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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Has Mina left then? Apologies if a stupid question, it's not something I've seen talked about in the press.
  2. Nope - I'm certainly not an ITK, just sometimes end up talking with people who can be useful hence the Kenyon takeover stuff and the odd other bits, here and there. Only ever once in a blue moon.
  3. Not sure but I know/knew the lawyer working on it.
  4. I was told from a reliable source that we bid for RLC under Rafa.
  5. He needs to leave Chelsea for his potential to have any chance of being recognised imho. I'd say the same for Loftus-Cheek too tbf but both have massive potential.
  6. CHO would be very high up on my list of targets tbh. He could be a special player with some coaching and a season of guaranteed starts.
  7. No - I meant Pope going to the WC i.e: He's probably been guaranteed number 1 spot by Howe otherwise presumably he'd not have signed?
  8. Aye - he's done some bonza business for them tbf.
  9. I do wonder if perhaps the plan is to keep Darlow and cash in on Dubravka? Clearly Dubravka is the much better keeper but I can't imagine he'll be happy playing second fiddle to Pope in a World Cup year. Also, given all of the FFP talk, I wonder if a Dubravka sale might be more useful to the club in terms of balancing the spend? Obviously, I'd much prefer to keep Marty D but it wouldn't shock me to see us stuck with Darlow. Particularly now Boro have gone elsewhere...
  10. Unless your agent is hindering your career progession...........you know, the exact thing they're there to facilitate. Right now, unless he gets a BIG move this summer (such as Bayern, Madrid, PSG or whomever) his agent runs the risk of killing his career before it gets out of the traps. Say he stays at Reims, gets a bad injury early doors, struggles to regain form (not entirely unthinkable) then how much is he worth next summer? Who's in for him? None of the above and probably, by then, nobody at our level either. It's shit or bust this summer and, if it's not to be to us, then his agent better have a card up his sleeve otherwise he's going to look like a right incompetent cunt tbh.
  11. Funnily enough, saw Adam Armstrong strongly linked with a loan move to Watford yesterday.
  12. If he wants the move now, after all the too-ing and fro-ing, I'd be inclined to tell him we won't do the deal with his agent and he'll need a new, NUFC vetted, one for the deal to continue. Can't imagine Ashworth appreciating the current agents behaviour tbh.
  13. Aye - I can't see them releasing any more now.
  14. This! Can't help but feel it's going to take a fucking huge amount of time for my feeling of sheer gratitude to the new owners for freeing us of Ashley to even look like wearing off tbqh. Some of the demanding shite I see on social media is frankly mindblowing to me. Like, have you literally forgotten the last 14 years ever happened? Like winning the lottery and pretending you didn't have the money to pay your gas bill for 14 years. Just because you're loaded now doesn't erase your past. We didn't deserve poverty and we're not entitled to riches. Just enjoy the ride and have some fucking grace man you set of spoiled attention seeking bellends.
  15. Probably a stupid question and perhaps one for the accountants but can we not allocate an infrastructure spend now by using some form of prepayment? Essentially pay for (or towards) a large part of the stadium/training ground investment now before the new rules apply?
  16. This 'here we go' shite is fucking annoying.
  17. All these accounts just constantly post the same fucking info as though its some sort of news. Cunts.
  18. Irrefutable proof that cerebral activity didn't complete bypass the Ferdinands...
  19. So, it's not going to general sale then? Or is it?
  20. Minhosa

    Nick Pope

    Also, on a sunnier note, delighted with this signing tbh. Makes medium term sense imho.
  21. Minhosa

    Nick Pope

    He's a wrong'un that Pearson kid. Clearly not the full shilling either. Everytime the cunt pops up on social media I can't exit the content quickly enough..........I'll challenge myself with having closed the application by the time he says 'Newcaso'. It's like the NUFC content equivalent of a danger wank. He drops more 'L's' than HTT does shit Mexican craic tbh.
  22. I'm honestly so chilled about this window. Have a huge amount of trust in the new owners and, even if we do nothing more than what we've already done, I'm just delighted not to have to worry about those previous toxic pricks ruining everything I've ever cared about. To be in love again is more than enough for me and it'll take a fucking long time to migrate my feelings away from just pure gratitude tbh. I'm still on cloud nine following last October and I don't wanna come back down to the nitty gritty of 'will he, won't he?' etc. I'm very happy to be floating along on a cloud of optimism and gratitude for a long while yet.
  23. Yeah, I remember reading that article they did on the Athletic where he categorically denies any relationship with Ashley. Never mentioned his associates though. I'd be shocked if he's not got some hidden stake in it tbh. That being the case, the quicker we can fuck them off, the better.
  24. Anyone got any early thoughts ahead of next season? For me, the Haaland signing probably makes KdB more attractive because you'd imagine they'd link well. I'm unsure how the Nunez deal will impact Salah's numbers as yet.
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