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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Even though he's no longer associated in a formal sense with our club even just being on a forum thread about him inspires you, gives you hope, etc... then switch the Pardew thread and immediately you just want to bitchslap the kunt. Maybe it's like someone mention earlier.... kinda makes you feel like a kid again. Excited about NUFC and footy in general. God, forgot what that felt like!
  2. That quote on the cover just sums it up for me. Breaks me heart to see where we are as a club now. That quote should be put on to t-shirts, leaflets, side of hot air balloon or something.
  3. Dear Pards. Every thought about creating your own great footballing side? Regards. Everyone.
  4. I can see there being a real 'edge' to the atmosphere at this game. And in the humble opinion of this gobshite I think it should happen. I don't think fans should stay away. I think they should go and vent their opinions (in a peaceful manner of course). E.g. more anti pardew chants, more pro HBA ones etc. From what I've read there were some 'disagreements' between NUFC fans in the away section on Saturday. Can only think that the same will occur again this Saturday but think it's a pain we'll need to go through.
  5. Stopped reading once I got to this bit: “We’ve started that process, started it last week, so the process of bringing players in here is now very much on-going..... Heard that line every fucking year since he's been here. Prick!
  6. Why dont we just change our name to the Glipton Grasshoppers and be done with it. Fecking glorified pub team is what we'll end like at this rate.
  7. I think its gonna be longer than 10 matches like. Or that may just be wishful thinking. One problem I forsee is that JC aint much calmer. Neither is woodman. Feck, can see our entire coaching staff banished to the stands. Big mike will have to sit in dugout. :-)
  8. This is the worst thing I've ever read He's a f***ing wipe. I opened the thread and honestly thought you were talking about something another forum member had posted. No idea till I scrolled down and saw the article this was actually spoken by our manager. Fuck me sideways!! This man is a fucking clown and should be shot out of a cannon.
  9. Even after last night how are the press still not going after this guy? Fucking unbelievable!!
  10. He's brickin' it big time. Knows he's on a knifes edge. All this bollocks he's coming out with in the press this past week trying to blow smoke up our arseholes just wont work.
  11. So is a 09:45 start deemed "early"? When the feck do they normally pitch in at then?
  12. if this cunt makes it anywhere near 200 games in charge i'll fucking whack the fucker myself
  13. stayed tuned for the rest of the season to find out! Its like Lost but shittier.
  14. Have i missed something? Does 0-3 mean pissflaps is getting sacked?
  15. two bullets are all that's needed. one bullet would do no? I'm thinking lined up one behind the other Red Dwarf style.
  16. You can only score goals with your best players on the pitch and besides, they'll just lead to europe which is something you'd wholeheartedly agree that we don't want as fans of this club.
  17. not even watching it, just following this thread, and I want to kill pardew in some real elaborate ways!
  18. I know pards sometimes has the team looking like we're playing with 10 but c'mon!
  19. Been listening to a certain podcast interview with Rob Lee and hearing him waxing lyrical about being managed by Keegan. Boils my piss to know we're stuck with this charlatan!
  20. Getting the excuses in early. Smart move Alan Aye...but at least Jose in the post match presser will say nice things about him and his team unlike with Fat Sam. Can just imagine him getting giddy like a little school girl "Jose said we don't play like 19th century team". Just waiting for the day when he's chasing a game and he will go and throw Elliott on instead of HBA! Fucking plank!
  21. This please. Hope it is a sign of something bigger about to happen. If we ignore the train of thought that says Joke was just crap at being a DoF and go with the notion he was brought in on purpose to do sweet fuck all then why get shot of him now (I don't for one milli-second believe Joke has gone willingly)? If he was the pantomime villian in this horror story and was fulfilling his remit then it doesn't make sense. This is me clutching at any short straw that gives me hope Ashley's time as owner is on the countdown.
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