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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. Yep, it's a game of opinions, and I know many don't rate him at all but I've watched Mings live quite a few times and he can be superb. If we needed another body at CB (we don't) I'd be very very happy to add him to the mix along with Burn, Botman and Schar.
  2. Minhosa

    Lee Charnley

    Not widely known but Charnley was tied into a short term consultancy agreement with the club even after he left the building. It only expired at the end of July. Fair play to the baldy fuckknuckle, he must've had a few clubs interested in him if he's walked straight into another gig. Either that or he's just really good at selling his tea making skills?
  3. West Brom were by far the better team. They battered Watford in the first half, Just the freak Sarr goal for Watford kept them in it really. Which makes WBA dropping points all the sweeter!
  4. Going to this and can't wait. On the Potter/Howe debate - for me, those two, are the stand out candidates for replacing Southgate. I can 100% see one of, if not both, of them getting that gig in their careers. Potter, particularly, is made for it. Intelligent, well read, a 'clean' choice and a 'company man'.
  5. I watched tonnes of Rob Lee live. Saw virtually every home game and plenty away. This guy is better.
  6. Started the season where I left off one rangers corner off a 10/1 winner.
  7. Bought him for £15m and he's got 4 years left. It's not a ridiculous amount in the circumstances imho. Some talk he's put in a transfer request...
  8. Understand that completely but still feel we've been done over a bit tbh.
  9. Bit disappointed we didn't get any sort of fee for him tbh. He's basically guaranteed goals at that level therefore, even on a hefty salary, he'd surely be worth a few million? As it is, we're probably funding some of his wages too. Regardless, wish him well and he goes with plenty of good wishes.
  10. Shoulders back and right into it.
  11. Villains I know LOVE him. @brummiewill be able to advise further....
  12. Aye, I'm a big in-play gambler and when they trialled this during covid, it completely changed the betting dynamic tbh. It's a big no from me.
  13. Imagine being a BCFC fan and listening to this man. A bit like knowing the train is coming off the tracks before you even board it. Poor fuckers.
  14. Maybe Alex can whisper it to Amanda and Co from his seat in the Directors Box?
  15. Got such a good feeling about this guy. I predict he's going to be a fucking colossus.
  16. Plus they’re signing Sterling imminently too.
  17. Who are your first 3/4 players that will form the bedrock of your teams this season? - Salah - Trent - KdB - Kane For me. I'd initially put in Haaland and Darwin but can't risk either of them being slowly bedded in for now.
  18. Yep - now live here too (UK).
  19. Anyone else noticed how readily he's changed his tune about the owners btw? Staveley in particular. He wasn't far off mocking her before the takeover and now he's absolutely desperate to shoe horn a compliment over the new ownership in every article. Fucking two faced cretin. Hope Reuben calls in a tory favour and get's him banged off to cover St Mirren for the rest of his career tbh.
  20. Ah! Thanks. Any idea what sort of fee he'll go for?
  21. Same. He'd be a good fit in our midfield imho. The fee back in the day was circa £18m, all in, after add ons etc etc.
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