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Everything posted by Dogmatix

  1. Don't think that is true - Local Hero was being played long before Shearer signed OR Shepherd became Chairman. As I said , thats what I was told.I stand to be corrected.It doesn't stop it being a dirge though (The film and song were released in 1983)
  2. Insipid .Music to slit your wrists to. It was freddies song,it was his idea,so I was told.It was thought to be the perfect reference to Shearer. The club has been cleansed from top to bottom. We've got a new owner , a new manager and a new team.There is no need to hang on to anything from that era now. A remix of 'Welcome to the pleasure dome', even the lyrics work well
  3. Dogmatix

    Want Diouf?

    When we,ve just gettin rid of all the shit,why bring in another toerag and start it up again. NO THANKS
  4. Phew !! You haven't met the lovely 'Cloudia' have you?
  5. I was just thinking that . In the words of KK 'I'd love it'
  6. _______________________________________________________________________ Cos it's as funny as f*ck,and I find it cheers me up no end reading all the jealousy and bile. ;D
  7. Heard it pronounced 'Ca- shapa' on the BBC radio today.Anyone know the correct pronounciation?
  8. 100% agree I totally agree as well.I'm presuming whats holding this up is that Campbell is away playing in the Asia Cup.
  9. The makems have a bling boy of their very own now- check this out http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/gallery/2007/jul/25/1?picture=330266398
  10. Can't say you're excited that someone who knows what he's doing has been appointed? He knows what he's doing in a law farm, not a football club. Surely you recognise there is a subtle difference? As far as the chairman is concerned, the club is a business, just like everywhere else. Sam Allardyce is in charge of the footballing side. Even if you think that, a lawyer is not by definition a good chairman of a company? Again, there is a subtle difference.. He's a man that a Billionaire has been working with all his life, got to say I trust his opinion over yours He is taking through his arse anyway. Every biotech company is headed up by Lawyers just as a simple example. To say a lawyer by defintion doesnt make a good chairman is nonsense. Company leaders can come from anywhere, finance, marketing, sales, HR or even legal. If nothing else ,at least Mort is more likely check out contracts properly and kick the escape clauses into touch
  11. OH happy day !!!!!!! bet there are still some on here who'll whine about it
  12. He certainly gave the impression that he wouldn't put up much resistance to a transfer whatever way it came (whoopee 100) P.S. Do I get a telegram from the Queen?
  13. Dogmatix

    Luke Young

    Thats probably why Sinclair wasn't much good at Man city ,covered in spunk.From head to foot if it was all the Media
  14. Dogmatix


    Thing is, how far back do you look into a persons injury record? Overall or in the last couple of seasons? Were they lucky to begin with? Are they unlucky now? He is out for at least 3 months,isn't he? (Broken pelvis -I think)
  15. Please don't say that ,cos we'll end up with Kevin 'whatshisface' rent a quote for England
  16. If the guilty parties are who we all think they are (if that makes sense) Do you think the police would allow us to crucify them ,as pre-match entertainment. Personally, I think it would be a cracking way to start the season. Out with the old etc etc
  17. Me and my Dad and brothers would like to agree with you but we're all to busy working for the Council
  18. Hahaha.... her hairline is resenting her face! Shave off the hair and she looks like that cock-eyed bloke from silence of the lambs (the one that collects bugs)!!! She actually looks a bit like a younger version of the new West Ham chairman. Looks f*** all like him. Nar ,it looks like George Doors ugly sister.
  19. If you donate,can you start threads and use the arcade?
  20. Certainly miss them. Imagine if Roeder was still our manager, and he was passing up on good free transfers like Geremi or Viduka - HTL would no doubt still be arguing that just because we think the club should have signed them... Must be devestating to be a toon supporter right now according to what they argued. Evil dictator buying the club, angel and saviour Shepherd seemingly on his way out, (more) complete lies about Shepherd revealed by Souness' recent blast, value for money non-trophy-signing transfers coming in early and in abundance, Milner having proved himself a good winger down the left despite not being able to play there... Ended up softening to an extent and becoming valuable members of this board overnight, with everyone suddenly liking them, and no doubt theyre decent folk in real life and but f*** it, why sugar coat things, for a long while they were patronising cocks who assumed they knew best and that only their opinion counted, whilst generally passing themselves off as the equivalent of ignorant, see-no-evil hear-no-evil Shepherd Missionaries, "top 5, Our Lord can do no Wrong" in every single post where the opportunity arose to defend the chosen one. And yes, ive copied this straight off of Talksport. And I acknowledge any bans for flaming. 100% agreed
  21. It all sounded like another FFS pie-in-the-sky quote to me at the time.Too many things that did'nt add up. I was told by a previous stadium manager at SJP that further building work at the Gallowgate couldn't go ahead because they couldn't re-inforce the Metro tunnels
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