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Everything posted by toon25

  1. We were never in a million going to get anything from this game but it would be nice to know that we set up our stall to have a go. Fuking Smith in midfield with an utterly inept Nicky Butt with Duff up front was never going to get anything. Come on KK sort it out!
  2. What happened for the goal? (I'm not listening or watching so I'm relying on updates)
  3. Great post James, really thought provoking. Like you, I wholly agree that relegation is not worth contemplating, I can't tolerate the thought that, as some else suggested, we may be replaced by Stoke/Bristol, etc. However, there would be some positives - getting rid of the money grabbing shite that the club currently harbours being one and being able to strip right back to basics being the other. I wouldn't want this for one second, and I think the important thing is to stay positive for the Toon at this moment. That said, I think that one huge step back may be necessary in the long term to go two steps forward. Was actually thinking which of our KK's current first eleven would stay. I thought that: - Butt, Smith, potentially Barton, Milner, and Harper would spring to mind. Of course I'd happily boil the first three in hot fat rather than keep them here.
  4. toon25

    Alan Smith

    Unfortunately mate KK does not look as though he's going to change his selection, it's the same old inept shit that are trotted out every week, no matter how much Barton or Butt concede possession and how much Smith continues to be Smith. There's no point in hoping for a change and, like you, I'm fuking seething at the prospect of seeing this twat
  5. Oh FUK - Reading are now 1 nil - we really are in the fuking shit. We couldn't finish our dinner today. Thanks a fuking lot KK for your ineptitude to recognise that Butt, Smith and Barton are not FUKING GOOD ENOUGH!
  6. I'm not annoyed with the fact that Zoggy isn't in midfield. He hasn't been great over the past few weeks and, as someone else mentioned, there may be non-footballing reasons for his being dropped. I'm just incredibly frustrated that Barton and Butt start together with Smith up front. I accept that at least one/two of those has to play owing to the shortage in numbers. On current form I would say Barton has been the worst of the three, but I'm frustrated beyond words that, no matter how much they underperform they continue to warrant selection. KK could be bold and go for Carroll who has looked bright, or Kazenga Lua Lua, moving Milner into the centre but instead it seems to be a case of same s*** different day. Not really the right environment to be starting youngsters in. They may make the difference though, surely starting Carroll would provide scope for more options up top rather than Smith
  7. I'm not annoyed with the fact that Zoggy isn't in midfield. He hasn't been great over the past few weeks and, as someone else mentioned, there may be non-footballing reasons for his being dropped. I'm just incredibly frustrated that Barton and Butt start together with Smith up front. I accept that at least one/two of those has to play owing to the shortage in numbers. On current form I would say Barton has been the worst of the three, but I'm frustrated beyond words that, no matter how much they underperform they continue to warrant selection. KK could be bold and go for Carroll who has looked bright, or Kazenga Lua Lua, moving Milner into the centre but instead it seems to be a case of same shit different day.
  8. Fuking hell! These are the players that have been present at most of our rapings this season. Butt, Smith and Barton have shown absolutely no reason why they should merit inclusion in such an important game So fuking disappointed! Does anyone else think KK is holding on to the notion that Smith and Butt are 'winners' - he mentioned a couple of times when he first arrived that they were former champions and knew what it was like to win.
  9. Me too, though perhaps with Faye in midfield. Saying that, I don't trust Taylor at the back and I don't think KK will drop Captain Fantastic Owen or Butt. Really REALLY hope that Smith will be benched
  10. Both teams = fuking cunt$ - that said, I really fuking hate Spurs with a passion. Gutted they've won this will not hear the end of it from their fans
  11. I dread to think how much of a loss we will make if the shit like Smith and Barton are sold. Assuming clubs will actually want them there is no way we'll make back £6 mil for Smith and £5.8 mil for Barton - we'll be lucky to get half of the fees we paid
  12. I agree, on yesterdays showing it certainly looked as though some members of our first team couldn't give a toss. Be it Martins, Owen, or Carroll we need someone making runs into the box looking to get on to the end of crosses. That said, I'm kidding myself if I think KK will drop Smith, Butt, et all. Come Blackburn next week we'll not be surprised at the line up. Same shit different day
  13. Agreed. I think the time is right to introduce some youngsters into the first team, they surely can't be any worse than the current lot. At least they will have the drive to chase lost causes. Edgar looks like a good shout, and on todays runout Carroll is offering a lot more up top than Smith - his height will worry defenders and he is a target to aim for.
  14. Agree. I didn't buy this 'nobody of the right quality' available bollocks. KK was thrown in the deep end admittedly but I honestly believe (in hindsight I know) that if we had appointed someone with their 'finger on the pulse' we would have made some much needed improvements. As you say I've never seen such shite in a long time. What's worrying is that the teams below us are putting up a fight - Boro, Birmingham, Wigan, etc we're just inviting teams to come and give us hiding after hiding
  15. Keegan has to take some blame for today, his starting 11 was poor. Exactly N'Zogbia is no left back - he can't clear his fuking lines - I counted on AT LEAST two occasions that he dilly fuking dallied rather than clear, handing the ball to those c***s in a decent position Yes everyone knows N'Zogbia isn't a very good left back. Its very easy to see that, but much harder to pick someone better. Look at the bench for the game, which player from that bench would you have chosen ahead of N'Zogbia? Bench - Harper, Geremi, Carroll, Cacapa, Ameobi En-bloody-rique. Yes he wasn't on the bench, due to injury? Duff has also played in that position for Chelsea, could KK not have interchanged them throughout the game? I accept that Zoggy is the one most suited to the position in Enrique's absence though this does not excuse his ineptitude to clear the ball.
  16. I've really lost faith in Given over the past few weeks, he just seems so bloody static - admittedly it doesn't help when he's got the City of Newcastle Circus in front but Harper seems to be more commanding and at least makes an attempt at a save - made a couple decent stops today.
  17. Keegan has to take some blame for today, his starting 11 was poor. Exactly N'Zogbia is no left back - he can't clear his fuking lines - I counted on AT LEAST two occasions that he dilly fuking dallied rather than clear, handing the ball to those cunts in a decent position
  18. Duff and Milner put in a decent shift, Carroll looked like he could warrant a decent run. The rest quite simply are not good enough - no pace, no movement, no vision, no threat, etc. Manyoo didn't even get into gear, they waltzed around without breaking sweat whilst our lot nonchalantly strolled around the field. By the looks of players you would know that there is no confidence and no fight. When players lost the ball nobody attempted to chase the cause. We are in the shite and I question those that say that there is 1 worse team in the league now (assuming Derby and Fulham are as good as gone) - similar teams in this position at least put in a shift! I very much doubt KK is the man to turn this around, poor run or not we have seen little fight, little tactical awareness, and baffling team selections.
  19. Just seen the line up and fuk me!! I'm lost for words - why oh why do these fuking shite piss poor excuses for footballers continue to get into the starting eleven! Nicky fuking Butt, what does he do to merit an inclusion? Honestly, what is KK thinking - the ineptitude of certain members of this team got fuking hammered against Villa, fuking hammered against Arsenal drew with Boro, and failed to get a result against Bolton.
  20. Butt and Smith to start, I guran-bloody-tee it. We'll be disappointed come 16:45 when the teams are announced
  21. I live in Norwich and have seen them play a few times this year. Unquestionably Roeder has improved the squad, given them self belief and changed their approach to games - rather like he did here. Like others have said, this is what he has a great track record for, turning clubs in difficulty around and then imploding the following season. I'm no Roeder fan though and have no delusions about his time here - he was made to look remotely competent after the Souness farce and the momentum that took us into Europe - which I put more down to the Souness cloud being lifted. Tactically naive and seemed far too weak and pathetic to cut it as a premiership manager. The Championship is his level.
  22. toon25

    Alan Smith

    1. I could run out there and give 110% and so could every poster on this forum. Doesn't mean s***. 2. One decent game against a team that was off the boil at the time is a fairly s*** return for an entire season's effort. 3. Alan Smith does not, and has never, played neat football. 4. He hasn't scored in 3 years tell me how exactly he is going to break open the most stingy defence in the league? 5. As s*** as the team is Owen bagged 2 in the last 2. The chances are there, he is just not good enough to take them. 6. The reserves is for building up confidence. 7. Just bandying about cliches doesn't make it true. 1. So could I but I bet none of us here has his stamina and the technique to go with the effort level. 2. The team hasn't had many decent games for the whole season. We've been struggling the whole season and our performances have been very scrappy. Granted that could give excuse for all of our players for not performing but personally I've seen lot of positives in him. He hasn't succumped under pressure like many others (Given, Cacapa, Rozenthal, Barton, etc.). 3. I don't think you can get into team that playes one of the most attacking football in the league by being a poor footballer (technique and intelligence wise). Obviously he's a crafter and playes with somewhat mental style but he does have decent enough footballing brain and technique to be more than a destroyer. 4. My guess is that when we get our midfield and defence sorted out and can actually start playing instead of chasing shadows. 5. And how long did it take Owen to net 2 in 2? He had quite dry spell before that and he isn't really comparable to Smith anyway Two totally different type of players with different assets and weaknesses. 6. Like we have any extra bodies to spare for "reserves" right now. We aren't getting any new players between now and end of the season... have to do what we have right now. In my eyes he is doing hell a lot better than many others in the team who have bottled it in one way or another. Like when he played at Manyoo you mean? He was as much of a headless chicken there. The main point here is that, however Smith may be defended in the eyes of a minority, we have far better strikers in line that should be playing before he gets a look in - Viduka, Oba, even Andy Carroll. The only way Smith will be an asset is if he joins the rest of us in the stands cheering the boys on during matchdays
  23. toon25

    Alan Smith

    Personally, I think he's lost the scoring touch. As many have said before, it's been coached out of him. At this moment in time he offers nothing. I'd love to see Oba back in the side and back to his best. We could really do with his goals
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