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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. He'll fucking revel in that the fat cunt but ultimately it won't be Fat Sam sending us down, it'll be the fucking tragic board and management.
  2. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Good - any news is good news at this stage.
  3. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Andy Dunn's been ok lately to be fair to him.
  4. Looking forward to the club rushing out a statement about the sheer fucking state of our performances and mismanagement of late.
  5. I think it's going to the wire between us and them. But I really can't see them getting 2 more wins. Maybe one and a draw. End of the day, we should never have had to entertain this as an option. We have been on 35 points since the end of February FFS Joke of a scenario but we're a joke of a club. If we go down, and I think we will, we'll deserve it and nobody more than Ashley and Penfold for their sheer arrogance and lack of ambition. Looks like football has found them out.
  6. Minhosa

    Steve McClaren

    Bang on. Bloke is a fucking rank appointment and the fucking dismay with Tenlicks doesn't make that appointment any better in the long term. Wish we'd go leftfield just for the interest factor.
  7. They won't beat Arsenal. Ne chance. They'll win 2 x games. I said they'd win today too. It's written in the stars that we hand them 6 points and relegate ourselves like the useless sets of cunts we are.
  8. Minhosa

    John Carver

    This guy needs the home fans to turn on him and sing about what a clueless cunt he is. That'll be enough to send him over the edge, probably nutting the sportsshite hoardings like a proper biffa bacon.
  9. Minhosa

    Paul Dummett

    Nope. Registered with Forest until next season's registrations I believe.
  10. Regardless, if they win their game in hand, they're above us anyway.
  11. I really think 1 win would see us comfortably safe. It would leave Sunlun needing 2 wins from 4. But we have zero fight. They'll do that. They do it every year.
  12. We cannot buy a win. We won't win again this season and all of the rest of them battling for 3rd bottom are picking up points. We're fucked. Proper fucked.
  13. Really? You can't see Sunderland, who've picked up 4 points out of the last 6 finishing above us, when we've picked up precisely fucking zero from 24 available?
  14. Impressive in terms of incompetence. And a massive helping of 'lack of ambition' too. Getting rid of Santon man . Woeful ownership.
  15. We're fucked here. Incredible achievement to get relegated from that January position. Fair play.
  16. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Yep - even when he's back to bibs and cones next season, he's done himself no favours as every cunt in the squad will hate him.
  17. Sunderland the better team according to Soccer Sat.
  18. Minhosa

    John Carver

    That's all we need, another puppet. If he fails next week we could always try Moncur. Chemical Bobbi.
  19. Aye. And it was 1000% preventable if they brought any REAL manager in. Ashley deserves this.
  20. Minhosa

    John Carver

    To be fair, if you look at that starting eleven today....Jonas is going (and has been treated like shite), Raylor is going, Colo has been forced to stay a year and clearly has the hump, Willo has been publically criticised by Charver yesterday, Anita marginalised and played out of position and Krul is obviously sniffing for a move. That leaves the spinesless Sissoko, young Perez, Dummett, Janmaat (who clearly has no respect for JC) and the fucking wingnut Colback. None of them give a shit and, those that do, are fucking hopeless or demoralised.
  21. Daft fucking tyre faced cunt is probably trying to work out how to open it.
  22. This lot win their games in hand and they're one point above us.
  23. Minhosa

    John Carver

    Can't wait for Easy Ryder's pro-Carver articles this week.
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