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Everything posted by PCW1983

  1. Champions League....surely the clue is in the title, never min 2nd 3rd 4th or the winners of the FA cup only the champions from each contry should compete.
  2. Got knocked back for a ticket and after sitting in the home end for the boro game earlier this year i dont think i could do it again so for a ticket in the home end id prob pay up to 250 but if you said 300 id prob pay that too
  3. Ha Ha i was on that bus, and i got in that limo too
  4. Scored two for Ajax in 19 mins....was subbed on 22 lol
  5. I seen that, think they let him go after talking to him. Didnt see what started it, seen a policeman and a fan exchanging blows and a horse going mental quickly followed with about 4 lads being held to the gorund cuffed with the rest of the fans chanting "lie down if ya love the toon". Aye the chant was quite amusing, from the bus it looked like a horse was trying to eat some blokes head....Pretty poor show by the police from what i could see imo
  6. A very poor away day all round, Man City simply had too much for us on the day and we seemed to be content on using only Milner as our only outlet. Not to worry though im pretty sure better teams then us will go there this year and get beat too.
  7. Just after the final whistle there was a couple of arrests too, in our aisle a young lad was trying to get away from a copper who quite blatently thought he was the terminator, the lad must have been 13 at the most....anyway he got away ran along the row jumped into a couple of our own fans the one bloke grabbed him and just about body slammed him to the ground....cunts
  8. he was signing books last week in wh smith's in town was he not ?
  9. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/mainframe.shtml?http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/aod/fivelive.shtml
  10. lets hope we do the same to them !!!!!
  11. If the stadium is expanded to say 60000 i dont honestly think there will be all that many extra seats, they build a hotel....were not going to stop in it are we no its all aimed at corperate and money men, IMO alot of the extra capacity will be in the form of corperate boxesa and seats at prices with regular joe's either cant afford to pay or wont pay so surely all that will happen is the current seat holders will be moved to another area of the ground most likely with a worse view. When a hotel is mentioned with any delveopment you have to try and understand who its aimed at......and it certainly aint us.
  12. Good game today, WestHam had some good spells but overall it was a well deserved victory, Beye looked good which is promising. Ashton was always going to be a danger and i think for the most part he had the best of Rozy, his goal could have been avoided IMO. Viduka def MOM first touch reall is sublime biggest let down of today was the ref....a really pathetic performance from him today !!
  13. PCW1983

    Sunday News

    known are luck we will get Heskey and Owen will fuck off to another club leaving us with Heskey and Viduka up front lol Cant see it hapening though just tabloid bullshit
  14. Our chairman is a billionaire.....who cares if they go bust Well actually i do ive just took a Mortgage with them lol
  15. London - QPR Birmingham - Wallsall Liverpool - Everton Manchester - Preston Sheffield - Wednesday Glasgow - Partick Thistle Wild Card - Hartlepool UTD
  16. I feel ver encouraged from what ive seen so far this season, we seem a lot more organised and more capable of winning games, still think we need a injection of pace into the midfield preferably someone young who wont necesserally play every game for us quite yet but someone who we can bring on to scare the shit out of the opponent with pace and open up different avenues. Good win at Bolton was followed by what i personally see as points dropped against Villa and Boro hopefully these wont come back to haunt us but i think come the end of the season we will well wish for those points. I would be happy with top ten this year hoping to maybes creep into Europe but even if we dont get into Europe next year at least we are building a solid foundation for a team which has been so lacking since SBR.
  17. PCW1983

    Steve Harper

    True...Shay had ambition and that is how he forced the managers to listen to him and take the number one jersey...If only Harper had balls he would now be playing for England instead of such losers like Robinson... I went to that Spaniah property thing a while ago and this was one of the things Pedro mentioned, didnt name Harper directly but he did say could have been playing for England instead of warming the bench for Newcastle, kinda gave it away !
  18. Even if by midnight it aint been announced doesnt mean to say we aint signed Faye and Beye, SSN know just as little as us.
  19. If were gonna play 433 and use milner as we are i would much rather see him cut inside and take some shots at goal the cross all the time
  20. They're not the only team to have sung that particular song though are they... No they arent but if you play with fire your ganna get burned !! I'm sorry but I fail to see how another team singing racist or bigoted songs is defence for anyone else to similar back to them! Yeah i see what you mean and i agree, when i read that post back i realised how it must look...there is no defence for it and it shouldnt go on but we all know it does, my point is Southgate is in all the papers today condeming it (rightly so) however would he say anything about his own fans doing it, i think not Fair enough. I do think this more of an ignorance issue as well tbh. I'll bet the majority of people chanting the terrorist stuff yesterday never even thought about how it would be construed. It the evolved form of racism, Pakki's and whatnot are old jokes with the middle-east thing kicking off again its all relavent to the people who sing it....simple minds look for simple answers
  21. I appilied for a ticket in the away end and didnt get one so i sat in the north stand with my workmate who is a boro fan, honestly you should hear the crap that spills from them. They were all saying they should have won 5-2 and that they thought we would get relegated...they are on a different planet im sure, obv we all defend our own team but you have to be a realist as well !! They fans were well and truely crap aswell they have no crack about them and only two daft songs, i said to my mate iw would take him to one of our home games so he could compare the atmosphere and see what i mean, we all have off days but this was the game they build themselves up to !
  22. They're not the only team to have sung that particular song though are they... No they arent but if you play with fire your ganna get burned !! I'm sorry but I fail to see how another team singing racist or bigoted songs is defence for anyone else to similar back to them! Yeah i see what you mean and i agree, when i read that post back i realised how it must look...there is no defence for it and it shouldnt go on but we all know it does, my point is Southgate is in all the papers today condeming it (rightly so) however would he say anything about his own fans doing it, i think not
  23. They're not the only team to have sung that particular song though are they... No they arent but if you play with fire your ganna get burned !!
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