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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Chris_R


    Love Keane saying that the atmosphere at Newcastle didn't affect him and he "never fell for all that crap", straight after commenting that he got sent off twice here.
  2. Just read that. I'm sure Mapou would be on the next flight back to Newcastle if he knew he could play backup to Mike Williamson and maybe get a couple of cup games at fullback. What a shower of s*** our club is. Sorry, what a shower of shit Pardew is.
  3. Mind you, so was Hitler. Plus he knew how to attack.
  4. Hope he gets better soon. Seems like a top bloke.
  5. Chris_R

    Steven Taylor

    Taylor's problem is he's neither the captain nor is he a giant we can hoof free kicks and corners at. Therefore he's got fuck all chance of playing. Same problem Mapou had. Selecting CBs is nothing to do with ability in Pardewland.
  6. Currently watching Guingamp's game from yesterday. He's playing in the #10 role and playing superbly well. Lovely touch and footwork whenever he picks up the ball, always looking to be positive and carry it forward and has also created a couple of decent chances through his link-up play. Yeah, but he doesn't track back like Colback. That kind of play would leave us so exposed. Can't you see, it's all about the graft? What's wrong with you?
  7. "Schrodinger's Pards"?? More like Schrodinger's Twat.
  8. Haha, he variously says Pardew will get until Christmas, until November, or maybe be sacked sooner. That article is fucking useless.
  9. Yes, but then surely you have to give us 2 extra points for Palace nicking a draw? Things are bad enough without needlessly making up stats.
  10. Ashley isn't seeing it as a choice between losing £3m to sack Pardew and losing £50m if we're relegated. At this stage, he's seeing it as a choice between losing £3m to sack Pardew and losing nothing if Pardew walks. The fact that he's making tens of thousands of Geordies miserable every week by continuing to employ Pardew isn't even entering his head. It'll stick in his craw to reward a man for failure too. As others have suggested, there may be trigger points at which compensation is reduced: Bottom 3 after 10 games, for example, or league position at Christmas. I also don't doubt that failing to meet expectations at the end of the season might allow reduced compensation but of course by then we'll be screwed. We all (me included) want Ashley to spend £3m to sack Pardew, after all it's his money not ours, but to be quite honest I can understand why he's reluctant to. I also understand why Pardew is reluctant to quit. This just harks back to giving someone an 8 year contract being utterly ridiculous. In short, we as fans and Newcastle as a team are going to suffer until one of these cunts blinks first. I reckon it'll be Ashley as Pardew won't quit, but he'll try to avoid firing him on full compensation if at all possible.
  11. Chris_R


    I think we've discussed Pardew enough. Time to just harpoon the cunt in the face.
  12. I always hated Venables when he was a manager. Thought he was massively over-rated. Sure, won something with Barca but doesn't everyone and got England to the Euro semi finals but so did almost every manager of a home nation before him, yet the press fell over themselves for him like a bunch of fawning sycophants. However 10 years down the line and he looks like the next messiah next to our current shitstain. My, how times have changed and expectations have lowered.
  13. After moving down here I lived in Westbourne (Burnaby Road, since you probably know the area!) for 5 years until last year, now moved to Poole.
  14. As someone who is now exiled in Bournemouth, I'd love to see Eddie Howe get a crack at a big club. Plays good football, can operate on a shoestring, players seem happy to run through walls for him. What he's done at Bournemouth in two spells has been remarkable.
  15. Between 721 who voted here, that's £5500 each. That's a bit steep, but I reckon if you add in everyone who wants him gone we could probably chip in £50-100 each and cover it. I'm game.
  16. I simply do not understand why managers ever get sacked. Surely the sensible thing is to just stick them on gardening leave for the duration of their contract? That way, you either spread out the compensation or far more likely you don't have to pay nearly as much because when they pick up another role they have to leave their current contract with you. Either that, or in Pardew's case he can't work for the next 6 years if he wants to collect the full money, which will ruin his career. (I know, I know) I cannot believe this isn't done like 99% of the time a manager is dispatched.
  17. Chris_R

    Paul Dummett

    Strikes me as a bit like a left-footed Danny Simpson. Only even worse on the ball and not hanging out the back of a talentless songstress.
  18. Going to be cup-tied when he comes back in January and we get to the final.
  19. Would be amusingly ironic if Pardew got sacked for losing a League Cup tie.
  20. Should have a stormer tonight. He normally plays well in meaningless friendlies.
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