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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. Knowing Bruce he would keep him in even after everyone else was fit like he did with Darlow.
  2. Mattoon

    Joe Willock

    He's going to make a fantastic understudy to Shelvey
  3. So Bruce has taken to Netflix to do his scouting now?
  4. Mattoon

    Joe Willock

    To think we nearly had that thing called ambition, ugh! Close call.
  5. Mattoon

    Joe Willock

    I keep saying I've checked out, but I'm still here, I'll probably take in the first game on Sunday (at least partially until frustration kicks in) and maybe a few more throughout the season but I'm definitely less invested every season. I want us to sign Willock because I think he's a game changer and if there is still a possibility of a takeover hes the key to keeping us up (no pressure).
  6. Mattoon

    NUFC finances

    In reality he owned the shop so other than the actual sponsorship money itself, most of the proceeds went into SD coffers anyway. It would be interesting to know the financial shares of sales going forward now Castore own the shop, how much is he creaming off the top of that deal?
  7. Mattoon

    NUFC finances

    I think its pretty clear that any commercial avenue has been exploited to the benefit of SD and Frasiers group as a whole. I'm convinced the only reason this hasn't encroached on shirt/sleeve sponsorship is because no one would buy a SD NUFC shirt.
  8. Mattoon

    Joe Willock

    It's same every window, we're as bad as the PL for kicking the can down the road when it comes to transfers and I can only imagine the reasoning behind it is those extra weeks wage we want to avoid until its absolutely necessary, penny pinching at its finest.
  9. Tend to agree, I don't think the Saudis even have to "wait" they'll just continue to invest in other ventures and leave the prospect of us open, it's not like they're stood at the side kicking their heels and getting frustrated. Like you say, if they can't buy us then they can't buy any other PL club and no other league offers the same potential windfall as a PL club can.
  10. You kiss your mum with that mouth???
  11. I just don't get other people getting irrationally angry at someone elses opinion, what does it matter to you what someone else thinks or hopes for? They're happy in this thread, leave them to it, no one needs to wade in with their size 10s stamping on any glimmer of hope they wish to hold on to. I've always said it's on until it's off, I have no interest in an Ashley/Bruce NUFC so I'll continue to hope that there's a better option sooner or later, that doesn't make me immature, it makes the current situation not feel like I've wasted 25 years of my life supporting a club that's circling the toilet.
  12. Something that should only be risked once or twice a week. So long as it doesn't interfere with "mash and gravy Monday", "Taco Tuesday", "Chicken wing Wednesday" or "Fry up Friday".
  13. Wilock was a special case, self driven and skillful, he was able to manage himself in a way, that wouldn't work with most players who need guidance/tactical instructions. If Bruce did have to get involved he would undoubtedly undo a decent amount of coaching.
  14. Can't blame the lad, he's warned them all summer and they haven't listened, anyone with an ounce of self respect and a desire to be at the top of their game should be looking at the door.
  15. Mattoon

    Joe Willock

    A football team
  16. Not sure if it technically counts but surely paying Hatem Ben Arfa to leave has to be up there for the pure idiocy of it.
  17. Mattoon

    Joey Barton

    I think there's a fairly intelligent and decent bloke in there somewhere but he's never been in control of his demons, that's not me making excuses for him as we all have a choice. Blokes had more chances than most get with his track record.
  18. If by strategy you mean a hastily scribbled name on a dirty napkin in wacky warehouse crayon then yes I think they'll be all out of ideas.
  19. I suspect if the PL thought they had a watertight case they would have got this done as quick as possible. It seems they are playing the long game in the hope that it drags out to a point that those involved see it as not being worth the time nor effort anymore. Whether Ashley et al have a watertight case or not remains to be seen, but the PL will make it as tough as possible for that case to ever see the light of day. Like I said in an earlier post, this has turned into a staring contest between snakes (they can't blink). Meanwhile it's the supporters that are left with an unwanted step child that's made to sleep under the stairs, barely fed and never bought new things.
  20. Can't blame anyone for feeling like this, another 6, probably more months of ITK, he said, she said, arguing semantics, opinions and translations of the little scraps we mere mortals are thrown. Sometimes it's easier to draw a line under it and move on. I certainly won't be following every word, we've all put our mentality on hold for too long, it's not been fair on the supporters, from any angle. Having said that I think this is far from over, I'm not convinced the light at the end of the tunnel is not another 14 years of Ashley shaped train though. Fingers crossed but save your mental health and let it go.
  21. Solid 9 for me, doubt I'll watch many if any games but -1 from a full 10 for ASM and Wilson.
  22. Honestly who cares? We're watching the fat conductor rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic hoping it'll somehow prevent it from sinking. We're just getting rid of one mangled old hole ridden gaffer taped deck chair for another one.
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