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Everything posted by huss9

  1. born 1969 so seen a few england teams but no decent consistent left winger/midfielder - always been a problem. barnes scored against brazil and had a great 15mins as sub vs argentina in WC1986 but that was it.
  2. funny thay was my immediate thought too.
  3. needs to learn to use his strength and stay on his feet a lot more, and someone at the club has got to make him stay behind (even though he should be doing so himself) and work on that right foot.
  4. huss9

    Tamas Kadar

    didnt he turn down the chance to go to big U19 tournament with hungary over the summer to get as fit as possible for the championship season?
  5. huss9


    mike williamson and paul kaye
  6. and yet again to all those who left early - you missed one of the moments of the season - jose's first goal and the subsequent celebrations. moments like that are priceless.
  7. and you'd get done for it. i actually doubt you would go for him, i've seen it often enough and it normally stays a battle of insults. i know i'd get done for it. but if its something persistant despite your best efforts to ignore it, its only human to snap. punching someone doesnt mean you're trying to break their jaw. clearly woudnt be such a big deal if had just been bruising. again who knows what went one, makes it impossible to judge.
  8. again. no one has any details as to what led up to the alleged assualt. if it is true that taylor had been winding up carroll, how many on here would have turned the other cheek repeatedly in the same position. if someone started winding me up and making suggestions about my mrs and didnt let up, i'd go for him.
  9. Oh yes, Mowbray who has just murdered Celtic, Curbishley who is l;argely responsible for putting WHU where they are now and Grant who looks like his face has been shagged by a double decker bus. Great choices. Not forgetting Hughes, Van Gaal and Jol who are either unobtainable or would want millions to spend, which we havent got yet. Great choices mate. Stick with what we have and have faith in the bloke. i think u misunderstood me. thats my point. i'm saying mowbray and curbs are the quality thats available and would be no guarantee of doing any better than hughton. the likes of hughes van gaal and hughes are a step up but probably out of our reach. so if we cant get a great proven manager - then stick with hughton rather than take a punt on some joe average.
  10. nor really nervous at all, just really excited. no pressure on us, its all on them. we win or draw and we're nearly up - we lose and it's still not the end of the world.
  11. other than hughes and a few foreign coaches, anyone stand out? mowbray, curbishley? martin jol, avram grant, van de gaal, i'd happily take, anyone else that is realistic would be as much a gamble as hughton.
  12. This. in an ideal world yes. but cant we fine him now and sell him at the end of the season. i'd rather not risk missing out on promotion. selfish i know but i couldnt take another year in the championship having to sell jose jonas colo etc.
  13. Regardless, its about setting standards which are acceptable at our football club. I don't think that will happen but it wouldn't be because we sacked him, it would be because he did it in the first place. no, you are right, but firstly the facts need to established, and then i'll say it again - leave it till may, promotion is more important than teaching a thug a lesson at the moment (for me anyway). do what u want with them once we're in the premier league, but i'm not a letting a couple of neanderthaals spoil things for us all.
  14. what if it means we end up in the play offs?
  15. fine them now, get promoted. deal with it in the summer. promotion is the most important thing at present.
  16. I know it sounds really superficial, but all i'm really concerned about is getting promotion. they can deal with the pair in may. fine them now leave it at that. if it means carroll getting away with things again in the short term to ensure promotion, then i'm willing to go along with that. the club is bigger than both of them. nowt wrong in the club fining them and then anouncing that their long term futures will be decided in 6 weeks.
  17. no quite a few of us didnt realise till half time. think cos we all heard the anouncer confirm number 4 kevin nolan has scored, we were still jumping about and missed the goal kick to restart! also i was in line with jonas and he looked level when the ball was played for his disallowed goal - great dinked curling finish though, and nolan also looked to be level for his goal on the highlights at half time.
  18. 21 points from 33 needed even if forest win all their matches
  19. it'll be the likes of stoke and bolton who will be interested
  20. huss9

    Players in public

    i meant to play football, he can eat and drink wherever he likes if he learns to be a decent player. will he ever learn? so now because he's facing an appearance in court he's not allowed to eat out in a restaurant?! i meant to play football, he can eat and drink wherever he likes if he learns to be a decent player well rescued!
  21. No it wont dont be stupid. How many stadiums in English football have no scoreboard at all? As long as they dont interfere with fans seats and bring in a few quid(plus the World Cup requirement bonus) whats wrong with it? i meant huge tv screens not scoreboards, and dont call me stupid.
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