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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. I would have downed at least 4 pints of ale in a city centre boozer then got bollocked off my lass for turning up at home rubbered before the sun had set. much better than missing the last 5 mins to get a half empty metty.....
  2. "Souness, is a fucking cunt, Souness is a fucking cunt" repeat ad naseum. An excellent chant if ever there was one.
  3. double thumbs for spending 6 hrs on the road but it's still frustrating when we're picking up the three points that secures our season and a 3rd of the stadium has pissed off early to hit the road / get the metty / get to the bar / pick up their bookies winnings / go for a poo etc.
  4. I've said it before but I'll say it again "3 nowt and we still sneak out"
  5. not disputing the atmosphere. it was decent. and the performance on the pitch was top notch. but row upon row of empty seats with 5 mins to go. whats that all about ? we are bossing it 3 nil, there's no rush to get home and still they were flooding out the doors.....
  6. still no excuse for all the empty seats with 5 mins to go. Saturday afternoon, 3 goals to the good, pretty much secured our premiership status. What is it that these fuckers have to do that prevents them from staying till the final whistle ?
  7. Beye is a poor mans Carr
  8. When the half time whistle went at Brum I was convinced we would go down.
  9. three nowt and you still sneak out......
  10. the lassy commentating on MOTD at the w'end was gash. so gash I had to turn the sound down on the telly. Not cos she was a lassy (I also turn the sound down when Clive Tyldsley is climaxing into a sock whilst watching Man U), but cos she was shite. end of.
  11. Best I've seen in ages. Defence looked pretty solid (by NUFC standards) Midfield gelled Looked dangerous up front Really good to see Barton coming into a bit of form too....
  12. fooking get in the arse !
  13. very worried to be honest. derbies will often be won on the strength of pride, passion and sheer will to win. we lack any of those qualities. the makems have a poor side but from what I've seen aren't as soft as our lot. plus I would imagine most of their squad will have to remain with the scum and won't fancy championship footy next season, whereas many of our lot will be out the door before you can say "blackpool away".
  14. even if we stay up I'm not renewing. sick of tipping hard earned money down the drain to be honest
  15. Newcastle are set to sign both Andy Cole and Dwight York in a bid to kickstart next seasons promotion campaign. The former Man U stars can't wait to join the Keegan revolution.
  16. seriously lad, I like your PMA but your predication is based on total fantasy. the good teams shit on us. the struggling teams have more fight than us. we've got 2 points from the last 30 odd, how we getting 17 over the next few games ?
  17. going down. to be honest given the lack of fight, passion and pride on the pitch we deserve it. it would be harsh on the battling teams around us if we stayed up.....
  18. who gives a shit ? he's a liability. i wouldnt be arsed if we sold every member of the current squad in the summer. there's no-one here at the moment that I'd miss.
  19. I think we are too guilty of clutching at straws. For months people have reassured themselves by saying "we're too good to go down" Now it's "we won't go down, we create too many chances" People just aren't grasping the reality of the situation. They're like frogs happily paddling around in the pan enjoing how nice and warm the water is getting......
  20. in all my years of watching the toon I have never seen anyone get caught in possesion as much as Barton. I had high hopes for the lad but he's been gash. 2 through balls don't excuse the other 89 mins of complete ineptitude. He just can't cut it in top flight football and needs to be taken out of the side.
  21. all this talk about how many chances we created is well and good but how many points did we get. none. it's points that keep you up and we got fuck all today.
  22. anyone who still thinks we are too good to go down needs their fucking heads checking. losing to 89th minute goals at home is the sort of shit that happens to relegated sides. we are not good enough. end of story. as much as it pains me to say it I think we actually deserve to go down. all of the other teams have a bit of fight about them. we have nowt to offer.
  23. 3-1 against barnsley. I seem to recall it being nervy when they got one after half time.
  24. Last time I remember being this twitchy before a game was when he had Barnsley at home in 97/98. Same time of year, same danger of being firmly in the shite if we'd lost it.
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