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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. Aye,born in Princess Square, Newcastle. There is a lot more Norway/Sweden supporters than I realised!!
  2. There is no need for that sort attack. I feel sullied
  3. I love the way you keep hammering your theory home as though there's any logic to it. How the f*** could he have recovered from a torn muscle in time for the last home game? Alex,I've got no theory or agenda and Dave I,ve never mentioned England games. I was pleased when Owen signed for us and would dearly like it Owen went on to be a huge success here.All I did was ask a genuine question for which I was pilloried. The mistake I keep repeating is that I treat this place as a football forum and try to have conversations with total strangers,some who find it hard to give a non-confrontational or civil reply to the simplest of post(I do not include either of you) Do I have to retire to the air-raid shelter any time I ask for another point of view? Many thought I was having a pop at Owen,which I wasn't.The reason I bumped the thread was because the football press then start to print stories on exactly what I had asked,and I suppose I was trying to justify the original post.
  4. Apparently now making a 'rapid recovery'
  5. Anyone else think that EMO will make a swift recovery after the Liverpool game.Or am I just being cynical.
  6. Anyone else think that EMO will make a swift recovery after the Liverpool game.Or am I just being cynical.
  7. As an aside, I heard on the radio tonight.That of almost 300 players involved in the last full Premiere league outing only 20% were English. It surprised me !!!
  8. Did anyone really think he would be playing AGAINST Liverpool ?
  9. Although I can understand and, to a point ,agree to what he says about foreign players disrupting national squad progression and the obscene amount of money some players make from the game.It's just a little bit rich coming from Frenchman who spent a lot of his career in Italy making enormous wages.
  10. Do you mean 'SIMA lar'? Now that we are nicely balanced, and we are like spurs fans. (who generally take an interest in how their rivals are faring) Would you kindly inform us MJ,just what is the local policy on plastic bottle recycling in and around the Enfield and Tottenham areas I thank you in advance for your time and effort.
  11. You bet Dave.last time I posted on this very subject, I was left with the distinct impression that this was the type of subject matter that many on this site felt happy with.In fact, some welcomed anything that MJ posted.You,IIRC ,even invoked the Lord Jesus himself. I have therefore decided to go along with the clique and encourage this type of post. My only regret now is that I actually live in Newcastle and have an obviously parochial view of things and must improve my understanding of the world outside of the 'sticks' Much as I would like to express my gut feelings on the subject I feel it would only provoke another stinging rebuke.Rather than risk that pain and chagrin, I'll happily read all about the trials and tribulations of Spurs,after all thats what this site is for.Isn't it?
  12. I know I am enthralled by the machinations of Council activity in North London.It is pity that we do not reach a wider audience,in this instance, so more could be aware of these,quite frankly, startling developments.
  13. MMMMmmmmm just gets better and better, keep it coming!!!
  14. :celb:Scintillating news. Any more revelations that we could all enjoy from the capital?
  15. Dogmatix

    Paul Barron

    Thanks Fugazi- at least one got it
  16. Dogmatix

    Paul Barron

    Looks like we have permission to talk to goal-keeping coach Paul Barron. If Kinky John Fowler turns up with Tony Barron, I for one, will start worrying.
  17. Excellent post Tom. At the risk of sounding like an anorak is it possible to read more of this research?
  18. Dogmatix


    Well thats what struck me- it is going to be lit up red and white,then some white bits!!! I don't think that I'm being a drama queen,I just think that huge edifice,in mackem colours in our city is wrong.And no I don't want to 'big' about it,you can't take the moral high ground where football is concerned. Certainly not if you jump about like a loon when your team score or you sing daft songs or bay for the refs blood etc etc.Thats what football is about. O.K. it might just be my opinion but I don't want to drive over a bridge decked out in mackem colours (in Newcastle) at any time,but especially not in derby week. There again if you don't live here why give a sh1t
  19. Dogmatix


    Do any of you know that NEXUS (METRO) plan to light up the Queen Elizabeth Metro Bridge in RED & WHITE I know I can be very childish at times, but,this has to be wrong. I E-Mailed Nexus to object and got this reply --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Paul, The Metro bridge across the Tyne is being specially lit up in the colours of both teams therefore not signalling any one team out. The Nocturne project - the biggest light art work in Britain will pulse a kaleidoscope of colours from black and white to red and white and back again. It is felt that the lighting is a fitting way to mark the build up of the big game and to once again showcase the £300.000 Nocturne project which was switched on in April this year. Kind Regards Tim Brough Metro Communications Assistant --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is it just me??? I don't think it's very fitting at all the Mackems boycott anything Black and White at the drop of a hat i.e. Northern Rock,Sugar Puffs and now Sports Direct.But we have to put up with there colours on a bridge over the Tyne during a derby week-end. If any feel you would like to complain the e-mail is :- Tim Brough <[email protected]> :rant:
  20. Clarkey leave to join Roeder at Norwich--- Any views one way or the other?
  21. Am i the only one who hates it with a passion? I hate it too. It's Feckin Dross
  22. Dogmatix


    Would rather have Kenwyne Jones
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