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Everything posted by Kimbo

  1. we paid £5m for Barton not 6 I wasn't over the moon about us signing Barton either, not my sort of player, BUT i can see the logic in signing him. Smith however, i'm bamboozled.
  2. So basically no one should ever disagree with a transfer. Great, may aswell shut this place down now. Can you read? Have you seen some of the comments on here? Huge difference between disagreeing with a transfer and wishing for the guy to be run down by a freakin' train isn't there? I mean what's that all about? Half of you disagrreing don't even have any basis for doing so. Instead your disagreeing on the basis that you want Ronaldinho instead. No one knows how he is going to be used yet or what Sams plans are, so why not wait before you judge. Who's mentioned Ronaldinho?! I'm disagreeing on the basis that he is just a grafter and won't improve our team in any way, we don't need him. And i'm very disappointed the money isn't going towards defenders. I'm guessing he's going to be played in midfield or upfront, we have better options in both of those positions.
  3. So basically no one should ever disagree with a transfer. Great, may aswell shut this place down now.
  4. he still managed to get a game for manu, I really dont see the big fuss. He is comming from manu after being told he will not get as many games as he wants due to newer more expensive signings, we are not buying him from wigan or some unknown club so I say if we can give dyer more than one chance we can do the very same for smith. He flopped at Man Utd big style, that's not impressive.
  5. Oh jesus wept. We're throwing £6m at a player that specialises in running around snarling, and isn't good enough for our first team. T'rrific.
  6. hopefully we find out on Thursday who Mort gets to replace Fat Sam with Controversial.
  7. If this money isn't put towards defenders i think my head will explode. Although he's a good player we don't need Gudjohnsen, and Alan Smith? Fuck off!
  8. It's like Paxman vs Howard all over again.
  9. I remember when he signed all the papers were saying his wages were 45k a week, maybe 60k is what it's being increased to.
  10. It's true, Barca fans never shut up about him.
  11. If we sold him then we would have to buy another left winger, where are we going to find one as good as him for £3m. Lunatics, the lot of em!!!
  12. I'm calling bullshit. I would be gutted if it happened though, especially for such a crappy fee. I would be seriously questioning Sams judgement. And if he is replaced with Smith i think my head would explode.
  13. "N'Zogbia fell out with Newcastle when he was excluded from the squad to face Watford in the Magpies' final game of last season." What the fuck has this got to do with anything???
  14. Amen. This summer is turning out to be a lot less enjoyable than we all anticipated. Freakin' papers! It's only less enjoyable if you're daft enough to believe even half of the absolute horseshit that the paper's have been coming out with. As someone's already pointed out as well, Martins would be on his bike if a top team came in with the money to activate the clause in his contract, so this article is pretty much pointless and is very likely a load of s*** to fill up the sports pages. I don't believe this article, infact i don't believe 99% of the crap i see pasted over the internet and tabloids. But that doesn't stop it being irritating.
  15. Christ i hate the transfer window, roll on september says i!!
  16. I'm going to assume this is bollocks.
  17. I wouldn't take him at any price, i just don't see where he would fit in.
  18. Either in AM or on the wing depending on who we're playing, if the fullback is a bit of a slug then i would definitely play him there. I do think he can become a very good attacking midfielder in a 3 man midfield, but he probably needs to be eased into the role. I don't really mind as long as he isn't stuck at left back.
  19. I can't vote. I need to vote!
  20. Does anyone want to buy my turd for £2m?
  21. That's who sprang to my mind. Laurent Robert aswell.
  22. Kimbo

    Luke Young

    Boro are welcome to him, he's mediocre.
  23. Where is the "No one, the story is bollocks" option?
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