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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. PCW1983


    It's not, the pull out in the Journal done a piece on it as its the most expensive house in the North East for sale. It was designed and built and it's never sold IIRC Edit: the article. http://www.thejournal.co.uk/news/north-east-news/north-easts-most-expensive-new-4411555
  2. Either way we will never really know the truth, history shows that the club are happy to lie so I would lean towards that version of events but baring in mind that unlike us there's nothing to say he has any emotional allegiance to the club then part of me can believe the other too. The bigger picture is of course that once again we are going to be open to a shit slinging contest in the national press.
  3. I can sypothise with either for different reasons.
  4. You seem to be suggesting he might have been sacked had we gone out tonight. There's probably more chance of that now, there's no money in the cups.i I hope you are right! Total fraud of a bloke and dare I say it, football manager Happy, happy, happy you fucking retard. Just turn the channel over you two bit 90's sports sock.
  5. This picture nicely sums up our bus and the crowd tonight. http://i938.photobucket.com/albums/ad223/Philly1983/24D10392-FADF-4C82-9082-A8C694ADCF60-7033-00000BD2F9AAFDDF_zps5cc985eb.jpg
  6. First pint in town ahead of the bus trip with the Red Stripe, gluten for punishment! Come on the lads
  7. I can understand why due to the size of the transfer fee but i'm sick of hearing about big lugs Bale and Spuds now.
  8. PCW1983

    Season Tickets

    I was close to cancelling it this year the only reason I didn't is for the social side of it. Having the football as a reason to go out and meet the lads is the only reason why I have it now. I know I could still go out and meet them even if I give it up but it would be too easy for my life to take over, her in doors, work, visiting family that lives away it would be easy excuses to not go out.
  9. I dont know whats more impressive £35m for Carroll or £500k for Pattison.
  10. Not the brightest then. f***ing hell, what do you drive? Concorde? They were signing that after the first goal from what I could hear on TV. It's a sign I the times I think, 90% of fans from any team are more interested in slagging each other off then yet are signing about the football. Live in Manchester. It was more the boozed up teenagers who were doing it and they really are as thick as fuck. Standard fare for away games now.
  11. Not the brightest then. Fucking hell, what do you drive? Concorde? They were signing that after the first goal from what I could hear on TV. It's a sign I the times I think, 90% of fans from any team are more interested in slagging each other off then yet are signing about the football.
  12. Lets be honest, were playing a team that are one if the favourites to win the league, there's only two or three teams that have a chance of beating them this year and most teams that play them at home are likely to suffer the same fate as us. Silly errors and idiocy aside, were playing Man City not Hull.
  13. I have no understanding of how a player and/or a manager can decide that he can't play a game of fucking football because another team has made a bid for him.....fucking hell man, what an example of how out of touch football is.
  14. I can see him going for 15-18m most likely the day before the window closes. I don't know what his true value is but i'd hope for more then 10m for him, i suppose a player is only worth what someone is wiling to pay though....bring on Liverpool.
  15. Cant help but laugh at the footage of the 4th official at the Chelsea v Hull game, SSN are showing the moment when the goal detection system was used and the fourth official is showing every man and his dog his sexy new watch. Reminds me of the moment when my dad realised that his "new iPhone" (really 2 years old) would tell him what the weather is like, he spent weeks telling people what the weather was like where they were.
  16. Bloody hell, thats horrific. Is he ok?
  17. He might look at them as a medium term investment, getting them back to the SPL and into Europe then selling them at a profit but realistically there is no real money in scottish football for him i'd have thought. Mind, stranger things have happened.
  18. Scotland fans will have highlighted the extreme irony in them asking for independence from us today.
  19. PCW1983

    Loïc Remy

    I wouldn't say that we are bad at producing talent more the case that we are bad at nurturing it. It's not too long ago that the captain of the English football team was a Geordie and when you compare that to other areas that's a pretty damn good achievement and that's just one example.
  20. Can't wait to see how many doylums turn up to this, I'm betting 3 smoke bombs before half time.
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