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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. It'll be some gobshite defender, it always is.
  2. I'd rather have Kinnear in the premiership than Kinnear in the championship. What a choice.
  3. i'd love that So would i to be honest. He'd be useless under Kinnear though.
  4. I'd rather get Viana back than buy that Nacho bloke.
  5. Kimbo


    9. I've no faith in the squad or management(especially). Things might change if we bring a manager in, but i don't have enough faith in Ashley and Llambias to think that will happen.
  6. You mean NOT play 4-4-2?? You're mental mate, mental.
  8. I can be persuaded, but it would have to a HUGE amount of money, far more than anyone would actually pay.
  9. I've never mocked a team for getting relegated and never will, it's over the line.
  10. Kimbo


    His previous job was hardly 9 to 5. I'm well aware. He'll get to see more of them as a pundit as opposed to a manager/player though, wouldn't you agree? He's had plenty of spare time in the last 20 years, greedy work shy bastard should get a proper job.
  11. Kimbo


    His previous job was hardly 9 to 5.
  12. It's the games against the likes of Bolton that he will be judged on, not games against the top 4.
  13. I don't understand. You think Steve Harpers alleged leadership will keep us up?
  14. If there's not a change in manager we will get relegated, you can be sure of that! Everyone else is battling for their place so we can't rely on them to keep losing anymore.
  15. They clearly see Kinnear as a "top top manager", so it's hardly surprising. His competition is probably Brian Little, Roy Evans, and Ron Atkinson. Incredibly one sided article from NUSC, hardly surprising. He won't speak to you if after every meeting you report everything with such a slant.
  16. It all depends on your reasons. If your local team turns out to be Barcelona i'd be very suspicious.
  17. We should be giving him a go. Not sure if we want another mega-wage striker with personality issues on the club's books. How big are his wages going to be in Brazil? Surely not that mega.
  18. I don't blame Hughton, i blame the dumb fuckheads that thought he could win a relegation battle.
  19. I see Fred has been released by Lyon. Looks like he's going to sign for a Brazilian club. http://www.setanta.com//uk/Articles/Football/2009/02/27/Ligue-1-Lyon-exit-for-Fred/gnid-42207/
  20. To me it looked intentional. If it wasn't a Newcastle player i'm sure we would all be calling for a longer ban.
  21. Define fact. Nolan hasn't been good for 2 and a half years.
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