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Everything posted by Fatwax

  1. I pretty much missed the entire second half, due to a bit of work on and SSN not having anything to say at all. Any 2nd half highlights? Sounds like Martins played well.
  2. Never doubt The Bonk. If we were all in a bar now, you'd be stood on a table dancing and we'll all be throwing money in. I love football.
  3. Bollocks, I hadn't heard of Elano this time last year. Have faith mate.
  4. Just another player to do the double over next season. There will be other players and other chances. We can't expect a massive rebuild in one window and we can't expect European football overnight. The sad reality is that we've got to chip away and get back up there.. ..and when we get back up there we'll destroy the fucking lot of 'em.
  5. I am officially sick of this whole fiasco, a massive 2 days into it. A quick google will show that about 15 days ago the same stories were circulating, but for Spurs. Looking at Jan will show him going to Chelsea. What will be will be. It'd be brilliant if we got players of this calibre, but as I see it if Keegan can get Butt, Geremi and Barton playing something that resembles the beautiful game, we'll stand a chance of at least something better than this shite next year. I've said it before, but at the end of the day it's what Keegan wants and he's a man I trust to do the job right. Sorted.
  6. Fatwax


    I don't know where you got the impression I said any of the above stuff. When we were playing badly, I was on here telling all and sundry our players were already mentally "on the beach". I also mentioned our loss to Sunderland in the very post you're replying to. I've also refrained from suggesting we're worldbeaters to anyone, so I don't know where you go that idea from. In fact, if you look at most of my posts on here on the subject, I'm pointing out that we've got a pathetically small squad and have been lucky to get away with it. Quite the opposite to what you're suggesting. And that you want Milner To be honest, I think it's just the typical stereotype of all fans to other fans - Geordies are deluded, Mancs are gloryseekers from Londond etc. from all of your posts that I've read you've come across as likable and level headed. I think this is just an example of "typical Villa fans" For the record, I lived with two Villa fans upto about 2 months ago.. both fit the above description.
  7. This all stems way back to that Radio Newcastle interview where Keegan was asked who his dream signing would be.. since then this story has popped up here and there. Bit of a nothing story tbh. Saying that though, I really have no idea what to expect this summer.. what with the Modric story etc. which although I very much doubt will happen, I do believe has truth in it what with so many sources reporting coinciding stories.. Hmmm, Newcastle sign Modric and Henry, heh.
  8. I'm now located at Wootton, Lincolnshire (nearby Barton) This sounds like an ace idea!
  10. Sign both. We'll shit'em.
  11. What happened to them two guys that followed NUFC to the training grounds last pre-season and got us loads of photos and info? That was ace. I hope Keegan does something like that this season. Team building ahoy!
  12. Haha, this is ace. Derby have scored. If Wigan can pull something out the bag a top-half finish may just be a half-chance for us.
  13. Imagine how you'd be feeling if this was the match that effectively decided who would be in the top flight next season.. I'd probably die of heart failure at half time!
  14. This is the match where heros are made. This will be my game of the season. Always leaves me excited and scared at the prospect.
  15. Could have won it, overall happy with a point and a clean sheet. 5 games undefeated.
  16. And he's been pretty s*** by his recent standards. I'll take your word for that. Very impressed thus far. Last full game I watched was.. Villa I think. That's my measuring stick, hah.
  17. This is the first game I've watched on TV since we've picked up and for me the transformation of the midfield - Butt in particular - is astounding. I've watched extended highlights, but it's no way near the same. Enrique had a shaky start for me, seems a bit frustrated. Martins started off brightly. I'd say we've been more of a threat but Pompey aren't really being dominated. 3 points is still a possibility at this point.
  18. Before Keegan arrived I felt that if Zog had gone I would have been gutted. Now that Keegan is here I'm not all that bothered. Not sure why this is, I guess I just have faith in the man. Something I didn't really have with previous managers.
  19. Definitely not having a go, but to those saying that he needs to earn the money currently invested in him.. I can't really think of a situation where he was to blame. He can't help dangerous injuries, nor can he be at fault for being placed in a team that isn't functioning and not providing him with service. Over the last few weeks Keegan has shown what Owen is capable of if used in a position that works for him and the team. I don't understand how people are still writing the man off when his goals this season have pulled us out of trouble. But then again, I don't see Mort as a man to throw money and wages about. If Owen did get an increase I doubt it'd be ridiculous. The man's a lawyer after all.
  20. Fatwax


    They showed fuck all highlights, proper rushed through. Slightly disappointed now. Wonder what Lawro & company have to say.
  21. Fatwax


    If I know I'll be watching it on MOTD later I'll avoid all chances to watch the goals. I love watching fresh footage on MOTD with a can/brew in hand. On a side note - How come Shearer is never on MOTD when we win?
  22. Fatwax

    Overweight XI

    This thread is well vitriolic. Paddy Kenny on the bench?
  23. Now that the season is approaching a thankful end and it looks like we'll be safe (knock on wood), it's becoming apparent that it's fairly clear who will be going down - Bolton, Fulham and Derby. I saw an article saying that Diouf had told Bolton's fans that he'd be leaving the Reebok at the end of the season if they stayed up or not and this got me thinking - are there any players from the bottom 3 that you'd like to have here at St. James Park next season? Strangely at the beginning of the season there were a few players that I thought I'd take from maybe Bolton, but since Keegan has taken control again my expectations of future signings has been higher, even though we have had a very disappointing campaign.
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