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Everything posted by Chris_R

  1. Cisse is a tremendous player, his name should be the first on the teamsheet. The next thing to do though is to ensure the next 10 names can provide him with some service. That's where we're going wrong.
  2. 4-3-3 with Ba on the left, I could accept it. In fact, it might work. But it'll be 4-4-2, and it would be insane (though perfectly within Pardew's sphere of fuckwittery) to play him on the right.
  3. They'll only "click" when they get some fucking service. It's not their fault. You could have bloody Yorke and Cole up there for all the good it would do, if you're hammering 50 yard hoofs up to them they'll look shit and like they can't play together.
  4. The only way to eke any creativity out of that lineup: -----------------Krul Santon----Taylor---Willo----Simpson ----------------Tiote -----------Anita---Jonas Ferguson--------------------Ba ---------------Cisse Sadly we'll see: -----------------Krul Simpson--Taylor--Willo--Santon Jonas--Tiote--Anita--Ferguson ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ------------Cisse--Ba
  5. Chris_R


    I want him sacked, not resigning. If he gets sacked they have to pay him millions in compensation whereas if he walks they don't have to shell anything out.
  6. Chris_R


    Well, one more win and they're above us.
  7. I think you'll find a pint's more than 10 grammes.
  8. Yes I was joking, thought it was bloody obvious. Just suggesting (IN JEST) our intent is to grind out draws rather than wins, so it's actually even worse than everyone else was already saying.
  9. Pardew's right. We've not managed to grind any wins out this season. We've ground a couple of draws out against Villa and Reading though.
  10. Whether or not I'd want to keep Pardew really depends on Pardew. I'd like him to stay, as I think he's a decent, intelligent and articulate bloke who wants to do well and the players seem to like him. That means, if he stays and gets the right people in to do the right things then he could do a very good job. Plus, every club needs stability. However if he isn't going to change things, if he is going to continue putting the wrong players in the wrong positions and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge and change what's happening just yards in front of him every week then unfortunately there's only so long we can persist with him. At this stage, he still has my good will and trust.
  11. Just noticed I put Williamson into my team ahead of Taylor. For anyone confused by that, read the last paragraph about having just gotten in from work and the wife was nagging me to set the table and help with tea. Back four would, of course, have Steven Taylor in it based on current personnel. In fact I'm going to go back and edit that, it's too wrong to be allowed to stay.
  12. Jonas will start Sun if fit I'd have thought. At RW? You're right, Jonas is right-footed, not a cat in hell's chance that he'll play on the right wing. That would be WAY too fucking sensible for Pardew. I'd go Marveaux left wing, Jonas or Obertan right, Ba and Cisse up front. Ferguson left back and Santon on the right and we've got a fighting chance. Sadly, it'll be nobody on the correct side of the pitch apart from Simpson and we'll be turboshit again.
  13. Correct players, correct flanks. That's where I'd start, and it's non-negotiable. Under a 4-4-2, we need lefties on the left and right-footers on the right in the wide forward positions so they can get to the bye-line and deliver a competent cross to the forwards. Under 4-3-3, the reverse is true as your wide men are auxillary strikers. Under either formation, the fullbacks should be on their natural side, which means Santon goes to right-back. I've got no time for this bollocks about playing him at left-back, no matter how competent he looks there. He simply cannot deliver anything going forward, and going forward is part of a modern fullback's job - supporting the winger, getting past him on the outside even and offering options in attack. Therefore we need to play one of the following, when everyone is fit. Either 4-4-2, Pardew's seemingly preferred formation: ------------------------Krul Santon--------Taylor----Coloccini--- New Left-footed DL ------------------------Tiote Obertan or Jonas----Cabaye-------New Left-footed AML -------------------HBA -------------------------Ba or Cisse Pardew seems hell-bent on playing 4-4-2, and I must admit it's my favourite formation as well when employed correctly, but as you can see above I think we need a couple of new players to play that formation effectively. Under a 4-3-3, we can also accommodate Ba, HBA and Cisse together. We can't do that in 4-4-2 no matter what anyone says. Ben Arfa simply must play, and he can't play as an orthodox winger in a 4-4-2. If he did, he'd have to play left wing as I'm adamant that we have to have the correct people on the correct flanks. I think he'd be too peripheral there though, which is a massive waste, so I'm putting him as a number 10 to one of our strikers. Therefore one of Ba or Cisse is dropped, sad though that is. Of course with Hatem injured, both could play, so perhaps rotation is an option. I do think Ba and Cisse can play together, they just need the service, and the players we've been playing and the positions we've played them in have completely negated any possibility of that happening. With 2 strikers like that, you need 2 proper wingers backed up by 2 attacking fullbacks on the correct flanks. That gives you the ammunition to put balls into the box for them, and with 2 bombing forward on each flank Cabaye and Tiote will get more time in the middle as more opponents are taken up marking the runners so through balls become an option as well. At the moment, we attack so badly that the opposition can just crowd us out. The big problem with playing 4-4-2 now is that our wingers are sub-standard (Jonas, Obertan) or non-existant (Left wing). We're just over a month from the transfer window, so I'd be looking to recruit players for those roles as a priority if we're really going to go 4-4-2 and carry any intent at all. Ferguson is a possible option for the left wing in the meantime. No idea who I'd play DL, possibly Simpson. At right-back he's good defensively, and s*** going forward. No reason either point will change if he plays left-back, he might as well fill in there for now so Santon can actually contribute to our attacks in a meaningful way. Or play Ferguson at left-back, he looks good going forward from deep but there's question-marks over his defensive abilities. There's not a perfect answer, but that's where I'd start for a 4-4-2. OR if we're willing to play 4-3-3: ------------------------Krul Santon-----Taylor--- Coloccini-----New Left-footed DL -----------------------Tiote ---------------Cabaye-----Anita HBA--------------------------------------Ba ----------------------Cisse This worked last year, and worked bloody well. Accordingly, I'm baffled why this isn't our default formation this season. Well that's a lie, I'm not baffled at all, because it's looking likely that Ba is being a t*** about playing wide left. Now I love Demba, he's a great player and I'm glad we have him. But if the above is our best formation (and, given the personnel we have, it just IS our best formation) then he f***ing plays there or leaves. There's no point keeping someone happy to the detriment of the whole team, our league position and our chance to progress in cups. No point finishing 14th and keeping Ba happy, what the merry hell will that achieve? Everyone else will just f*** off then instead. Cisse is a goalscorer, who needs others to create for him. Reminds me a lot of Andy Cole in that he's just so instinctive in everything he does. He can't play wide left, and under a team that creates nothing he'll look a lot poorer but don't for one second ever think he's a poor player, because he's not. I think he can be phenomenally important to us if we can get a good, forward-thinking team set up to play to his strengths and I'll be really rather angry if his lack of goals under a team that creates nothing for him is used as a reason to bench him and play Ba at the top of a 4-3-3 instead. Yes, as said Ba is good, but then we've got an unhappy Cisse and just as bad as that we've now got to find a left sided forward. Sammy? Obertan? We weaken the team massively by even considering that. Again we need a new left-back though under 4-3-3. Or, as above, play Ferguson there. At least for now. Or even Simpson if we must. ##################### The above is probably a bit disjointed as I've just got in from work and the missus is making tea and nagging me to set the table, but hopefully it gets my point across. However you'll note, perhaps, that I've spoke hardly at all about defence. That's deliberate, I'd suggest Pardew follows suit. We're better than 75% of the teams in the league, let them worry about us, because if we do as above they will worry and we'll win far more than we lose or draw, certainly against the likes of West Ham, Swansea, Villa, Reading and Sunderland.
  14. So injuries robbed us of our attacking play? If we were playing Chelsea, you might have a fucking point Alan. This was Maritimo, at home. We should be looking to put them to the sword, no matter who we put out. If we win or not is irrelevant, football offers no guarantees as to a result, but we should be at teams like this from the off and not having about half as many shots over 90 minutes as they bloody do.
  15. Can't believe we've spent the entire match defending what we've got. First we were trying not to lose, then we scored and just sat on a 1-0 lead, and since they've scored we've been defending a fucking 1-1 draw at home agains fucking Maritimo. Pardew will probably say at the end that it's a good result if it stays 1-1. To which the interviewer should just say "No it's not though, Alan, is it."
  16. Haha, fucking ridiculous. Lot of them ought to be fucking ashamed.
  17. Instead of "Your support", it should be "Our football is fucking shit".
  18. the shot at 0:50 I watched the whole thing..still more interesting than our game Was also going to post something similar, but it seems half the board are watching that vid in preference to watching us play. Says it all, really.
  19. Don't worry, there's still time for Ba's knee to explode, sending shrapnel flying to mow down Coloccini and Krul.
  20. Well, that's NHS waiting lists for you.
  21. But it's our European kit. We MUST wear it. It is ridiculous though, should never be wearing anything other than B&W stripes unless there's a clash.
  22. Chris_R


    10) Jaws. Either: - A) A scary shark movie - B) Something that, following constructive criticism, people will need to re-wire 11) Do you get irrational feelings of anger when confronted by letterboxes?
  23. Considering what a greedy, self-serving little wretch he is, I'd be astonished if the motivation for this is charity. Infinitely more likely (irrespective of whether a few pence goes the way of a charity or not) that it's just to raise his flagging profile and keep him in the news. Hope the c*** gets facial alopecia.
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