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Everything posted by Mag3.14

  1. I've trained myself to read the @ on any newcastle tweet first because of this bugger
  2. Five of us go to matches together, and have done for years, 2 of us were lucky enough to be in P3 while the other three were in P4 (missed on cup game each) - They managed to get ticket via the ballot. I know there's never going to be a easy way to distribute tickets but there has to be a way to prevent this from happening (Ignoring the fact he could be a WUM)
  3. Are these lot for real? They must be doing this on purpose surely Calling them thick as pigshit is doing a disservice to the IQ of pigshit
  4. Thought he was a Terminator not a Transformer
  5. I guess Newcastle has been annexed by Scotland and Middlesbrough has finally become part of Yorkshire over the weekend - Only possible reason for that statement to be factually correct - The S in SMB now stands for "Stupid"
  6. Goal of the Month for December
  7. Geordie Dancer is still plying his "trade" down the vaults on a matchday
  8. Yeah, their "worth" (market cap is ~$2Tn) is meaningless in this situation, available cash reserves is the key number here - if its $62bn then PIF still rule the roost on that one
  9. Agreed - 50k+ at the previous cup game, no reason not to expect the same level of support for this one, even with it being played 4 days before Christmas
  10. Listened to the podcast while at the gym this afternoon, such a fascinating insight into the man - I feel he's got the potential to be our "Ferguson"/"Wenger" - bringing multiple successes over a significant period of time, we just need to make sure the man doesn't burn himself out like he did at Bournemouth. Like others when he was first appointed I was a little sceptical, but oh boy, has he proved me wrong. In Eddie we trust!
  11. because @bigfrankchippa posted it, check out his former tweets
  12. Think I got my change of captain in just, using the premier league app - website was broken since 13:10, pathetic
  13. Primarily a left footed right winger, strong runner with good pace - basically a right sided ASM. Would be interesting to see them both in the same side.
  14. Mag3.14

    St James' Park

    They do in the Platinum club, had a bottle there yesterday.
  15. Mag3.14

    Fixtures (2022/23)

    First day: Bournemouth (A) Boxing Day: Southampton (A), evening kickoff Last game: Chelsea (H)
  16. Mirror, Express, Star - Same publishing group. Just a case of (shit) content sharing
  17. Andros Townsend, May 2016
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