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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Chris_R


    This ticket giveaway malarky has been going on for as long as I can remember, certainly since they moved to that pit. I remember suggestions that FTM should really stand for Free Ticket Mackems.
  2. Chris_R


    If the penny has finally fallen for them, then fuck me it's come down from a hell of a height.
  3. Chris_R


    So Martin, your team are a top six side in every way, apart from the only thing that you've had any control over? Even if we say they're a top six city and top six stadium with top six support (which is almost enough of a claim to get you sectioned by itself), all those things are outside of O'Neil's control or even his influence. He has nothing whatsoever to do with any of that. The only thing he CAN control is the quality of the playing staff. That's his remit, nothing else. And that's the bit he thinks is shit. If he had any self awareness he'd just resign and retire from football. Thankfully he won't and I hope to god he gets more money to spend in the summer. He's doing a fucking brilliant job IMO.
  4. Yeah, love that about him. He never goes to ground, never actually tackles anyone. Just intercepts and out thinks them. So classy. And he's so fucking calm on the ball. Beautiful to watch, he could play CM easily. Not that I'm saying he should, as he has such great talents as a defender, just saying that with that composure he wouldn't look out of place much further up the pitch. Hell, with some of his dribbles he could play on the wing.
  5. Chris_R

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Clubs, especially big ones, don't give 2 shits about fines. Should make it a points deduction for league games, or a 2-goal head start to the opposition in the next cup game. That'd sort the cunt out.
  6. For me it's because their team is actually not THAT bad, especially compared to those around them. The problem lies not in a lack of innate talent, but with them being a bunch of overpaid primadonnas who are just there for a quick buck. If Redknapp can sort that out and get them playing with a semblance of pride, and let's face it for all the problems we have with him being a despicable cunt he is a good man-manager, they could easily pull out of this. Hope they don't though, obviously.
  7. I really suspect QPR are going to get out of this, and I'll be gutted if they do. Ideally I'd love QPR, Villa and A.N.Other to go down. Preferrably Sunderland but that's probably asking too much.
  8. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    Today we had no subs on until about 89 minutes were up. Jonas should have been taken off far earlier, hell he shouldn't have even started. I'd inifinitely prefer Anita or Marveaux out there. Pardew is to blame for that, at least. Anyway, this defeat means that by his own rules Pardew is now allowed to change the team for the next league game.
  9. We're static and too deep. Swansea are in our half and moving about, and look miles better.
  10. Chris_R


    Aye, their own fans invading the pitch to celebrate goals seems acceptable to them though. Yeah, but tbf it's well known that invading the pitch is nowhere near as dangerous as blocking the clear view of an advertising hoarding.
  11. Chris_R

    Nile Ranger

    Good news, IMO. Doubtless we'll have paid him off, given him a fair wedge to sod off early. But he'll spunk that on shit in no time and because he'll never get anywhere near that kind of money ever again on a regular basis he'll be broke in no time like that chav lotto winner from a few years back.
  12. Chris_R

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I think Pardew just can't bear to drop Jonas.
  13. Chris_R


    3* their tally, iirc.
  14. Daft question really, considering we're 3-0 up after winning 2-0 at home.
  15. Chris_R


    Ah, "thyroid problems". No, it's cake problems. You can't get fat just by having a medical condition ffs, you still have to eat more food than you burn off. Maybe the medical condition means you burn off food at a different rate to others, but that's just the hand you've been dealt and you need to therefore eat less to not be a fat mess.
  16. No fucking way we're scoring tonight. It was decided before kickoff.
  17. Chris_R

    Alan Pardew

    That's got to be a record - Getting the excuses in for NEXT season.
  18. Have just picked the ones I'd like to see relegated tbh. Fucking desperate for QPR and Villa to go down, it would make me quite chuffed if they both succumbed. Either one and I'd be happy. Added Wigan in because the people of Wigan can't even be bothered with their club, so I'm not sure why anyone else should.
  19. Chris_R

    Loïc Remy

    Free is pretty reduced, is it not? By saying it's a reduced fee, Fernandes is just trying to polish the massive turd that is Remy's contract.
  20. Not what I said. I said that if he DID score 10 a season, I could forgive him being dreadful at crossing and passing. If he could put a decent cross in, then I could forgive the lack of goals. The problem with Jonas is that by and large he doesn't score and doesn't create. Also, one good cross does not a good crosser make. He tried to put in shitloads of them, and one found its man. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Give me 20 crosses and by luck one of them will find one of my players, you have to look at the bigger picture. Jonas can't cross for shit. If Pardew had gone with my line-up, we'd have won 4-0.
  21. Look, he scored today and well done. But other than the goal, he was his normal self. His crossing was atrocious, his passing was poor but his effort and tracking back were (as always) good. Let's not start heralding this as some kind of second coming. He was his usual self, apart from one header. If we could count on him to score 10 a season, I could put up with his deficeincies. But that was his first, and even if he plays every minute until the end of the season we all know deep down that we're unlikely to see even one more between now and May. Still, good goal from him, great win, let's enjoy the positives for one night.
  22. Chris_R


    "aya the mags won". Do ANY of us refer to ourselves as "The mags"? I don't find it offensive, because it's not, but it's just not what a Newcastle fan would say. It's entirely a mackem term for Newcastle. Therefore I call "Attention seeking bullshit".
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