testimonials do more often seem to have real instead of manufactured results ... I also thought the same about the Harlem Globetrotters ... Life really is shit!
Whole team just walked past Cafe Nero on Deansgate (Manchester) ... got a thumbs up from Hatem and Besty All looked very relaxed!
and fuck off.....i hate the manc twat. He is shite and im still dreaming of Santon and Cissokho as our fullbacks... What on Earth is to hate about him? As someone who knows his adopted relatives ... more than may be obvious ... though arrogance would pretty much sum it up (forgetting your roots etc.) I won't say more because I respect the people who know more than me and won't cause them problems.
It is ... just past the weird Triangular pub
Do you live on those streets next to that bastarding DVLA place I spent an hour in last week? No idea. Basically, where the river is nearest to the ground I'm just there. On that note, does anyone know where the away fans are out boozing tonight? Better join in The DVLA place is in the tower block on the main road ... you wait for an hour and then they take £2000 quid from you in about 20 seconds.
Didn't hear any on the right hand side (even from the mentalists who were very loud ... lots of 'cunts' and other loud comments but nothing racist). The police were videoing and photographing a lot of stuff so I'd guess they were on to something. On another note ... nice to see such large Asian support (including the staff) given it's not exactly well known in football ... Blackburn may be a shithole (and that's also how it's though of here in the NW as well as loudly by our fans) but there's still something vaguely real about it in the age of sterile stadia (even to the point of old-fashioned obscured views behind girders). It's one of those NW B's that all involve descending into dark smoke-filled valleys.
I certainly thought the same (a few more against us than for but there were ones on both sides that were really poor in both positive / negative senses). I was sitting about 18 feet from the hauling down and it was obvious enough (if only from the 'sack of potatoes' way Ba went down).
I was hugged by a big fat sociopath and his friend fell backwards over the seats and squashed my daughter ... was kind of a weird moment.
Anonymous and little forward thrust (rather like everyone in the first half - like watching 'statues' played at school) ... Obertan - a lot of forward thrust and then often awful decisions (but at least he didn't overrun the ball like everyone else did) ... just never released it when he should have (including a run from one side of the box to the other when there were four players in the box no more than six feet away he could have slipped it to ... even a school kid would have made the pass).
Just got back and haven't read any posts yet but some thoughts ... Defending was shoddy (missed S. Taylor and Tiote) Santon looked reluctant to cross left footed Jonas - meh first half (perked up in second a bit) Obertan - learn to make correct decision please (though did more than Marveaux) Simpson and Perch were poor (Simpson more so as Perch did do a few o.k. things) ... at one point they did a synchronised backing off that was both comical and very nearly gifted a goal Midfield ... like watching a crab move sideways at times
When I taught in Salford I had quite a bit of contact with Pat Howard as he was Football Development Officer for Salford City Council ... came in to scout for the Youth Games ... to be honest he was a bit of a dick. Cantona came in to coach as well as part of his community service ... was a much better experience. Taught Roy Carroll's twin cousins ... they weren't good at football ... runs in the family.
From the highlights, aye - Krul was forced into a couple of very good saves, but it was never that. Even game by all accounts and we could've nicked it had the ninety been played, imo. The arse-kicking was more in the first half and was due to much slicker passing (especially into the channels to players who were unmarked ... both Jose and Simpson were tending to mark the inner of the two players and seemed to totally forget runners behind them. Collo was sometimes playing as the LB to cover this). Still happened in the second half but it was more like basketball (one side attacking then straight to the other as Strola and Ba worked more to head the ball on ... not pretty but meant the ball didn't bounce back all the time) ...
Thought the one Lovenkrands slid in on ... but predictably missed ... was just as good. I agree Best should have scored though ... one-on-one as their defender was lost by that point after initially looking favorite. Enrique had some suspect positioning, passing to Jonas and decision making that could easily have cost a goal ... but made up for it with the long sprint back to save an almost certain goal. Krul some top notch saves Jonas (who pisses me off more than not) looked lively (as he did at the end of last season) ... it's almost as if he realizes he might not play much this season ... made quite a few runs Jose didn't spot / find (not always due to the weather) Great rain ... not so good walking home in it though.
... as I do ... and have worked there for over 30 years so have a lot of Manchester United supporting friends. Can honestly say he's so off the radar I've never heard even one of them bother to mention him ...