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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. The Saudi's are building the entire Neom city from scratch and spending $500bn on it The Reuben's are highly successful property developers Expanding / relocating a football stadium would be a piece of piss for the new owners
  2. The simple things that the cancerous cunt Ashley wasn't willing to do. Pride. Ambition. Engagement. Investment.
  3. Check out his new album, there's a song called Friday 3pm
  4. 14 years ago - had a season ticket, plenty of away games, never missed a match on the telly, lived and breathed NUFC 2 days ago - on a self imposed boycott of the Ashley regime, 9 years without going to any games, never watched a match on the telly in years, totally disengaged with NUFC. Stayed on here for the Chat forum. 1 day ago - overwhelming emotion Today - BACK IN THE FUCKING MIX
  5. This, 100%. Proper canny local lad with massive talent, pride in the region and a social conscience. The antithesis to the soulless throwaway autotuned shite that normally stinks out the charts. New album out today, he's looking good for being No 1 next week, which will be mint.
  6. I live round the corner from Cleveland Road and my middle name is James, so technically you were close
  7. Sam was round mine before he went to the ground, we were both proper buzzing
  8. Same scenario for me. 9 years ago I said I’d never go back to a match whilst that cunt Ashley owned the club. Since then I’ve drifted further and further away each year and the hollow shell of NUFC stopped being of any interest. Today my exile is over. Today I’m BUZZING. Better than cowies this feeling.
  9. I am on the verge of unleashing a huge torrent of spunk that could well flood the majority of North Tyneside
  10. He’ll be getting a payoff that would be like a life changing lottery win for your average NUFC fan The cunt will be delighted, it’s literally money for nothing
  11. Imagine making it as a professional top flight footballer but then having to sit in a dressing room taking instructions from that obese putty faced clueless cunt
  12. The pathetic selection of drinks and snacks will be on loan from that Tesco next to the Sandman hotel, not enough money available to buy them
  13. Change the thread title to STEVE CUNT
  14. Wouldn’t piss on the cunt if he was on fire
  15. Cunt. Always has been, always will be.
  16. Because their only possible alternative is to be dragged around Primark by their wives, who they hate, apparently
  17. The fact that the premier league believe NUFC is in safer hands being owned by a massive cunt who refuses to make the club competitive rather than a sovereign wealth fund who want to spend a fortune to make the club competitive says all you need to know about how corrupt the premier league are
  18. So is there spunk on my cornflakes or what ?
  19. If these 962 pages were obliterated from history then nothing of any importance would have been lost. 962 pages of stagnant, festering shite.
  20. Got Flannels painted on the side of his chopper, should say Cunt instead.
  21. I really want to go on a massive Flight Radar binge. But I've got loads of work to do. I can't just sit and stare at little plane icons for the next 48 hours. But the temptation to do it is raging inside me. It's more addictive than skag.
  22. Please don’t give that horrible little rat and his cretinous club their own thread.
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