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Everything posted by ScottishMagpie

  1. Guns dont kill people...rappers do!
  2. For all his billy big balls act Pardew must wake up crying at night at the thought of losing Cabaye. He's vital to Pardew's tactical plan (notice I didn't use an 's' to indicate plural there kids!) and I would dare suggest pardews tactical plan = cabaye.
  3. Got out my sick bed for 250 mile round trip to watch that steaming pile of s*** yesterday. Was delighted to hear the stadium announcer reading the teams out as I walked in to the gallowgate.... benny was playing joy....which was quickly replaced by puzzlement at our impotent start and then spent the first 20-25 mins trying to work out what our formation was. I'm still working on it! We were atrocious from the first minute....don't buy Pardew's bollocks about us being in control until they equalized. Movement was god-awful across the park. Was looking forward to seeing Santon playing at right back (being a right-footer and all) but he seemed to be scared to go beyond Sissoko and hit the line. Thought Benny would have been uleashed to have a free role but it looked like they all heard that instruction. Only surprise was it took till the 90th minute to see Elliot up the pitch we were so all over the place. Everytime Benny got the ball the rest of the team became one of the fans in the stand and just stood to watch and see what he would do without trying to move or give him an option. Though feck knows where he disappeared to in the second half like. I'd say Tiote was the best off a rank f***ing bunch yesterday. Can some explain to me what Sissoko actually does? Not one for conspiracy theories but the way we played and our tatics yesterday does lend itself to the belief that the club just could give a f*** about the FA Cup. £20 maybe considered a 'reduced' price in these times but I for one won't be attending another cup game under this regime. Just got a horrible feeling like I've been mugged for my money.
  4. Watch Joe try and snatch up this 'young prospect' for nowt.
  5. sounds like i made the right choice in watching billie piper in doctor who on the telly instead.
  6. what's the fecking point of playing it long if no-one's up there to even try and get the 2nd ball?!!!
  7. soz...was in the lavy when he first came on. C'mon lads...came back from 4 down.... can do it from 1!
  8. it's an ancient style of kung fu...gonna open a whole can of whoopass on them.
  9. Would have happily taken a draw but now I'm watching it I think we can win it, and deservedly so.
  10. liverpool probably One of the 'top 4' teams.... we're just up there in the mix due to coincidence.
  11. Will the crowd please stop yelling for someone to shoot everytime someone receives the ball near the opposition box. Boils my piss.
  12. Merry Christmas to all Newcastle-Online members!!! and as for you non-member lot...
  13. So so glad Massey got the that offside decision correct.... can you imagine the uproar if replays showed RVP was onside. Match of Day would be calling for government inquiries and robot linesmen/women would be in place the following weekend.
  14. Is it, though? How exactly can we control what's being reported, outside of a few player interviews? The gossip, opinion, s****, will remain. The press won't suddenly forget about us, because they're not paying. Very good point. I could maybe just begin to see their point IF the press had been mis-reporting or purposefully biased based on these 1-2-1 interviews. As far as I can recall I don't think that's happened.
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