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Everything posted by Lotus

  1. Rice was brilliant btw. Read the game like no one else on the pitch.
  2. Teams have seen the ‘Almiron’ move. They anticipate it. He needs something new. I think ASM needs games. He’s out of rhythm. I’d still start him.
  3. Our intensity has dropped off. Not a lot but by a significant enough amount so teams can play around our press. We had a very good first 10 minutes when WHam just seemed cold. We had a decent last 10-15 as WHam looked to consolidate a point. For the rest of the game I thought they were the better team (marginally) and we’re a bit fortunate to get a point. We’re quite laboured, predictable and move the ball slowly. Personally, I think the players are knackered. I think our mad press system, coupled with a weak squad and little rotation means the fizz has gone from the legs. Its been apparent for a few weeks now.
  4. Lotus

    Alexander Isak

    I think Isak floating and Wilson pinning the CBs will hugely help us mitigate the loss of Bruno. Changes our shape quite a bit but would offer something serious in attack. Its the he defending aspect that would need work. We have an excellent shape that we’ve been crafting all season. Have to deviate from that with Bruno’s absence.
  5. If we actually employed a bit of rotation then, if we get European football next season, there’s more than enough games for Gordon, Miggy and ASM.
  6. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    I think Willock is quite press resistant, myself. If he’s facing up to the opposition player I think it’s hard for them to force him into giving it away.
  7. Its been an odd window for me. We've an injury prone main CF (Wilson) and another coming back from long term injury (Isak). Wood was the cover, he's gone. I haven't seen anyone else in the squad play that role in any way that can pass for a couple of games. ASM, definitely not. JL7? Well, he seems better adapted to CM now. He can do AM but I don't even think he's much cop holding the ball up with his back to goal tbh. Never seen Gordon play for us so can't really count him, and as I understand it, he didn't score a few from CF for Everton either. I do like Gordon and have done since I first saw him. Thought he had potential. He hasn't got any better since but hopefully there's room to grow there. He has the necessary physicality. At CM I think it's been poor. We have 4 players for 3 positions. We play super high intensity and EH is not a fan of rotation. Sooner or later one of those players has to get injured or just fatigued. The 4th won't be fresh either because he's been playing a LW. It makes the decision to let Shelvey go without a replacement in first (or at all asa it turned out) bad planning. Because now it relies on luck more than normal. Before people have a go at Shelvey, I thought he looked our best option at 6 last season. Think he was better there than Bruno. This year I can't compare because Shelvey hasn't been available. Bruno has been great though and has looked better than I can remember any of our lot doing! But it does tell me at least that Shelvey could've slotted in and done a job. You need to be lucky anyway, and we have been. But trusting that to hold all season is inviting trouble. Red cards you can't plan around. That happens. 5/10
  8. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    Hope he got his stuff together. Seemed to go through a hard time, unfortunately.
  9. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    Gotta be Reid Ewing?
  10. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    When I first saw Gordon I said I thought he looked impressive for his age. I liked his attitude, he wasn’t overwhelmed at all. Thought he had pretty good close control. Worked hard off the ball. Watching the videos now, he’s actually quicker than I thought. He’s got a lot going for him. In the age of ‘wunderkids’ 21 and not a global star seems like he’s gonna be bang average. I think that’s unfair. Players do develop at differentiation rates. I think the episode with Trippier has tainted him a bit
  11. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    It’s a fair point tbh. We all love what we’re doing without the ball. It’s the other side of the game that needs improvement. I’ve no doubt there’s a plan for that and perhaps some of us are a little impatient to see the progress. Perhaps it will be with careful coaching which may take a bit of time. Perhaps it will be new signings. The signings we need are more likely to be available in the Summer. Maybe we’re just going for BPA in January.
  12. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    Yeah, he’s a bit moody sometimes but, so am I!
  13. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    Dunno what they base it on. Seemed to me the other players like him.
  14. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    Do you mean from within the club or just posters speculating on here?
  15. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    Do they? I mean, he’s in the dressing room and the atmosphere around the club seems great!
  16. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    If he signs, you’ll have to judge him based on his performances in a Toon shirt.
  17. Was concerned about BDB a few times last night. He put us in trouble more than once. Hope it was just an off day. Our intensity is definitely waning. Not much, not much at all but just enough for a team with a bit of bravery to play around. We need fresh leg options in the centre. Players running around dead on their feet. It’s. No surprise the way we play. Can’t keep that up for a season.
  18. Lotus

    Anthony Gordon

    Our ‘leaked’ interest in Gordon might be a way of motivating Leicester to sell us Maddison before the window closes and they lose him for nowt in the summer. Maybe Leicester have set an unrealistic price. If they see us trying for Gordon for £10-15M less they might cave.
  19. Hoping Southampton want to win this leg. Would leave a bit of space for us to get at them. ATM we need the other team to actually want to win the game to open the door for us.
  20. We got a lot of joy by surprising teams and winning the ball very high up. Getting a transition in or near the opponents box is golden and we were doing it well. Either our intensity has dialled down just a fraction (would be understandable with our small pool of decent players) and/or teams have figured out a way to get the ball to the half way line where, if they lose it there, it’s less dangerous. On top of that, teams like Palace would’ve treated us like equals at best early in the season. Now mid or lower table teams sit lower and are more compact. For them, a draw is not a bad result.
  21. The ball moves faster than anyone. So if ASM gains a reputation as an astute and incisive passer of the ball he will be magnificent. He’d have the space to do it too as defenders don’t like to dive in when squared up by someone who can dribble. It would give him half a yard extra to get his head up.
  22. Agree with this. He could do with the other forwards or front midfielder being closer to him when gets the ball. As it is, he’s needing about 3 touches to get it to a teammate. That’s too many. He needs closer support.
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