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Everything posted by Ronaldo

  1. Ronaldo

    Joey Barton

    Intelligent Joey has even managed to get the lyrics wrong.
  2. Ronaldo

    Alan Pardew

    Perch and Ranger shouldn't be anywhere near.
  3. Ronaldo

    Joey Barton

    Where the hell would Arsenal play him? He'd last 2 games in CM at most.
  4. Rossi. We had him on the bench behind Shola, Sibierski and Luque.
  5. Best would easily manage 10 league goals with an extended run in the team.
  6. Ronaldo

    Joey Barton

    That would have sat right on here, 2 years back.
  7. McKay is living in a fantasy world. Champions League player.
  8. I'd rather have Jonas or Gosling in a midfield 3.
  9. I do mind. I'm just not hugely bothered about it.
  10. I like him very much as a player, and have defended him time after time when I thought the criticism was unwarranted and his value to the team was being underrated by some.
  11. This is exactly right. Some seem to have this image of him as a durable, tough-tackling powerhouse with a terrific engine. He's anything but.
  12. In the middle he's the square root of shite, Matt. Gets bullied far too often and no longer has the legs to be considered a grafter. He's a wide-midfielder who sometimes drifts inside, usually to the team's detriment. Whatever gap Barton leaves, I'm convinced Cabaye will more than fill it.
  13. Barton a grafter, yeah right. He might try hard, but a lot of players do.
  14. Ronaldo

    Shola Ameobi

    If Shola gets a new contract i'll sell my season ticket. Not paying money to watch League One standard cunts like that waste of space piss about the pitch.
  15. Ronaldo

    Joey Barton

    Thing is, he'd just be a backup to Cabaye this season. He wouldn't be happy with that.
  16. Went into Sports Direct today. Gorgeous lass behind the desk asked me to buy a bag because it would entitle her to more hours over the summer.
  17. Ronaldo

    Joey Barton

    Part of me thinks this is what he wanted all along.
  18. Ronaldo

    Joey Barton

    Glad your not manager, you'd have got shot of Cantona and Romario cause they were no longer worth the hassle. Barton doesn't even appear in my first choice starting Xl anymore. I'm not sure how this situation relates to Cantona and Romario, but well done for throwing those names out there. Very impressive. Really ? Braving the unknown instead ? I don't think Barton would work as part of a midfield 3. Said it all along.
  19. Ronaldo

    Joey Barton

    The only hassle I've witnessed is a few muppets on a messageboard crying into their keyboards. Right. Well if you could afford the occasional newspaper you'd see that his words create negativity far beyond the forums that we just don't need when trying to attract players and maintain a modicum of team spirit.
  20. Ronaldo

    Joey Barton

    Glad your not manager, you'd have got shot of Cantona and Romario cause they were no longer worth the hassle. Barton doesn't even appear in my first choice starting Xl anymore. I'm not sure how this situation relates to Cantona and Romario, but well done for throwing those names out there. Very impressive.
  21. Ronaldo

    Joey Barton

    He's a good player, but no longer worth the hassle.
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