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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Torino scoring all the long rangers tonight.
  2. Apparently Moyes has managed 40 consecutive prem games in the relegation zone.
  3. Rodrigo, formerly of Bolton Wanderers
  4. Watched this earlier about the Man City owners, interesting stuff especially about the motivations behind the city project. Thought it relevant with murmurings that it's Saudi/Middle East money, also the bit about the front man is interesting.
  5. Ah dammit, would have been funny if their rabid brexiteering had cost them the title.
  6. Wasn't Sunderland running for this?
  7. Immobile has 14 in 11 this season for Lazio although none of them seem to be able to carry their form into the national team. Italy seem to have completely lost faith in their manager so seems a uphill task despite their quality.
  8. Italy getting beat by a team with Toivonen and Berg as the strikeforce. Ouch.
  9. This is pretty much the case for most of the oligarch owners. Pretty sure the Monaco owner partly bought the club to get his money away from his wife as they were going through a mega divorce
  10. IF Simeone leaves Atleti for the Prem it will be for Chelsea to replace Conte when he heads to Milan at the end of the season.
  11. If he did that at the SOL when we were 5-0 up it would be the best thing ever imo Top bantz from Lyons club shop
  12. To be fair Fekir's from Lyon and this is their main derby. It's not like he was antagonising some random team.
  13. Absolute scenes in the Lyon game, riot police the lot
  14. Delli's lass looks like she's enjoying herself
  15. I must admit I thought they were unbalanced as a squad but I never saw Everton being this bad this season
  16. Loving the pantomime boo's for Williams
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