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Everything posted by bobbydazzla

  1. fucking joke in the ground today. the fans were more arsed about booing Gerrard than they were about getting behind the lads. To see that lanky streak of shite Crouch geta round of applause from the gallowgate not just when he warmed up but when he came on the pitch was a fucking joke. we got more and more like Engerland with every fucking game. if you only come to the match to boo and whinge then you might as well piss off shopping with the missus and use your energy in eldon fucking square. things may be going wrong on the pitch but its the attitudes in the stands that makes me sick. its a fucking joke.
  2. bobbydazzla


    all the charvas can leave their st georges crosses in the cupboard for another few years. shame, cos I really like seeing loads of cunts with red and white flags plastered over their car, house, body, dog etc. for 2 weeks every couple of summers. good riddance.
  3. 1 - I don't give a fuck about england 2 - Did anyone honestly think that england would win owt with McLaren in charge. You employ an incompetent twat and you get shit results. NUFC have proved that rule in the last few years.
  4. bobbydazzla


    couldnt give a fuck.
  5. My total disregard for England has now become hatred. I've gone from not giving a shit about whether they win, to hoping that they lose. If Owen had any balls about him he'd do a Shearer / Scholes / Carragher and tell the national side to fuck off.
  6. bobbydazzla

    Joey Barton

    does Barton not realise who he is playing for now ?!!?! This is the Toon !!!! We demand instant satisfaction ! We refuse to allow anyone to have any time to build their performances ! If you don't do it instantly then you're on your bike ! If there's no immediate wow factor then the fans will let you know about your shortcomings ! Patience is a virtue that we don't have ! It's why we've got such a long track record of success and the trophy cabinet is full to bursting..... Jesus, the lads played 3 times since coming back from a serious injury and people are on his back already. Get a grip man. Same with Sam. We're 12 games into a total overhaul of the club and already the knives are being sharpened.
  7. the one makem in the pub had about 30 lads all jumping around in front of him and hurling abuse. serves the kid right TBH. you don't sit in a pub full of geordies, in the toon, on your own and then give it the big one when the Makems score. Especially if you look like a student. This lad was lucky that no-one gave him a dig.
  8. anyone know if Joey Barton drives a silver Range Rover? Cos I'm almost certain I seen him driving one in Heaton last sunday.
  9. bobbydazzla

    Today's Games

    arsenal looking a class act. shame they rarely have a british or irish player in the team though.
  10. every one of our lot who made it on to the pitch had a shitter last night. shit passing, no creativity, slipping over, a shambles at dead balls, muscled off the ball, beaten to the 50/50's etc etc etc I can't think of one player who could come out of last nights debacle with any credit. definitely one of the worst collective performances I've can remember seeing from the toon. no tactics in the world would get a result from such an off-form set of players. I'd fine them a weeks wages each to get their minds focused ahead of the West Ham game. >
  11. if only the media could create a similar effect and get the lemming-esque general public to give a shit about genuinely important issues such as global warming and the things that are going on in Iraq and Zimbabwe.
  12. I couldnt give a witches tit how many he scores for Engerland. If he's fit, scoring goals and playing for the toon then that is fine with me. I'm constantly shitting it when he is on the pitch in an Engerland shirt, I have visions of him snapping or twisting something....
  13. pinched off the scousers.... hallo hallo hallo hallo we got the best defence in the world we've got jose enrique taylor and given cacapa and rozenhaaaaaaaaaal
  14. why don't you just stand up to see past the people waiting in the aisles ? I find that standing is far better to encourage singing etc. than sitting on your backside.
  15. as much as I hate the Man U scum I do have the concede that they have a vast array of quality songs I remember them being at our place about 5 year ago and they kept that "Busby bouncing babes" tune going for at least half an hour. I also think we should take a leaf out of their book and sing about players both past and present. I reckon we should still sing songs about Shearer, Beardsley, Sir Les etc etc. they're legends and deserve to be recognised by the fans. As long as its not just in an attempt the undermine the current squad....
  16. "I don't understand why most of the fans seem to be demanding us to be title challengers instantly considering how the past couple of seasons have gone for us." because we're Newcastle !
  17. if I was relocating to Amsterdam then I can think of a number of forms of entertainment that would be higher up my list than football ! Personally I think a section of the fan base still believe its 95/96 and have the same level of expecation that we had back then. My doom and gloom had been in place since Robson wasn't moved into a Director of Football type role in Summer 04. But that was because we had a board who were inept and a succession of managers who didnt know their arse from their elbow. For the first time in years I now have faith in the people making decisions on behalf of the club and I'll give them my backing, even if we do play out a scoreless home bore draw with teams like Villa. rome wasn't built in a day....
  18. it clearly didnt come across well on the telly but the atmosphere was areet today. much better than last season.
  19. carr was shite again today. too slow, crap positioning, nothing going fwd. we need shot of him.
  20. the east stand queues are quite often worse than other stands. never been sure why that is though....
  21. no issues whatsoever, straight in the gallowgate end with no queue or owt. and the beer queues were bad but no worse than any other season. However, even though its not my beer of choice, the bottles of carling from the food stalls are bang on. much, much better than them shite little fosters bottles last season. and no queue to get them pre-match either.
  22. personally I think the doom and gloom merchants should fuck off. we're 2 games into a new regime and already the knives are being sharpened. a clown who sits behind me actually said he'd prefer Roeder back. I doubt he was in the same frame of mind at half time last week. its pathetic how fickle we are.... all this week I've been saying that whilst the Bolton game was amazing, it was also likely to be a bit of a weight round our necks as it ramped expectations up to unrealistic levels.
  23. pathetic thread. 4 points after 2 games. thats a decent enough return for me. new manager, many new squad members, lots of the deadwood shipped out, still missing key players through injury. the lads battled today, they looked much more organised than last season and all we lacked was a creative spark. and villa are a well drilled set of draw merchants who are very difficult to break down. to be a doom and gloom peddlar at this stage just plays up to the very reasons why the press and other fans take the piss out of our fan base. And the people who booed at the final whistle. for fucks sake ! you wonder why people won't sign for us.......
  24. TBH he's contributed so little to NUFC that I regularly forget that Owen is even on our books. I'd much rather he was sat on someone elses treatment table sucking up 120k a week in wages...
  25. he he, imagine Scott and Scooby banging out some house before the match. maybe we could get the stewards to hand out some ecto beans too, get everyone loved up and united as one before the match. it'd be like back in 1990 when all the casuals started raving and peace and love ruled the terraces....
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