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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Glad that utter fucking bellend Long didn’t have a sniff.
  2. Nice to see that cunt Trevor Brooking got a bit stick today. Odious wanker. Said this in another thread too, but the amount of money West Ham have spent to go backwards is criminal. Going down and getting shot of those two schysters would be the best thing for them. They’ve got a few decent youngsters and really should rebuild. Any team with James fucking Collins starting as a PL centre back in 2018 deserves to go down.
  3. The money West Ham have pissed up the wall in recent years to go backwards is absolutely astonishing.
  4. Am sure those fucking twats will be happy in the Champo with their rent-free stadium. Dock them points ffs.
  5. West Ham right back in it and in a total fucking mess from top to bottom. Good to see Davey M is doing a good job of keeping things together.
  6. Need a third. Crowd nervous every time they get the ball forward.
  7. Massive, massive, result for us there.
  8. Results haven’t gone our way at all this season.
  9. We’ve had a few other times where we’ve been close to putting something like that together. Like this lineup. Yup. Loads of pace and plenty of threat. Been really positive - just wish we could see this against the teams we’re competing with rather than solely against the top 6.
  10. If West Brom can beat them there, we ought to be giving it a go.
  11. Can we not register free transfers?
  12. I’ve warmed to him recently. Since he’s been elbowed out by the new breed of pundits he doesn’t give a fuck any more. Just a miserable cunt that knows he’s run his race and is bitter about it.
  13. Why?? Carrasco only went for £23 million too. They bought him for 20.
  14. I’m astounded Tyldesley was in work for so long tbh. Undoubtedly one of the shittest there has ever been. Jackie Oatley also shocking.
  15. Tim Vickery is brilliant. Superb knowledge of the game, especially in a South America. Used to enjoy reading his column on BBC, although I’m not sure if he still writes it anymore.
  16. That’s that then. Over and oot!
  17. There’s nothing dynamic about Manure at all. Sanchez and Pogba look like different players under Mourinho.
  18. Right sub to make. Lamela has been absolutely shocking.
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