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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. This is the same Steven Taylor who Pardew wouldn't give the time of day to ahead of Mike Williamson for the last year?
  2. Clock doesn't stop for corners though, so I doubt that'll count. IMHO.
  3. Well that first half was every bit as disgustingly shit as I expected.
  4. How did he miss that so badly? Fucking hilarious marking.
  5. I'm way too hung over / drunk for this shit. Hope we get battered.
  6. Indeed. Doesn't matter who we have, the plan is the same. Defend, graft, hope for luck. It's bloody awful and no players look good under it.
  7. Every time I see this thread upped, I hope it's because he's been hit by a speeding bus. I can't believe anyone in the world, from fans to journalists to Mike Ashley or even Pardew himself, can think for one nanosecond that anything is any better because we beat the second worst team in the league, at home, by a single solitary goal. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and even the worst managers get a win occasionally. I hope we get thrashed in every game until he leaves or is fired, or gets hit by that bus, and if that means we go to the Championship or L1 or whatever, so be it. It's not my money Newcastle United will be losing, I couldn't give a single toss. You reap what you sow Mr Ashley, if you continue to employ this charlatan, you deserve every penny of the financial loss you'll incur as a result and the net effect on me, on any level, will be zero.
  8. Plays Streetfighter 2 and spends the entire game just blocking to get a draw when the time runs out, whilst hoping for some "magic" to damage his enemy. Blames his wife for shouting that his tea's ready when he loses.
  9. That's the best thing about the new FIFA, IMO. You can play as Newcastle and actually enjoy the games. Play the correct players in (shock horror) the correct positions. (Or if you're a masochist you can play as Pardew and stick everyone in the wrong places, sell anyone with flair to be replaced by some English cloggers, hoof the ball upfield and sub your left back after an hour.)
  10. Alan, if he cared even remotely, you'd be sacked. And it is only difficult to win Premier League games because you're incompetent.
  11. We're going to win this, aren't we? Can't believe I'm gutted by that prospect. This is what this prick had reduced me to.
  12. Quickly? We be so fucking lucky. This really is death by a thousand cuts.
  13. I really couldn't give a single shit if we're relegated. Not a single penny of my money will be lost if / when we go down. Fuck the lot of them, Ashley in particular. He deserves to lose millions for sticking with this useless shitstain, it won't effect me at all beyond having to watch us be shit all this year. But we'll be shit all year even if we finish 17th, just slightly less so, and the cracks will be papered over and we'll begin again next year exactly the same. At least if we go down, the right person gets punished the most, ie Ashley. We might be annoyed by it, but it'll cost us not a penny so bring it on.
  14. Which daft cunt let him get a return ticket?
  15. Yes, his presser will surely just be the standard "Leicester are a good team, we need to work hard and hope for some luck. It's important the fans back us, and I hope they enjoy the fish quiz."
  16. This pr guru has done a fucking fantastic job, you must say. Guess who wins again?
  17. It's just horrendous that nothing is ever the manager's fault, no matter the club and no matter the situation. They really should be able / have the balls to call an incompetent prat an incompetent prat.
  18. Those stories are just superb. Absolutely nothing surprises me in them mind, you can just perfectly imagine him doing all of that.
  19. That AIDS thing just screams Pardew. If the story is true, there's no way on Earth it's not him.
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