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Everything posted by Mattoon

  1. "Front foot football" aye trouble is the team are facing the wrong way dick head.
  2. We've played by far the better football away from home imo. That's like saying the guy that raped me last night wasn't as rough as the guy that raped me last week.
  3. Just wanted to pop back in to say he's still a pole smoking, bullshitting, tactic-less, surrender monkey, just fuck off! That, is, all!
  4. About £2m since most of our signings will probably be end of contract deals. £64m if you include wages and possible wages for extended contracts, etc...
  5. Get rich quick scheme for any budding entrepreneurs out there, buy some blue dye to sell to all those glory supporters.
  6. I wouldn't look down on anyone who went out of loyalty to the team, but the same needs to be vice versa. I don't think people are giving it the "look at me" (mostly) how can a bouycott be effective without being vocal about it? People need to know why it's happening. Fwiw the thick and thin, IMHO, would require some effort from somewhere, clearly the club has lost all identity, the owner has no interest in the club anymore, he hasn't even been to the match since September! The owner cares for nothing but his own ego and the players are just going through the motions, no emotion or pride left. The only thing being supported is a defaced stadium that's had its soul ripped out, an emblem of what we were. Can't blame someone for grasping onto a loveless marriage in blind hope that the love will come back, I also can't blame others for throwing in the towel and getting away from what is a downward spiral of bad feelings, frustration and anger. Yes it is only a game but one that can be very emotionally attaching. It's a double edged sword though; Go and you're a fool for filling Ashley's pockets; Stay and you're a fickle "supporter" who doesn't really support the team. Neither is wrong but neither is exactly right either, just as infuriating and frustrating as the Ashley regime.
  7. Mattoon

    Loïc Remy

    12-13 38 11 8 19 45 68 41 With Cabaye 25. 8 7 11 27 40 31 Without Cabaye 12 3 1 8 18 28 10
  8. They would definitely work well together, but who will/could be a success with the odd setups we utilise? If Pardew had Messi he'd be at left back or warming the bench ffs.
  9. Mattoon

    Loïc Remy

    Last season showed if that spine doesn't play well. We are royally f'd. Krul-Colo-Tiote-Cabaye-Star srtriker Last year only Krul & Cabaye had decent seasons and we struggled very badly. Without Ba we would've been relegated. Cabaye was not decent last year, like. He was just as s**** as the rest, had a few standout games after he came out about his depression then went back into his shell again. Our W/D/L stats with and without Cabaye tell a different story like.
  10. It definitely had a Shearer, Bellamy feel about it, think it could really work, but for how long? I've resigned to Remy leaving and think he wouldn't be that great an acquisition without a Remy type player to play off him.
  11. He was like two different players in that game, once Tiote went off and he got forward I thought he immense, prior to that he was sloppy and didn't look comfortable on the ball at all. If Pardew sticks with a similar team against Hull I'd like to see him and Tiote swap roles, of course Pardew is to stupid/proud to change anything.
  12. Again, this is ignoring the main point. No one is saying that being 8th is bad. Being 12th would be ok if there was an understanding that we are improving. Look at Hughton's time here, or Keegan's second spell when our main concern was to avoid relegation. In both cases there was genuine hope for the future. Now we know that this season is finished and we have no intention of chasing a UEFA place. It's not ignoring the main point, it's an ability to hold the two concepts together in your mind. I admit the bigger picture is bleak, but football as a sport still holds enough interest over each match. On your last point though, I'm sick of people taking the Europa League moaning too literally. I'll never believe we're actively trying to finish lower in the league. Pardew must want to win every game, he would never have achieved anything in football if he didn't. Otherwise why celebrate the winner like that on Sunday? I agree the club overall lacks ambition under Ashley, but I think it's a mistake to project that so literally onto the manager and players. You have a point there Ian, what ambitions Ashley has for the club are a moot point. The manager should always want to do his best, the reason Ashley has no interest in the cups or Europe is not JUST because of the financial aspect, I'm sure he wouldn't be arsed if we won the Europa cup, the Capital One cup and the FA cup, so long as we remained a respectable position in the league. Our main problem is the fool in charge of the team unable to multitask. Ashley is the main problem, under him I don't think any manager could make a charge for everything with such a slim squad, however a decent manager would take us further in at least one cup whilst maintaining the status quo in the premiership. Pardew and his shite tactics, training tequniques et al is whats cock blocking us. The main aim is getting rid of Ashley and his corrosive regime but I do think a better manager could take us further in the short term.
  13. Has the same issues as HBA IMO, has had the skill coached out if him in favour of trying to turn him into a workhorse, only he's better at that than Hatem. Plus both have been moved around all over the shop thus losing an identity or strongest position.
  14. Mattoon

    Papiss Cissé

    The scousers can stick their substandard "SAS" we've got RAD!
  15. Managing fans expectations by dropping little hints here and there, well in advance of Remy not coming to us. Or doing what he usually does and throwing in the towel before it's even started, getting those excuses in early so if it does happen he can blow his own trumpet even louder.
  16. That gets you in the whole argument would you rather have an FA cup in the bag and spend a few years fighting in the Championship for it. Debatable Or, as they are in the Quarter Finals of that cup, played in the Europa League and are mounting a great run into the Championship play offs in a 46 game season. Something that would fry your hero's brain to dust. But...... 8th.......... Top of our league........ Hands tied....... 8TH!!!!
  17. His ball control and passing we're decidedly suspect yesterday, but he just kept running, he's a tireless athlete, played out of position, never a right winger in a midfield 4 or front 3. He came here like a monster, that debute! Seems to have regressed skills wise.
  18. I like it, he seems self confident and has spoke sense when i've heard his interviews. Although i've yet to see him speak after a defeat so don't know what he said yesterday I like the fact he pretty much talked and gambled himself into the job... Hire me now or don't hire me at all kinda thing, ballsy b****** Or massive talent blag I dunno he's very cocky for someone who has achieved f*** all as a manager and was a bang average player IMO It's official, Brett ISN'T a Pardew supporter, he's a cocky cockney cunt supporter.
  19. Pardew is f***ing embarrassing in that picture. But Tiote Someone needs to punch him so fucking hard he'd have to brush his teeth through his arse for that!
  20. He never would have got sacked anyway. Its funny, for years we only really had one LB. Now we have 3 and none of them really seem to be the answer. No but it's eased the pressure, like I say bittersweet.
  21. Me neither, it's the constraints that we're put on him that took him out of the game. It's no surprise as soon as Tiote went off and he got forward he looked like one of the best players on the pitch.
  22. We deserved it for being slightly less shit than the other team. Can't help but be happy we finally fucking win but it's bitter sweet because Pardew keeps his job, for now. Like I said in the prematch thread, Remy will come back we'll get a scrappy win and Pardew over the cracks. Uncanny! Love that we won, hate that it keeps shit head in a job
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