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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. Me and my Dad share the same Babestation account, helps save us both a few quid
  2. ♫ ♬ I feel it in my fingers... Fun fact (or not). The song that replaced that wet wet wet song after shitloads of weeks at number 1 was take that with back for good. The underlying chords are exactly the same. Not saying Barlow is a copying cunt but...... Whigfield's Saturday night replaced it in the charts, followed by "Sure" by Take That. Back for Good was a year later. So fun fact (or not) is actually "or not" Isn't Love Is All Around Me actually a song about Marti Pellow being on the skag. The first verse should say "brown" where it says "love", but the censors made them change it. It was the soundtrack to a million teenage fingerblast sessions during 1994, but it's a junkie anthem and parents were not happy when they found this out. Or not. You reckon the Troggs wrote a song about future Wet Wet Wet? They were psychic dudes The Troggs man.... Wild Things They Don't Tell Us - Reg Presley, lead singer of "The Troggs", here details the wild things that he believes the government secretly knows about, but will go to the most extraordinary lengths to stop the public from finding out. He presents his evidence of alien visitation, crop-circles and his scientific theory of why the Earth is gradually changing shape.
  3. ♫ ♬ I feel it in my fingers... Fun fact (or not). The song that replaced that wet wet wet song after shitloads of weeks at number 1 was take that with back for good. The underlying chords are exactly the same. Not saying Barlow is a copying cunt but...... Whigfield's Saturday night replaced it in the charts, followed by "Sure" by Take That. Back for Good was a year later. So fun fact (or not) is actually "or not" Isn't Love Is All Around Me actually a song about Marti Pellow being on the skag. The first verse should say "brown" where it says "love", but the censors made them change it. It was the soundtrack to a million teenage fingerblast sessions during 1994, but it's a junkie anthem and parents were furious when they found out the true meaning of the song. Or not.
  4. We've done it people, close the thread, we've hit rock bottom. Do I get a trophy ? Nothing wrong with a bit of out of the box thinking ? Moving Newcastle, Sunderland and Boro to the Scottish league......that's out of your box thinking
  5. Dropped £80m off at the college: Reuben brothers make a substantial donation... Billionaire brothers - David and Simon Reuben - have donated £80m to Oxford Univerisity according to The Times. Reuben College will open in September next year to 120 postgraduates and will specialise in the study of cellular life, artificial intelligence and environmental change. Spelling mistake in a headline about investment in education. Brilliant.
  6. GLF5 heading out of Luton and going South East https://www.flightradar24.com/GLF5/24ad2bb4
  7. Descending into Oxford innit
  8. And don’t forget there was a private jet from Oxford to Newcastle today
  9. That one strayed a bit far to the east for Saudi However This bad boy is flying from Farnborough and is locked on to the gulf region https://www.flightradar24.com/E35L/24ac611e
  10. Registration: M-OVIE Owner: INEOS/Hampshire Aviation Ltd (https://www.ineos.com/ Tail logo matches Ineos logo) https://www.airport-data.com/aircraft/M-OVIE.html Where are you getting the registrations? That's a game changer. I start with FlightRadar24 (as does everyone else, because its user interface doesn't suck), but it doesn't show the registration. I then use flightaware.com's map to find the same aircraft, in the same position on the map as is on flightradar24.com, and select the aircraft on the map. flightaware.com then opens a new page for that flight and gives the aircraft's tail-number. I then use airport-data.com to find additional information about that tail-number (like owner, photographs, etc). This has taken things to a whole new level. A game changer in flight perving. I'm impressed.
  11. https://www.liveatc.net No idea if any UK airports are on there like Btw most of these planes are tracked by ADS-B which can easily be turned off (also, I've read that some plane owners contact Flight Radar and ask them to not include them on their site) When I was a yoot in the 80's my old man had a portable radio for listening to ATC and pilot conversations, he used to sit in the garden and tune in to flights landing and taking off at Newcastle. Was back in the days of Dan-Air
  12. Yeah. Don’t know if the cretin is onboard though
  13. GLF5 took off from Frankfurt a while ago, it's just at the heel of Italy now and heading for the Middle East. Looks like the Frankfurt one is going to Riyadh But it's 9.30 on a Friday night and I'm watching Flightradar. Fuck. my. life
  14. Other one that flew up here went Saudi - Stansted - Newcastle
  15. I'm meant to be taking the kids to the beach. If this plane stays on course we're going to Ponteland with a set of binoculars instead.
  16. Got a bit worried it was heading for Frankfurt, but a little shimmy to the west and it's back on the right track
  17. A Gulfstream private jet. It's flying from Riyadh and is currently over the Alps, pointing straight towards Newcastle. The same type of jet flew Riyadh, London, Newcastle, Riyadh in 24 hours last week, only stayed in Newcastle for an hour. We don't know whose it is or what it's doing. But we like to watch them and get ourselves in a lather that it's Saudi's coming to close the deal.
  18. Still at 40,000 feet, would be a rapid descent to get into Zurich
  19. It's just going over the mountains north of Venice
  20. It's locked on a straight course for Newcastle........
  21. Still heading North West. Geneva ? Farnborough ? Ponteland ?
  22. Richard Keys: Which one is Simon Bird ? SB: Me Richard Keys: You're a cunt
  23. Looks like this has made about 4 attempted landings first at Glasgow now at Newcastle, nowt to do with the takeover but interesting. That's pretty cool Boris probably sent them to buzz some poor northern people. Doing the same at Doncaster now, wonder if his wheels have fallen off. Check out the 2 x FA20's over the North Sea around North Yorkshire and Northumberland Every day the pilots have a few cans of Carling and then go radging about doing loop the loops and handbrake turns in their planes
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