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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    dont fancy Lingard? good enough for manu and england with decent performances for both recently.
  2. does it not say we need to boycott Uber, Marriot, and anything to do with Star Wars and Disney. does it not say the Queen and her family need to stop being photographed at the palace with the Prince?
  3. hope @oldtypeis the first rather than the last.
  4. more along the lines of decent things "despite ashley" like the photos above of the jonas, cisse vs chelsea etc. and @oldtype at stamford bridge.
  5. huss9

    St James' Park

    just moving it 200m past the leazes end would do it.
  6. think this thread needs split into two - the shite, and the occasional good things that have happened.
  7. manager swap? bruce has done so well apparently. could offer brighton him and couple of million quid. sure edwards would agree they'd snap our hands off.
  8. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    ASM isnt near that level yet.
  9. dunno like, i dont like martinez.
  10. huss9

    Joe Willock

    needs to be pushed further up the pitch. best finisher at the club after Wilson. would make a better false 9 than ASM in the absence of Wilson.
  11. dont like the sound of that. we'll go in with same tactics, shitty formation and players out of position.
  12. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    really pissed off the premier league delayed the takeover just long enough to screw our season. got have had a top manager in over the summer and half new first team for this season. would have fancied us for a cup.
  13. huss9

    Transfer rumours

    got to get a LB in before any other defender.
  14. huss9

    St James' Park

    has to stay close as possible go city centre.
  15. huss9

    St James' Park

    Aramco St. James' anyone?
  16. we still need to win the spurs game. jones tactics would be just the same. get all the fuckers out. anyone else at all would do just for a single game.
  17. disgusting the fact that he hasnt come in on his day off and asked to meet stavely. any other manager in the fucking world would have been straight in AND demanded his players come in on their days off to meet the new owners. just goes to show how unprofessional he is. even worse than going on holiday so early into the season when we havent won a single game. what an utter fucking cretin. these new guys are super-professional. bruce is as far detached from that than as is possible. fat useless deluded bullshitting cunt. good fucking riddance.
  18. after superkev, would this be the most popular half-time hero????
  19. i think u mean he fucked up in the semi's after going 1-0 up and SHOULD HAVE reached the WC final. and he should have done better in the euros final after going 1-0 up. we want a winner, not an inept gallant loser.
  20. he's looking a lot more dapper and svelte these days.
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