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Everything posted by toon25

  1. toon25

    Erik Pieters

    Tbh, I'm glad we're at least going for someone like Pieters as opposed to say, a washed up LB like Bridge. There's loads of time for Pieters to improve, and Carr et al. have clearly seen something in him to suggest that he's going to be a decent player. I just hope the lad gets given some patience if/when he arrives. He's not as good as Jose, but I'm sure he'll improve given time, the right coaching, and having someone like Colo next to him.
  2. This is what hurts tbh. King Kunty is taking our best players.
  3. If Jose was adamant that he was off and we got no offers over £5.5m, then while it's fair for Ashley to try for more, the market has decided that that is his worth sadly. I suppose you're right. It's just so fucking irksome that those twats are splashing millions and millions on average players like Downing and Henderson and are getting a real bargain in Jose. I know circumstances are different in that Jose could leave for nothing next year, but even Wigan were able to get a good fee for Zog. Oh, bollocks to it all. I'm bitter. Fucking bitter.
  4. How do you know there will be add ons? If the fee with add-ons would come to roughly £6.5-7mil, that would be a good price, I agree. I just would have expected Ashley to be holding out for more is all.
  5. f***ing joke tbh, especially since the deal has allegedly been held up due to Ashley 'digging his heels in'. Jesus, Jose, anywhere but f***ing Liverpool. Eh? Ashley digging his heels in? Isnt that called trying to get the best deal? What a f***ing arsehole making sure he doesnt get totally ripped off. With add ons it will be a good fee just accept it and move on. Clearly you misunderstood what I was saying. What I was trying to say was that £5.5 million is a low price considering Ashley was supposedly hodling out for the best price. I would have thought Ashley would have wanted more. I don't know about you but I think £5.5 mil is cheap, especially when there was talk earlier in the summer of higher sums being banded around.
  6. Fucking joke tbh, especially since the deal has allegedly been held up due to Ashley 'digging his heels in'. Jesus, Jose, anywhere but fucking Liverpool.
  7. toon25

    Erik Pieters

    For those that are familiar with both players, is Pieters better than M'Bengue? He's defo cheaper, which is why we're in for him, but I just wondered if it's a case of price over quality here.
  8. This. Would love that club to drop right off the face of the earth.
  9. It's not over until the fat lady sings, or in this case until that smug King Kunty posing with wor Jose with a shit eating grin. We had all this last week from twitter mongs only for Pardew to deny we'd had any bids. He also said this week that he was hopeful Jose might stay. Not over this one, not yet anyway.
  10. Could defo see Keane at a club like Fulham or QPR. God knows why they'd want him though. Looked very ineffective during his time at Wham.
  11. toon25

    Shola Ameobi

    Our previous number nine gave everything in every game, almost the exact opposite can be said for Mr Ameobi. Playing for Newcastle means everything to him? Jeez. I put more effort in getting out of bed than he does in 90 minutes. You don't write fantasy stories by any chance mate? If you bothered to read my post you would see that I wasn't referring to effort on the pitch whatsoever but rather the fact that his affection for the club appears to be genuine as opposed to just empty rhetoric. Of course Shola isn't as good as, nor will ever be as good as Carroll, but that's not the point I was trying to make.
  12. toon25

    Shola Ameobi

    Not a great footballer by any means, but a consummate professional and a lovely bloke. Has never kicked up a fuss, has always put his body on the line for the team and, unlike a certain previous number 9, I think playing for the Toon means the fucking world to him. He'll not be first choice so I don't know what the fuss is about tbh. Pardew's not that daft to think we'd be able to rely on Shola for the goals we'll need to keep us in the mix, so to speak.
  13. So if Crouch goes, will Spurs also be looking to ship out any of your other forwards KD?
  14. How much are Arse wanting for him?
  15. Lovely to see Derek around too I'm sure everyone will agree.
  16. Time will tell if he's worth it. With the inflated prices this summer for British players I think between £6-7 is fair. There was no way we'd have paid that for him though.
  17. Is this one to be excited about or not? Is this going to be our striker then? Or is this a 'back up' signing, as it were.
  18. Fucking West Brom. Can't stand 'em.
  19. I've a feeling Shola will be starting unfortunately.
  20. toon25

    Joey Barton

    Oliver Holt is a twat of the highest order. Makes me wretch every time he's on Sunday Supplement.
  21. Exactly. As a toon fan, of course I'd love to be in their position, winning cups and finishing in Champs League spots, but at the same time, whilst I'd enjoy the success, I'd be frustrated if I thought the team was capable of a more entertaining style of football. Of course opinions will differ, but if I was a City fan I'd like to see Silva, Johnson, et al given greater licence to play.
  22. Won them the FA Cup last year? Has put them in a position to challenge for the league. Deserves another season (unless it does tits up early). I didn't say he, or even that style of footy, wasn't successful. All I'm saying is that if my team had spent £500 mil on players and deployed 'safety' first tactics, I'd be getting awfully frustrated. Especially considering the potential of the squad available.
  23. Mancini is such a negative manager. If I was a shitty fan I'd want him oot. Still, be thankful for small mercy, I'd imagine a more positive manager would work wonders with the players and resources at City's disposal.
  24. Nolan's barely touched the ball. And what the fuck that intermittent whistling in the Wham crowd?
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