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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    think they actually may be. will be in their contracts. mclaren and simpson got written warnings from the club just about talking about transfers to the media.
  2. huss9


    done a quick "dennis wise" on him and not really that impressed by him tbf. looks like another kenedy type player. daft little tricks when he should be moving with the ball or playing an easy pass. some erratic finishing. dont know where that pricetag is coming from, and can see why other teams who'll be playing in the champions league/europa arent looking at him. seen a few videos of him and this kid isnt a striker. dennistube made shola look a world beater yet this kid looks clumsy. you would take a risk at ha;f that price maybe. there's something not right about this whole deal. hope ashley spunks our complete transfer budget on him and the kid doesnt settle and gets loaned out with us paying most of his wages. hope this deal finally kills off ashley, but we know it won't.
  3. huss9

    St James' Park

    Mr Stifl-oo-urns? amanda?
  4. You never know, he might change his mind after a few games after seeing how miserable the games are going to be now i think this will definitley be the case. we've had that chat already. he'll probably not want to go after the first few defeats and the shitty atomsphere - the problem is the FCB already has our money. so we may stop attending and go do other "lads bonding" stuff on a saturday afternoon but that FCB wont give a fuck.
  5. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    He's moved fairly recently IIRC (huss9[/member] I think used to live near his old gaff) Pretty sure he lived in Great Park but moved up Morpeth way. yeah lived in the street behind us on barmour drive. moved soon after the hmrc fiasco and some uncomfortable moments on the school run.
  6. genuinely feel crap. the older one understood and was all for cancelling, but the youngest.....
  7. have to own up. i'm ashamed and disgusted with myself. i have let my youngest talk me into renewing his season ticket and have not cancelled mine. i just feel numb as if i've done something terrible (which i have). feel sick. this feels shit.
  8. huss9


    just doesn't make sense. not prolific, around £40m. rafa could have had rondon and scouted another decent striker for the same amount of money. bizarre.
  9. hmm, not sure what to make of that "stevebruceout.com".
  10. twitter or in the times?
  11. huss9

    Lee Charnley

  12. Lee Clark on radio Newcastle - fucking clueless.
  13. huss9


    Haller for me like.
  14. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    got called out by a lad on the phone-in to goughy on talksport. "he got moved from the ticket office to chief executive".
  15. that paul lad on the phone to gough - brill. reall put danny nills in his place too. also tbf, gough and the other guy (rushden?) have at last done their research - the net spend of a couple of million over 12 yrs, the increasing debt, the lack of transparency - where has the premier league money gone? I think parts of the media have become a little embarrassed when they have realised the pro-Ashley rhetoric they have been pushing has been all wrong. I think the media are gradually turning and we need to keep pushing.
  16. ashley has to wait for bruce. he cant change his mind now, he made the fucker resign ffs. fucking class.
  17. a big (for NUFC) money signing and everybody will start getting excited again. that's their plan and it would probably work- unfortunately they need a manager and time is running out. playing hardball with sheff wed for the next few weeks will be better for us in the long run. the embarrassment and no new signings will mean the unrest will increase and the media will hopefully start to run out of excuses and start making themsleves look stupid when Wise etc are trotted out to defend poor Mike. Bruce, the simpleton, has resigned so Ashley has to wait for him and pay up. no option. Ashley cant go and get another manager - Bruce would probably try an sue him.
  18. doesnt matter if its fake. the truth has to be brought out. his practices have to be analysed and scrutinised. its bad publicity for ashley, and also the premier league. they've let someone buy a club just so he can make money. he's entered their competition but just so he can take the profits. it's a kind of fraud - enter a competition but make no effort to compete. keep the money rolling in. where has 12 years of prize money and profit gone? they hammer clubs for FFP - but what about the other way around? advertising your business but not paying for it.
  19. huss9

    St James' Park

    why the "old" milburn stand? bet the cunt changes it soon to the NEW SPORTS DIRECT STAND.
  20. lowest attendance for opening home game of the seaon for how many years?
  21. the amount of time at night i spend thinking of actual ways that would get rid of the fat cunt is both unhealthy and rather sad for a grown man. the best i've come up with so far is getting a secret crowd-funding going to pay for a russian super-hacker to slowly take down sports direct, KBA and nufc.co.uk etc, fuck me, i'm serious. there is no legal way of getting the fcb out of our club. i'd put in a grand straight off if there was a chance of it happening. i really need to get some sleep.
  22. under 10k for st.etienne would be beautiful. humiliation. bad publicity spreading to the continent. its really important we dont manage to get a new manager in before the the last friendly. dont need some wanker coming out and trying to get the fans behind the team.
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