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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Oh yeah, lots but he sets up the formation, tactics, is still using the same useless set penises, getting the GK to just hoy it into the box form anywhere on the pitch, the movement or lack of it. But especially the mentality of the team, which takes you back to the collective responsibility, they aren't blameless but with such a defensive and defeatist manager giving them their lead, i'd say it mostly him to blame. This. Good to have you back, btw Bimps.
  2. Never seen that Keegan interview before, cheers.
  3. toon25

    Loïc Remy

    If rumours are true, I shall be sorely disappointed if he chooses QPR over us.
  4. Have you had that drink henke?
  5. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Amazes me we still have people defending him. He's basically saying every week that he has no idea what he's doing any more. Aye. That's what becomes ever more apparent in his post-match interviews.
  6. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    That never winning a game from a losing position is absolutely astonishing. He's not a clue.
  7. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    We're in freefall with the current manager.
  8. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Taylor and Cabaye coming back will help for sure, but it won't be enough to stop the rot. Even when they were available we were playing long ball 442 shite.
  9. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Desperately looking for excuses, at the same time destroying the confidence of those chosen to fill in for said missing players. I don't think he's to say that we miss Cabaye and Taylor, but it's desperately short sighted of him to think that they'll solve our problems.
  10. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    In our predicament would you really have risked "bigger" players today? We were playing against Brighton today. We shouldn't need bigger players. I can bet anything you like that the side we put out today was worth a lot more than theirs. Aye. Given the fact that some of these players are supposedly on the fringes of the first team, they ought to have at least been in a position to give Brighton a game. The fact is, in the first place they're given little confidence by the manager - who, rightly or wrongly in the press continues to bleat on about how short we are of quality. In the second instance they're effectively sent out to play hoofball to our imbecilic, immobile and useless piece of shit striker, to battle with a fired up, ambitious footballing side. If these players had at least some guidance and schooling of a footballing philosophy, we'd have had a chance. Fact is, as some here have said, they were not sent out there with desire and a winning mentality today. Again, that's the fault of the manager.
  11. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Absolutely bang on. No point waiting. It'll be too late. Very, very few clubs in Europe who finished 5th in the previous season would allow a manager with this run of results to continue.
  12. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Sack this fool now ffs. How much longer does it take. Didn't expect to win in all truth but at least some fucking guts and a game plan would've been nice. Cunt.
  13. For some inexplicable reason I'm still half expecting things to click and for us to go on some sort of Wigan-esque second half of season run where we look like world beaters.
  14. If I were skilled on the gif making stuff I'd do one with fat old Dekka legging it after him. Where's Kasper these days?
  15. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    When? http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastle-united-news/2012/12/31/newcastle-united-s-aim-now-is-simply-safety-61634-32519062/ Cheers. Missed this.
  16. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    This. Says a lot tbh - not least the rather blasé attitude towards our current predicament. That said, I reckon he's reluctant to admit that we're in the shit - not least because it'll draw attention to the fact he's doing a piss poor job atm. That does bring with it it's own difficulties, however. Redknapp has admitted QPR are in a dog fight - its created a siege mentality among the players and giving them a sense of belief. We're not nearly as prepared if things don't turn our way over the next couple of games. This is why a reckon he should be binned now - before we sink further into the mire. Statistics, questionable tactics, results and style of play all suggest we're ever less likely to pick up. I'm not even confident that a few new faces through the door will result in us staving off a relegation scrap.
  17. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Genuine question - do people think our problems would be solved by a new manager or do people think a few new faces would do similar? A gross oversimplification of the situation, perhaps, but was just wondering what a few on here thought.
  18. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Fucking embarrassing. Lost for words tbh.
  19. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Yep. It won't help our cause that the upcoming fixtures really are 'must win' games - on the showing last night it certainly didn't look as though the team could handle such pressure. I just don't think we've got a squad that could handle a relegation battle. Where we differ from the likes of Southampton and Reading, et al, is that from the outset their players knew it would be a tough ask to stay in the league. They've been preparing mentally for this since August. We, on other hand, were never expected to be in this position. I hope I'm proved wrong, like, but I'm very worried about how our lot are going to handle the situation.
  20. toon25

    Alan Pardew

    Same here. The group I was sitting with took the view that Ashley had hung him out to dry over the summer and there was little Pardew could do to turn things around with the players at his disposal. With respect, were any of them watching us at the beginning of the season? We've been shit for the entire thing so far, that falls at the managers feet imo. I agree completely. Was just surprised to hear that folk still thought Pardew was immune from criticism.
  21. If we 'expect' to lose away games to clubs like Norwich it shows just how poorly the club is being run, and also how well the idiots running it have managed to brainwash the fans...... Well considering we got beat there last season 4-2, and thats when we were actually playing well. They've improved their team since last year, we're on a slump - lost 9 in 11. Hardly's brainwashed... Last year's result is irrelevant tbh. We had Danny fucking Simpson playing centre back.
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