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Everything posted by oldtype

  1. After all this hype, in all likelihood we'll probably get nothing.
  2. A true Newcastle fan would only believe in Shearer. The fact that glory like Shearer can exist in this world is proof enough of a creator for me. bluecool.gif
  3. I wasn뭪 born interested in Football. This is why it뭩 hard for me?Since leaving college though all I think about and look forward to is Football. support your local team, then, wherever you're from. Don't forget us international supporters now. While I do support my local team, (FC Seoul, perrenial overspenders and underachievers in the K-League. Decent frontline but shite for defense. Hmm... sounds familiar.) I am also a NUFC supporter purely by choice. I'm not afraid to admit that I have no connection whatsoever to Newcastle, heck, I'm only going there for the first time this spring. But I'd like to think that my love and passion for my adopted club is at leats in some manner comparable to those of you who were born with it. The reason I support Newcastle is the same as the reason I believe in God, or the reason that I don't watch kiddie-porn , it's just the right thing to do.
  4. So, would you like to swap our position with West Hams? Well, considering that neither of us is probably going to get relegated or make it into Europe this season, I just might...
  5. I'm sorry to break it to you FlapJackJoe, but communism didn't really work out for Russia. Probably won't work for football either.
  6. To be honest I'm pretty much green with envy over West Ham as they're signing players left and right with Magnusson's biscuit money. In the mean time, we hardly get concrete links much less signings. We'll get one or two players in eventually I suppose, but I have to admit that anxiety is setting in.
  7. I can't believe he said that! You just have to listen closely mate
  8. "Well, I really like first team footbal so I'm kind of miserable not being able to have any... But I sort of like money more so I signed the extension anway... Oh well, anyone for clubbing?" -Bridge
  9. oldtype

    Winter Break

    Probably impossible to ever implement in Britain for the obvious reasons. To be honest a winter break would be exactly what our squad could use right now though
  10. Thanks mate. And everyone else too for all the kind advice. Having lived in the US for far a while now because of college, I can probably get by with western food. Although admittedly, I did find fish and chips to be pretty horrendous last time I was in the uk bluebiggrin.gif
  11. So I'm a a Korean fan (there are lots of us btw ), and me and a mate will be finally making our first trip to Newcastle over spring break this year, with a view to staying in the city for a couple of days and catching the Man City game. While I don't believe in the slightest the media drivel about racism in the area, I do admit that it's mildly intimidating as an Asian to be traveling into a city that is, as far as Wikipedia can tell me, 93.1% white. So what I'm wondering is, what sort of a reaction do you think the average fan would have to an Asian being in the stands at St James' Park singing along at the top of his lungs with a heavy American accent? Can I count on some bemused glances being thrown my way? Oh and any travel tips would be appreciated as well. :winking:
  12. oldtype

    Sunday gossip

    Aye, and my mate at work's older brother's Portuguese wife is a friend of Mourinho, and she says he's checking out a place in Newcastle
  13. oldtype

    Sunday gossip

    10m sounds like a lot, but considering that we'll have to spend at least half of that on replacing him, it's probably not worth the risk. For me, Parker is doing fine in our midfield. If it works, don't fix it.
  14. oldtype

    Sunday gossip

    Let's see, so we're signing a shite player who doesn't play a position we need cover in? Sounds good to me. :roll: Does he "play" left back occasionally? I forget.
  15. oldtype

    Titus rumour

    Probably 99.5% bollocks. Although it would be a horrible thing to happen to him. I doubt any footballer (other than the utter c**ts that shouldn't be playing in the first place, I suppose) would trade in any amount of money for the possibility of playing the game they love. Would be absolutely heartbreaking for titus. Not a good thing for the club either. Although I'm hardly a fan, I'd rather have Bramble than nobody.
  16. Don't bet on it. Odds on that all three of them will get injured a month into the new season, forcing us to pair Shola and Sib up front.
  17. I'd be willing to bet money that no other supporters anywhere in England know their reservists as well as we do
  18. I fully expect the "Belgravia group" to be some sort of non-existant entity created by Fat Fred to toy with our minds. Seriously, wth do they think they're doing? At this rate they'll be "interested" forever.
  19. For some reason that made it sound like Hunt got a pay raise for cracking Cech's skull. or maybe I'm just wierd.
  20. oldtype

    Given VS Krul

    Would probably be gaining some first-team experience on loan already if not for our fkin ridiculous injury crisis
  21. wouldn't mind plugging Neil in center.
  22. It'll be absolutely critical that Fulham spend the 5m they got on some useful players. Kind of makes you appreciate the situation we're in. If Fulham screwed up as badly on the transfer market ONCE as we've been consistently doing for the last few years, they would have been relegated ten times over.
  23. I'm starting to worry that this might be the truth. Pragmatically, no club ANYWHERE is in as drastic a need of signings as we are. Yet nearly a week into the window right now and we don't even have any realistic links. If Fat Fred had half a brain, he knew that he HAD to sign if he could, if only because the fans would be panic-ing like this and all the good will built up towards the club with the recent upturn in form would be washed away. EVERYONE who supports this club has been holding their breaths, waiting desperately for january. And the effect on supporter morale is simply devastating. But even though the club needs new signings, both to play and to keep the fans happy, it doesn't seem to be making headway on any. Are we to draw the desperate conclusion that the reason for this is because it simply doesn't have the money? ....I certainly hope I'm wrong.
  24. No idea. Perhaps Brazilians would know the full names of their players and the nicknames are mainly for us dumb foreign folk?
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