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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. It would take Ashley to actually watch a match to decipher what kind of football we play. We know he only uses us as a billboard for his shitty brand but surely he'd rather have his brand displayed on a decent billboard and not a shit stained rag hanging in NE1? There's got to be some kind of corroboration between brand and quality (not that his brand has any) but it's hardly a glowing illustration of his business acumen.
  2. I can't wait until all that eye bleeding, nauseating, tacky shit gets ripped down!
  3. I'll accept that. Exactly all I'm hoping for, obviously the ultimate goal should be to pan Ashley and all his cronies but the reason I'm vehemently against Pardew is the utter dross we're subjected to which just amplifies everything wrong with the club. Short-termist? Yes, absolutely! But it's a start.
  4. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Can't be bothered reading the last few pages, I get the gist and still think Pardew is a rotten piece of bellcheese
  5. Remy will be straight in the side and we'll scrape a win and Pardew over the cracks.
  6. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Problem is Pardew has spewed that much shite about Hatem that fans has lapped it up and taken it as gospel, don't think there'll be that much unrest about this. So Alan, if all your players have gotten better in your tenure then what has happened to Hatem and why is there no future for him? Could it be because you're a bullshitting cock who has no idea what the fuck you are doing? PRICK.
  7. Never in 36 billion years. There is only so much anyone can take - even Pardew. It will be the day he loses his list of excuses probably. Even though we know he is crap he can get a job somewhere else pretty easily. The media don't really criticise him and he was Manager of the year not so long ago. Unless the debt rumours are true I am sure he would eventually pack it in if it got too much for him. Tbf, I don't think he'll ever run out of excuses. FFS, he even blamed Science for the Cardiff loss. He thinks we're stupid and will accept any sh!te excuse he comes up with. Interviewer: "Alan-Villa put 10 past you in the first half. What's your response?" Pardew: "Jellyfish. we was done by jellyfish." Interviewer: "Jellyfish? Really?" Pardew: "No. Not really." ..."it was the Hadron Collider. No, sorry, it was ITV's Splash. Er, I mean the iceberg what sank the.. T........ " ad nauseam.... *Interviewer sighs and leaves Them damn Jellyfish, hope we don't get done by that one again!
  8. I said this would happen before the game, Pardew brings on Hatem when the game is all but lost, expects him to do some "magic" when everyone else's head has already dropped. He can't win a game on his own, he came on and showed promise for 10 minutes or so and unsurprisingly his head dropped too. Now he doesn't escape criticism for that, you should always keep going, no matter what, but Pardew teams are surrender monkeys, he sends them out with white flags and no mental fortitude. For me our best passage of play was with Marveaux and Hatem on the pitch, we were never likely to win due to the tactics he employed, two immobile strikers and a 4 man midfield ffs!? I knew it was coming but I still can't believe he singled out the two players with any kind of forward threat that didn't include a hoof. Charlatan!
  9. Completely disillusioned with it all now, I used to be passionate about NUFC, wear my replica shirt with pride in a town predominantly covered in red and never miss a match one way or another. These days however I've lost all desire in this club, I still love NUFC and I look back on the SBR and Keegan eras with pride and passion, but that's a long way off now. Like HTT said, I can't even mustre a celebration for a goal these days, once upon a time I used to make my daughter cry from jumping out my chair, punching the air and shouting. Even a win these days feels laborious, scrappy and unfulfilling. How can winning be so joyless? Lack of ambition? Ultimately winning is fruitless just a means to and end, that end? Premiership survival.
  10. Journos are so lazy, it doesn't take much to realise the same fate keeps befalling the team and strangely with different players, must be the players then yeah? Seriously can't wait for Ashley and his puppet to fuck off! I missed the Scum and Chelsea games cuz I knew what was going to happen, saw the results and gave it a scoff and had a good day. I stupidly decided to watch the Spuds game, mainly because I had nothing else to do and it really boiled my piss, what a pathetic excuse for a team, it's just depressing right now. I've never felt this level of apathy, I've only been following NUFC for 18 years but this is head and shoulders the worst it has been for me. Can't even see the light at the end of the tunnel these days.
  11. Fucking useless cunt couldn't organise a shag in a whore house. No tactics, shite formations, laughable player choices, predictable, slow, front foot my fuckin arse. I hope the useless bastard chokes in his shit excuses. Totally embarrassing.
  12. We just looked like spectators for that goal no one picked any fucker up! Worst home game losing streak since 1984? First time Spurs have won at SJP in 10 years, Pardew the motherfuckin record breaker!
  13. No we've attacked a lot, it's just a mess and Cisse is so s*** it's untrue. And Spurs are so beatable it's doing my head in. If the f***ing utter wankstained c*** in the dugout picked the right line up we could win it. Seeing as we're now behind it's over as Shola will be on soon. We need to get Shola on so that hoof from Williamson will sti... Be aimed at someone. Besides we've got to protect that score line. We was good, we did good containing their players, not many teams will hid.... Play spurs at home and only get beat by one or two, we can't compete.
  14. The subs are: Shola for Cisse, Haidara for Santon, both around 60 minutes, then HBA on for Gouf after 80 sometime, in stone!
  15. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He'll be the last sub at 3-0 down and still get the blame for the poor performance. Everyone's heads will be down and the game will be gone but he won't be trying hard enough, déjà vu!
  16. And then beat him with the gun
  17. Mattoon

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It's ok he can come on on the 84th minute and do some magic
  18. TP is also short for Toilet Paper, which is also something that Pardew and Ashley use to clean their dirty ring pieces with, coincidence?
  19. Should have asked him about this - http://www.colinhendrylies.com/ This just got a little darker than I anticipated!
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