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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    think its more that rafa was so public about what he felt he needed, and the fact he wasnt backed 100% (as far as we know, anyway - we dont know that role that fat cunt allardyce had to play in it all).
  2. If that were to happen most managers would alter tactics to get more oit of other players. Didn't happen while Shelvey was out. think it was finally dawning in rafa that playing the same system with colback or hayden in the shelvey role wasnt working. if we went back i'm sure he'd play it differently with the benefit of hindsight. wont make that mistake again if shelvey gets injured.
  3. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    Big Sam stuffing it up Ashley, Rafa caught in the middle ? hopefully rafa will let us know tomorrow.
  4. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    Nah, thankfully internet hysteria is largely kept away from SJP Aye, the wongaloids like yourself will watch the match in near silence as per usual. Gerrin. Fwiw I'm in the corner, rarely in silence. Enjoy your night crying on here though to be honest, we moved right next to the corner from the millburn paddocks and have always had a decent time at home games. just a shame the noise doesnt carry to the rest of the stadium.
  5. isnt that true for most of the teams at the top of the championship though. lose your most creative player and its unlikely there's gonna be a decent back up option. no decent squads in the championship.
  6. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    nah it wont. will be fine, especially if we start well.
  7. think brighton will be as just as worried about losing knockaert and murray.
  8. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    Not when you look at the bigger picture of money to be gained from promotion. Sure, tell Villa that. We spent in the summer, and on course for promotion. Sure Andros would be a good signing, but Rafa should get that squad promoted with our without him. My slight problem with all this is Rafas reaction, but I take the meltdown when/if it happen. How good is the squad though? We all seen what happened when we lost ONE player for 5 games. there arent any decent squads in this league.
  9. I'd imagine it will be. Guess it depends (obviously) on how we start the game. get at them early doors and really go for it and the crowd should respond.
  10. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    Rafa has bought some s*** mind. who? average/good enough for a championship squad may be, but not shit.
  11. It will all be very coded I reckon which i think would tell us that he was let down.
  12. hope rafa comes out tomorrow and actually explains what happened.
  13. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    Surely that depends on if it results in 2m being knocked off the asking price in the summer? All the figures the last day or two were £2m plus £13m in the summer. Hence why we should've bought and not loaned for £13m yup, a decent winger for£13m that would have been good enough for our premiership squad. not many of those around unless you take a risk with someone from abroad.
  14. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    tbh, £2m loan fee for 4 months is bloody ridiculous.
  15. If Yup. Point still stands, he'd be very good in this league imo. This De Jong obsession is one I'll never understand. At least with the Mitro fanboys there is some modicum of talent and effort there that can lead to a fanclub, but De Jong has shown absolutely f*** all for us even when he's played. And missed absolute sitters. Has looked slow, laboured and frustrated. I have no idea what people ever saw in him, and I'm not even talking about his horrendous injury record. Mitro n De Jong were possibly the 2 biggest culprits in our relegation. Still think if the amazing de Jong had put that chance away into an empty net from 4yds vs Villa we'd have stayed up. fuckin stop it, man! every time i manage to forget that header, someone brings it up again. remember leaving the ground that day thinking that was the mistake that meant relegation. we never really recovered from it.
  16. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    cant compare our financial clout or potential earnings to that of boro
  17. they've never had a keeper as tall as McFaul.
  18. huss9


    apparently told by ranieri he would let him go for first team football if they got a bid of 4-5m.
  19. caulkin saying ashley has no intention of spending this january. if rafa knew that all along, he woundnt have come across as so desperate/open in his need for adding to the squad. rafa getting played.
  20. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    should offer £1m for the loan, £13.5m in the summer. compromise.
  21. that money came from sky tv and having no net spend previously. fat cunt ain't gonna back any manager like that again until we've stayed in the premier league another couple of seasons.
  22. huss9

    Andros Townsend

    fuck this shit. lets take a leaf out of that cunt Levy's book. offer them a straight £16m over 4 years, but then sell him after just 2. fat sam only gets £8m. ha ha you fat cunt. Casa St.James my arse.
  23. Excellent. Either Atsu or Mbemba back after the 2 nations play each other tomorrow afternoon too. here's hoping chancel gets the winner.
  24. its strange. if you cant have a go at the cup when youre several points clear in a promotion spot, when can you?
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