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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. I can see this being a foot in the door for him at the club, bring him in so he has time to get to know the club then give Pardew the bullet and install him as manager. Pardew seems to be on borrowed time now, I can't see MA appointing anyone other than the Hoddle type. His previous appointments show that it won't be a foreign man, or someone that is doing a relatively good job somewhere else, he will go with ease and with what he sees as experience. Im amazed that Hoddle would want to be associated with the toxic atmosphere that is at the club.
  2. They were reported in the press, he does force his views on others and one of his coaching staff when England manager was a faith healer. Pardew - "Sorry Colo, you've caught me. I've been banging your wife" Hoddle - "Don't worry Alan, he deserves it for being a twat in his previous life"
  3. Love seeing us play Rayo, but it's the kind of team that flatters us. City are in better form right now. I've never seen Rayo play before but i was surprised at how expansive they tried to play, i'd have expected them to press and close down the space but they did they opposite which as you said flattered Barca....not that Barca needed to be flattered. City will be a different game, i'd imagine Neymar would have been challenged 3-4 time prior to unleashing the marvellous strike.
  4. Barca tearing Rayo a new one, good build up to the Man City game.
  5. Basically hard luck, sure there's fans all around the world who follow us madly and would love to save up for a trip to Wembley but just have to accept unless you know people who might get you a ticket, you're unfortunately just going to have to watch on the TV. I know it sounds harsh but i think it's still the fairest way. Would have just as much sympathy for those who actually live in the area but can't afford to attend. Loyalty points count for nothing, the whole system is a joke. Every single away game people are trying to flog tickets via twitter etc, generally child tickets. People running busses using other peoples tickets to get more punters on board even though the actual ticket owner doesn't go. The amount of points you have is no representation of worthiness, i have 49 points and have attended 48 games and have cancelled my ticket for next year but someone who has 99 points having attended 23 games gets a ticket over me, is this person more "worthy" because they are a season ticket holder?
  6. What the hell has happened to this thread?
  7. That is true but normally there'd be an accompanying letter as folk like to make a gesture/stand. Ian W is correct, although legally entitled (if you've signed up to 10 years) to pursue for the next season money it is unlikely to happen (but I'd stress that isn't nailed on and you should always pay your debts ) No offence but with the speed the box office works at, should they decide to chase you for money it would take them another 10 years to put their trainers on.
  8. I have, i sent mine on Sunday.
  9. Just received this email. Hi, Thank you for your e-mail. We will cancel your season ticket as requested although you may still receive a payment schedule as they have already gone to print. Kind Regards
  10. After 10 years i've just emailed my cancellation for next season. Biggest surprise of the year so far...... Thank you for contacting the Newcastle United Box Office. We are experiencing high volume of queries at present and aim to respond to all emails within 3 days. If your query is urgent please call the Box Office on 0844 372 1892. We're open 10am - 5pm Monday to Fridays. We're also open on matchdays from 9am until kick off
  11. I said: Good afternoon, I would like to cancel my direct debit as I will not be renewing for the 2014/15 season. My details are as follows: Name: Kevin Watson Supporter number: 1028280 What happens now? Will any more payments come out of my bank account since I have paid earlier this month. Regards, Kevin Watson Didn't want to sound like a twat with them since its a normal working lad/lass reading it who are probably fans themselves. Cheers
  12. Anyone got a example of their cancellation email, or should i just run with "Cancel my season ticket you bitch"
  13. So what happens if you phone on Monday and cancel the direct debit?
  14. What the f*** is this? This is the exact reason why the town will tear itself apart tonight, people choose to follow the team regardless and there knuckle draggers. You fucking chump.
  15. Not a big enough name. Don't see the big deal, it's only one letter less than Beckham.
  16. What did Ibra and Silva say about him?
  17. Get in you beautiful French man!!! Fuck you Fat Sam you slimy slug.
  18. Makes no sense, i thought he said he wouldn't go to Spurs so he could be with his family?
  19. PCW1983

    Steven Taylor

    Taylor and Hart must be related somehow. Both come across as complete and utter planks.
  20. The FA and the RFA are going to drive people further and further away from the game until it collapses. The game is hard to take serious because of the lacklustre refereeing and the most pathetic "fouls" are given as a norm. As for the big clubs, it's the most obvious and deceitful type of refereeing, every one can see it happening but it's just the norm. There's no way back now, that games fucked.
  21. It might be a young West Ham team but on this display they best get used to the Championship.
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