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Everything posted by toon25

  1. Thing is though, and I wouldn't normally place too much emphasis on this, but who in our squad at the mo is braced for a relegation scrap? From what I saw tonight, their heads have gone down and I wouldn't say that we've any true leaders to pull us up by the scruff of the neck if needs be. Normally that would be the responsibility of the captain, but Colo's looked very out of sorts recently. Who then? Cabaye? Saylor? The only thing that'll turn it around is the confidence that come from playing free flowing, attacking football, a style which to all intents and purposes best suits our squad. I'm not convinced Pardew is capable of getting us playing like that in the current circumstances. The bloke looks shit scared when we go behind AND when we're in front to actually chase the game.
  2. I'm just praying that he's shitting himself, just a little bit, at our current predicament. Perhaps I'm giving the man too much credit there, however.
  3. Defo saw where merlin was coming from, but I'd agree with this entirely.
  4. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Same here. The group I was sitting with took the view that Ashley had hung him out to dry over the summer and there was little Pardew could do to turn things around with the players at his disposal. The thing is, even if we do manage to bring in a striker, a CB, Debuchy and, by some miracle a CM I'd still not be confident that Pardew would get us the results we need to avoid a relegation scrap.
  5. Gates won't go down enough to convince him to sell, he knows as much as we do that NUFC fans will continue to support the side whatever position we're in. We're stuck with him, sadly. As johnnypd mentioned above, he's not proactive in the sense that he'll act if we look to be in the shit - he's a hands-off opportunist. As you say, the only thing we can hope for is that his eye will be on the loss of PL TV revenue if we do go down and that he'll subsequently invest in the team.
  6. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    No way back imo. He's bereft of ideas and we've become utterly predictable. 27 months since we came from behind to win a game, bottom of the form table, consistent tactical ineptitude? He's lost me, I'm afraid, and on some of the showings from some of our lot recently he's lost them, too.
  7. Just hoping for a respectable performance tbh. Win, lose or draw. Sad it's come to this, but its a distraction we don't need.
  8. Aye. It's this that has pissed me off most tonight. Cult hero/mackem slayer jokes aside, he's never been good enough
  9. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    It's about the same. This game was basically the 0-0 against Pompey where they played keep ball for the last 10 minutes and our players didn't give a shit. Dont't know about anyone else, but I feel this team has far more to give than the last bunch. They just look bereft of confidence and ideas which is not surprising given the set up this evening. Do I trust Ashley to make the right decisions to reduce the likelihood of us going down? No way. But unless he acts soon that'll be where we're going. I'm just hoping beyond hope that the lure of the PL TV cash next year will force him to take action. Whether that'll be in investment in the team or a new manager I don't know, but something needs to give.
  10. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    This is the best side on paper that we've had in years, and this twat is pissing it down the drain.
  11. Aye. And meanwhile those running the club simply don't appear as though they're giving a shit. Just sauntering on to the next game and the next piss poor show. When that's over, on to the next. There's no plan whatsoever atm, just apparent blind faith that we'll be ok. Seriously concerning.
  12. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    This is the crux for me. No other owner of a side that finished fifth last year would tolerate results of this nature. Pull the fucking trigger and start showing some ambition ffs. So fucking irritated.
  13. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Lose against Brighton and he's got to go. Beyond a joke now.b
  14. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Absolutely shocking. Give him the fucking sack if we want to stay in this league. Gutless performance, shite tactics and no belief. Fuck right off.
  15. With this set of players its disgusting that we're so shit. We need new faces and a new manager.
  16. Marvellous signing. See ya later Danny.
  17. I knew this would happen. Fucking Pardew, man . gutless wanker.
  18. toon25

    Papiss Cissé

    Hope he gets a fucking immense reception tonight.
  19. That's been mentioned in loads of places. Sure he's on around 30k basic and 30k for each appearance or something similar. Would explain why the greedy cunt has refrained from getting injured. Money grabbing bastardo Would also explain why his entourage kicked up a fuss when he was benched against Everton earlier in the season. Anyway, gutted as I am to lose him, I'm pleased this saga is nearing its conclusion - very much hoping that it'll create some sort of siege mentality tonight. We need the win.
  20. The only club daft and desperate enough to offer him stupid money is going to be QPR and melted face.
  21. Absolutely fucking gutted. At least it's not QPR (much as I detest Chelsea we simply can't compete with them on a financial/competitive level atm).
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