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Everything posted by Minhosa

  1. No way. Future England regular. We've not had a player through the ranks as good as him for ages. Would send the wrong message too imo.
  2. Being pessimistic, I'd say 4-3-3 is Allardyce's favoured formation and he wants to use it even if we don't have the right players, and will only switch to 4-4-2 as a last resort in games. But surely 4-3-3 is the more positive approach to a game though?
  3. Agreed. Fancyb us finishing above them this year.
  4. In an ideal world, I would have liked:- Bolton(a) - DRAW Aston Villa(h) - DRAW Middlesbrough(a) - Win Wigan(h) - Win So.................errrrrrrrrrrrrr................yes. HAPPY.
  5. Wouldn't take much in fairness. He was a complete ........................
  6. Milner was poor today but thats complete and utter bollocks! He is often the only outlet we have! I bet you were sitting there tugging away everytime N'Zog tried to take on 6 players and lost the ball though. N'Zog was a light year ahead of Milner today and if you can't see the difference in quality between the two players you had better give up tugging yourself tbh. I was pointing out how one player will get nothing but praise no matter how much he does! Scored a fantastic goal and put in at least one quality cross so he pissed all over Milner today but he still has a big problem trying to do too much, losing it which leads to us being under pressure again. You wont see this though because Milner is s**** and N'Zog is just the greatest little player ever! Apparently.... Really? I can't recall anyone saying that. Milner isn't good enough for a first team place at a club aiming to achieve something though. N'Zogbia could be. Both are decent squad players. Cant be arsed to get into another Milner debate but he is good enough for us at the moment. He is far far far away from being our worst player but for some reason he seems to be the current scapegoat for some. Disagree. I would prefer we actually stood a chance of achieving something. We're not going to with that sort of quality as a first teamer. Bollocks. So those achieving are fighting themselves to buy him? Good squad player Jon, not good enough for a team aspiring to better things. You need to let your head rule your heart on this one. The old "there arent better clubs after him" shite, which you wouldn't know anyway. Owen was available for £9m earlier this summer but no-one came in for him, is he not good enough either? At this time Milner is clearly good enough for us, there are a fair few players in the first 11 who aren't any better than him so unless we are signing another 11 player soon he is good enough. As much as it pains me to say it, I agree with Dijon. Milner is a good player and is more than good enough for us atm. At least he looks like he's dangerous at some point in most games - we can't ask much more than that for where we are right now.
  7. I think that's almost immaterial TBH. If he doesn't go now it's clear that he's planning for life down south soon. So Sam's better off buying a new RB IMO.
  8. Sorry, posted that without saying that he said 'Mido was within his rights to have a go at the Toon fans as there were thousands of them having a go at him'
  9. Fuck off Southgate you second rate, shite penalty taking twat.
  10. I'm just wondering, following BSA's interview, whether he's looking for Owen to be away - seems a bit critical in his interview given his chance was just a half chance imo.
  11. Not sure I agree with that - I think smith can do a job in midfield and I also think there will be games where he dominates this season and looks immense. Lets give Sam's approach time.
  12. Agree Dave - his distribution was awful. I would've liked to have seen Cacapa on for Carr but can only assume his fitness is not 100% reliable as yet?
  13. I think, regardless of formation, with a squad like ours we should be sticking Boro down as a nailed on 6 points TBH. They're a very poor side and one we should be looking to dominate every time.
  14. Fair point. Looking forward to his reception at St. James. Fat bastard. He'll have a transfer request in by then anyway when he's realised what a shite hole Boro is. Twat.
  15. Moan, moan f****** moan. Change the record man! Change it to what we threw away two points and cant pass a ball Smith is rubbish Very harsh given it's only his 3rd competitive game for us.
  16. Tuncay looks a right fat twat too. He's got moobs for fucks sakes.
  17. Without the need for a press statement, press conference or anything, he's just confirmed his intentions for the club by turning up in a Toon top IMO. Quality move.
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