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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Max squad size of say 28 senior players and you can loan as many as you want? Max of maybe 5 U21 players allowed on loan. The buying up of young potential that then get shuttled around by big clubs who’ve no intention of ever actually involving them in their own 1st team is terrible for football. Most young players develop better if they’re actually owned by the team they’re playing for imo.
  2. Tbf Wham have 2 CBs who are decently quick. Maguire will obvs seriously reduce that average but apparently Moyes likes a low block so……
  3. Ahmedhodzic, Bueno and Olise. Call it a day.
  4. RB is not his position so he can be forgiven but he wasn’t solid at all iirc. Got run all over the place. As did whoever was at LB.
  5. Not very physical but has a velvet 1st touch and elite technique. Reads the game exceptionally well too. Reminds me of Iniesta a bit. If it wasn’t for his injury a year ago (or so) would have expected him to be playing for RM/Barca already. Looks made for them.
  6. https://fbref.com/en/players/00963611/Konstantinos-Mavropanos Seen a link to Mavropanos. Flunked at Arsenal apparently but has rebuilt his career at Stuttgart. Stats are in the elite groupings across the European leagues. 2 years left on his deal. No idea if link is genuine or just lazy journalism/agent talk.
  7. Really? Thats appalling if true. English football needs a proper shake up. No chance of it though. The English way is rarely careful for thought and planning. It’s nearly always exploiting the most right now, even if unsustainable. Sometimes especially so…
  8. Want Olise. We need some left footers. He’s a very good player. He would start RW from day 1 imo. And if that release clause is true…..couldn’t get better for the money.
  9. There was some interesting data analysis from a German bunch not too long ago. Not sure what come of it. They devised a metric that showed how many oppo players a pass would cut out. Players who repeatedly cut out a high number of the opposition would obviously score highly. Was a different approach to just measuring the distance of a progressive pass. If you cut out more players with your ball it was probably far more dangerous. They also measured how many players were cut out by receiving the ball. Was another way to further judge a player’s effective movement.
  10. Lotus

    Joe Willock

    I think Anderson will be the odd man out, personally (eventually). Shame as I love seeing academy lads coming through to the 1st team. Just think Anderson’s touch is that fraction short of Prem quality. He always looks like he’s on the edge of his ability/control to me. Nothing but good to say about his attitude and engine. If he was ridiculously pacy I’d think he’d stay. No substitute for that. But, in the absence of I think the whole Anderson package is just a couple of % points below a top 6 Prem squad requirement. Reckon we develop him further and look to sell as an FFP bumper next summer. Think our squad is weak enough he stays this year.
  11. Wonder if there’ has been some confluence with ASM not finalising his move and Fabinho’s deal slowing down too. If Liverpool are very vocal in their protest against any fee we might receive, perhaps PIF have decided to put the brakes on an extremely good deal for an over the hill Fabinho. Share the pain.
  12. Lotus

    Tino Livramento

    Isn’t Ivan Fresneda still available? For significantly less money, I believe…..
  13. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    I want him to be confident and feel like he belongs in the team. Then we’ll see what he’s made of. He looks too good for the U21s. Great sign. Hope very much to see that translate into him stepping up to the level required. Best of luck to the lad. Hope he has a great season.
  14. Got a soft spot for Villa. Years ago I went to see us play them at theirs. Could only get in a home stand. Kept my mouth shut until we scored. It was then obvious I was a toon fan. After the shock the lads around me were decent and even looked after me when some others wanted to leave me with a different kind of memory. All in all they were good to me. And Brummie is one of the best posters on here. I can forgive the banner. Every club has its knackers. It’s England ffs…..what do you expect?
  15. Lotus

    Harvey Barnes

    Hits he ball very well with little back lift. Just takes away that fraction of a second for the keeper to react. Seems to make quite a difference.
  16. Not for 90 minutes and that was the key problem. You simply can’t have a player with such poor concentration at CB. A repeated issue. He never grew out of it. In the end, it doesn’t matter how strong or quick you are , how good a passer or how clean you can tackle, how high you can jump. If you can’t read the game well and if you keep getting flustered, the league will quickly find you out. As it did him. Shame, but it was so.
  17. Fantastic when he’s near 100% fitness. Great balance and change of pace, impossible to defend against. When he’s in good nick he’s an asset to anyone.
  18. Froggy, you can't be disappointed with the money spent on players, surely? It's pie in the sky dream stuff for 99.99% of clubs in the world. Can understand if you didn't want those players or you thought some of those players weren't value for money but, come on. Plenty of coin spent by one of the richest clubs in the world.
  19. Lotus

    Sean Longstaff

    Longstaff will raise his game next season, I reckon. He's already become integral because of his work ethic. I think he's use of the ball will improve now too. Better players coming in elevates the standard of the players you already have.
  20. Hope Villa, as well as us keep an established big 6 team out of the top 4 next season. The league could desparetely do with being more competitive.
  21. I actually think he did rather well. Especially against the kind of players we thought would murder him. That was achieved by 2 ways though. 1) an incredible effort from whom ever was playing LW in front him. 2) Burn sitting very deep and not helping when we have the ball. 3) tbf to him, he mostly read it very well. Might have got done early on but made some adjustments and tried to keep within his limitations. Successfully for the most part.
  22. What happens if Dan Burn gets injured? Play a guy who barely got a start all season? Even when recovered from injury? At least we have 4 excellent starting CMs. Its not that I agree with the above take necessarily but it’s also valid.
  23. At BL he was either in and around the ‘10’ position or even playing as n 8. Don’t really understand why they’ve been playing him as a striker. I think he’s a very talented player, personally. He’s in very much the wrong environment at Chelsea though.
  24. Lotus

    Felix Nmecha

    The way he moves the ball from one foot to the other reminds me of the former Fulham/Spurs player Moussa Dembele.
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