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Everything posted by huss9

  1. seals it for me. kids were desperate to have their season tickets renewed. the perez news comes out and they're close to tears again. none of them want to go. thats another 4 tickets cancelled.
  2. we're selling our best players but we still want £350m and free advertising?
  3. sir john can do one. Ashley didn't do due diligence on the club - but I feel sir john should have done better due diligence on Ashley. to be told he was buying it to advertise his brand and still sell it to him was stupid. yeah, the club wouldn't have been where it was if it wasn't for sir john - but he's really fucked us over for selling it to Ashley.
  4. that interview clearly states he would have stayed given assurances. unfortunately it's also easy fodder for those who want to criticise him. think Ashley/charnley will be giving a big sigh of relief - and even be delighted with it. think rafa should have gone in harder, or not at all. just giving cretins an excuse to have a go at him.
  5. that's the first thing i thought when i read that bullshit.
  6. was planning a big trip to edinburgh for preseason - so at least i've saved a couple hundred quid there. fucking pointless.
  7. huss9

    Jamaal Lascelles

    think will be a few more doing the same. think the shit around the club is going to emotionally/psychologically affect them too.
  8. huss9

    Lee Charnley

    it's hard. we're just a bit too nice up here. for all their faults - fans of the likes of west ham, rangers, liverpool and manu are a lot more militant/radgie and would have made life a lot more difficult for ashley and charnley. unless we get militant - nowts goona happen. but it has to be a large orchestrated effort.
  9. think a lot will be on their summer hols - so might well drop to 45k. hopefully a good battering away to norwich and the numbers will start to drop further.
  10. from a world class manager with an elite coaching team to this.
  11. just had texts off my 11 and 13 year old boys - neither want to renew their season tickets. makes it a hell of a lot easier to cancel mine now.... unless we get a new owner by mid july. bye bye loyalty points - gonna miss you.
  12. hopefully not all fans living locally will think that way.
  13. what a fucking day. my kids are going to be heartbroken. they hero-worshipped Rafa more than any of the players.
  14. Group of morons? How? Well clearly because they don't want Rafa. not sure if they would have been able to discuss the situation with rafa. even if they were and rafa agreed to stay, there was always the chance of ashley moving the goalposts and the deal falling through leaving rafa fucked. not sure rafa could take that chance.
  15. wonder what bullshit will be leaked to try and get season ticket sales going. no doubt some made-up bollocks is going to be leaked to skysports etc.
  16. they've taken all references to rafa off the advert on the official site.
  17. Charnley is incompetent, but its bizarre you have so much hatred for him compared to Ashley. You surely realise he can't lift a finger without consulting Ashley, the same probably goes for everyone else working at the club. Charnley is from the area. He shits on his own doorstep and doesn’t give a fuck. He`s not like aye he's from blackpool. used to live in the street behind is in great park but things got increasingly difficult after the hmrc raid and increasingly loud comments at him by parents at the school gate. think he pissed off to durham somewhere.
  18. huss9

    On this day...

    3 fa cup final defeats 1 league cup final defeat 2 premier league runners up and numerous semi finals home and in europe.
  19. wow, thats great. hopefully a sign that a few more fans will be willing to protest if rafa goes and we dont get sold.
  20. heartbreaking. https://news.sky.com/story/fernando-ricksen-terminally-ill-footballer-calls-on-fans-to-attend-final-night-11738986
  21. What do you make of the Chronicle claiming it was confirmed at the AGM that no fit and proper persons test is happening yet? all i know is that the family link and the source of the finances are being investigated. i dont know what formal process that is.
  22. ha ha aye. halcyon days. the great white hope at the time.
  23. there's just the one bid been accepted and its in the hands of the premier league. the mexicans have been told no.
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