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Everything posted by GeordieDazzler

  1. Rodger’s is done but is hanging on for his pay off aka Brucie.
  2. GeordieDazzler

    João Pedro

    Well at least he’ll be used to our training ground weirdos
  3. GeordieDazzler

    João Pedro

    All criticism of Edwards is completely fair.
  4. GeordieDazzler

    João Pedro

    Even if Edwards is right I will give him zero credit
  5. My mate just seen Botman in Forest Hall Lidl. Clearly we are signing good characters.
  6. GeordieDazzler

    João Pedro

    Tyneside sources likely told not to say shit to Edwards. He was on the Pope transfer as it happened but it was clear that his information was from the Burnley side and not us.
  7. GeordieDazzler

    João Pedro

    6 year deal means just over 4m a season for FFP purposes yeah?
  8. GeordieDazzler

    João Pedro

    If this comes through I want Romano’s face hastily photoshopped on that pic of the kid standing over the grave stone with ‘Luke Edwards reputation’ written on it. I’m sure the forum will oblige.
  9. GeordieDazzler

    João Pedro

    Wouldn’t be that surprising if clubs release info directly to Romano and his team. Seems a better bet than drip feeding the Journos.
  10. I love that the picture makes it look like he’s trying, and failing to keep a straight face
  11. I’ve had it in my head that Man U will appoint Southgate should he step down from England. Curious to see what Potter does after Brighton although don’t expect him to leave any time soon.
  12. I assume that the last round of friendlies before the WC would indicate if he gets a chance. Injuries could always open the door. Very competitive in the middle of the park for Brazil.
  13. Hope Bruno is in the ear of Tite. He’d fully deserve a call up, regardless if he plays or not.
  14. I stopped listening to that show purely due to Glendenning.
  15. This article is fucking HILARIOUS in retrospect https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-10192591/Steven-Gerrard-Aston-Villa-perfect-fit-Newcastle-blew-chance-appointing-him.html
  16. I had a browse of some of the Everton message boards and they were all of the opinion Lampard had made a positive difference to the team and the main issue is lack of personnel. Gerrard on the other hand seems to been seen as Bruce Redux, hard to find a single positive opinion on him on Villa Talk.
  17. We defend as a team these days and the difference is night and day. Big Joe has been key to that. We disrupt so well in midfield it takes so much pressure of the lads at the back. Confidence begets confidence.
  18. PSG and Bayern making a mockery of their respective leagues at the weekend.
  19. He was basically an personal appointment by Purslow who is the former Liverpool CEO and now in that position at Villa. Old boys network style appointment. Hopefully it means they persevere with him way longer than they should. The press are doing their part, not a single article about him being under pressure. He wasn’t considered by us as he refused complete an interview and just wanted to be headhunted.
  20. Or the board refusing to back what is increasingly looking like a losing horse.
  21. The papers seem to be going with the red card reversal being controversial.
  22. GeordieDazzler

    João Pedro

    Better goal record than when Richarlison when he was at Watford. He’ll benefit from playing in Eddies system and will get more goal chances. Hope it gets done. He’ll thrive on those Bruno balls!
  23. Loved the quote in Howes interview about what he said to him at full time ‘you play like that every week and all your career aspirations will come true’
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