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Everything posted by toonpete1892

  1. Nooooooo not the bibs! Like I and others have said, wearing a toon top is the only way. So; a) The retro tops online (1996/1990) are £30. Throw a few quid on top for some cheap shorts and socks from Sports Direct, discount bins or ebay and we'll be kitted out for less than £40. You may even get lucky buying one of ebay or borrowing/buying it from a mate. b) The two current away tops are both full price and I can't see that changing. Include shorts and socks and you're easily looking at £55-60, really not an option for me. c) We resurrect the yellow away kit. Not sure how many of those who played the last time are playing this time around but between us we must be able to get enough Ms, Ls and XLs. Again ebay may come to the rescue for the odd few we're missing. d) Fake tops. Those who have had them before, how quick is delivery? They maybe not be the real deal but they're still technically toon tops. Any other options or suggestions?
  2. Not a bad shout. I'm not too arsed wearing one from this season but with travelling from distance to play, I'd like to keep the cost low if possible. As long as my top has the crest and I'm playing footy on the turf, I don't really care. How much are the retro tops in the club shop? And do they do the old away tops? Shorts and socks would obviously be an issue but we could easily settle on a block colour from Mike's World.
  3. Not for the first time he was subbed rather than being sent off. He'd been looking at the floor and dugout for the last 30 minutes and suddenly saw red when yet another throw in decision didn't go our way. As the captain this simply isn't/wasn't good enough.
  4. The football is only 90 mins of a day. Unfortunately that 90 mins when associated with NUFC normally has a habit of spoiling the whole weekend!
  5. I'm feeling good about today. The sun is shining (well in Northampton it is), I'll shortly be off to Birmingham, the drinks will be flowing and if little else they'll be some grunt behind the players after the no show last week. Just think, 3 vital points and we can sit there watching MotD later with an 'almost safe from relegation' beer in wor hands. It's time something just clicked after the nothingness and unluckiness of late. I'm more excited about today then I was excited/nervous last weekend.
  6. Refs (normally the chummy/England ones) who tell someone off for doing something whilst the game is in flow. There was twice on Sunday when he allowed a throw to be taken, the game was in motion and he signaled to the offending player that he had foul thrown it. Why, if you saw it as a foul throw, didn't you give it in the first place? I can understand with loose challenges and general time wasting but not for throw ins. Chummy/pally refs in general tbh.
  7. If the laws state that a red card has to be given for a deliberate handball and a handball has to be deliberate to be given, why isn't a red card given for every handball?
  8. I said the complete opposite when I saw her walk out the tunnel. It may be coincidence but when Pigtails is running the line, I can't remember us doing anything but lose badly. Generally she doesn't make the call on big decisions (see the two footed challenge in the corner) and is so slow in keeping up with play (see their third). And before someone points the fingers and says its because she is a she, my opinion is echoed to every linesperson this season. All have been woeful compared to recent years. And whilst I'm ranting, what the hell was the fourth official watching yesterday? Normally they stand back an observe the managers but he was stood on the line for most the game. Next time we should just charge him the £45.
  9. Time to adopt the 'no official travel, no ticket' policy they have for certain games on the continent. Why we allow 1500+ people to be walked a mile between the station and ground (both here and at Sunderland) is lost on me. Remove that issue and all you'd have is drunks like on a normal Friday night. As a fan who looks forward to the away trip down there, I feel we potentially may be seeing halved crowds or even none at all next season. Yes we like to have a laugh and shout a few verbals but the scenes today were pathetic and shameful. For me, this has made me very angry today, much much angrier than the no show in SJP.
  10. toonpete1892

    Fraser Forster

    And if anyone was wondering what his response was, here it is.
  11. Aye, well if people aren't happy then they can offer up their place on here to sell BTW after the draw I put all the away team into a pot and pulled out toonpete1982 to be the captain and lead the side out. I'm doing it for us because I've earned it! That works for me!
  12. How you can fuck up in the Champions League but fall into the Europa League. You had your chance and blew it, but here is a second chance to win a competition surrounded by 'weaker' opposition. It's bullshit!
  13. This, although I do find it hard to believe that quoted price purely for CL football. I know a lad who works at Hawkeye and he has previously said at that price Hawkeye (or the other technology) would be laughing all the way to the bank. EDIT: But the cost of installing, reconfiguring and monitoring the equipment would be many millions.
  14. So first the shite officials missed pretty much every decision going in the game. Then the FA, despite wide media backing, fail to ban McManaman or give the officials a 'week off'. Finally they subsequently hand Carver a ban to rub salt into the wounds. Why don't they go the full distance and wipe away the 1-1 result, oh yeah, they already did that ....
  15. I haven't read the thread as I'll probably just end up annoyed again but has it been mentioned that hundreds of Wigan fans were booing him when he stayed down? Even when he'd been down for 2 minutes and the stretcher finally came on, they were still on their feet angrily wavering their webbed hands.
  16. It just shows how important our draw across there was. Anzhi was one of the feared ties and we made it through! Belta
  17. Although I agree that the display wasn't pretty, some of the negativity on here is laughable. Stoke are a well organised and big unit that requires a different type of tactic to play against. Like midweek against Anzhi, we set up to squash their outlets and this did take away from our attacking play. The conditions were horrible and you could see from any goal kick or high floated ball just how much the ball was moving in the air. Keeping it on the deck wasn't easy either as the ball was sticking on the surface, bouncing high other times (Gouffran's close range shot), bobbling all over the place...and that's before you include the wild, swinging legs of Stoke. We were very scrappy in the final third but I thought our defence and midfield were generally organised and in control. As case of poor Stoke or well done us for not allowing them to play the only 'football' they know? Delighted with the winner and chuffed to bits in the strength we showed to match and overpower anti football Stoke. In other games and other seasons we would have crumbled. I'm also delighted that I have all my fingers, toes and limbs intact because I was freezing!
  18. Thanks to work I only got to see the second half but I thought it was a great result. Defence was strong, formation lacked a forward presence but with our pace it worked well, we gelled together despite new and inexperienced faces, the ball could have done with a little less air in it to aid first touches and the plastic grass needs to be longer so players can get their foot under the ball. Knowing how scrappy my 5aside games become when it is -5C and on a 4G pitch, I can sympathise with why it wasn't the prettiest of games. Well done Pardew and the lads! Imo, if we can't win a game at home, we don't deserve to go through. And that counts for any cup game, not just next week.
  19. Not a bad first half but I'm glad we've got to HT still level. Debuchy with some good runs and dribbles but just lacking the final ball, same on the left come to think about it. Set balls are hopeless. Swansea were allowed to dictate the final 10 minutes through nothing more than sloppy challenges and soft fouls. Keep our heads and we will get a goal/lucky, if only I could be so confident about our defence. But so far, not bad.
  20. Follow follow follow, I will follow the toon where they go. Kharkiv the furthest, the best and the coldest, of all the NUFC games I've been to.
  21. Likewise. It feels like I'm missing something but in there I've got my passport, toon top, toon scarf, quite a few warm things, change of footwear, toiletries, things for the plane, money and well, that's it. Someone else in the group has the tickets, bookings and confirmation papers. Apart from my thermals, it feels like I've taken more away for short weekends. I'm a bit bored of waiting now like. Just 8 hours in work then shit gets real!
  22. As will the 400+ of us making the 4000 mile round trip to the outer most edge of the World Ukraine.
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