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Everything posted by huss9

  1. huss9


    i still find it unbelievable why any of us are bothered by what the mackems think. its sad.
  2. the feelgood factor around the city is immense. my kids have been told they will support the toon no matter what kits their friends are wearing or who their friends support. so interesting to see how many of their friends are now turning their backs on the premiership teams and are switching allegiance to the toon over recent weeks, and doing it with pride. and its down to his royal lushness, King Rafa.
  3. now to see him get a poachers goal tonight as well as a hollywood one.
  4. would have been great but being in the bars it'll be no under 16's i bet. my kids really wanted to go.
  5. What is? falling back in love with your football club all over again.
  6. completely blind and the winger was about 5 yards behind him aswell. incredible pass.
  7. he was great today but the amount of time and space he gets sometimes in the championship is ridiculous.
  8. he got more into it second half, and even managed a couple of decent efforts on goal.
  9. absolutely class. "mascot-cam". this club is slowly turning the corner off the field as well as on.
  10. huss9

    Alan Shearer

    stone and ramage?? wtf.
  11. that supermac one should be up permanently somewhere inside or outside the stadium. also think he should have had a statue before shearer. just shearer is still a bit recent whereas supermac is folklore.
  12. and i was there when he missed the mother of all open goals at the gallowgate end.
  13. 1. first match = leicester home 1-4. think lineker got one for them, and pedro for us. waddle was leaving the club and got some stick. "pedro would never leave us" me and my mates were saying. 2. wettest match. sunderland 1-2. the gullit match. p*ssed down, no roof on milburn. we were losing and i couldnt be arsed going to the loo so just sat there and p*ssed myself. was that drenched anyway, no one noticed. 3. best away match. leeds 4-3 from 1-3 down, just managed to get there in time for kick as had been snowing.so emotional when solano scored, never screamed as much and was nearly in tears. 4. still can't get over it match. 0-1 and out on pens to partizan in champions league qualifier.
  14. huss9

    Players in public

    a toon legend. that charlotte's a lucky girl.
  15. we had other chances, like the diame shot that hit their player, but the easiest one of the whole game was the header clark put wide.
  16. After the first twenty minutes he completely nullified Brown, intercepted or tackled him loads of times That sounds unlikely unless he had help and was doubling up, but as I didn't have a first hand clear view of it I'll just have to take your word for it. rafa says he had to change formation from the original 4-3-3 to cope with brown
  17. win this and we match the same stage for the last championship season?? or even if we draw and another point the game after, i think.
  18. proverbial cup final for them and they played like it. we're gonna find lower teams playing above themselves and giving us more of a game than they do other teams.
  19. seems decent with either foot.
  20. huss9

    Isaac Hayden

    hopefully its because he'll be away with the u21's and get game time whilst colback will not. otherwise flummoxed as why colback started the last 2 in a row.
  21. we have a loan deal with an option to buy.
  22. the set up has been safety first but we've still created more than half a dozen decent chances in each of the last 3 games, so he is getting it right. just our finishers aren't.
  23. huss9

    Matt Ritchie

    is that assisting an assist?
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