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Everything posted by cubaricho

  1. Who cares what Martins has done in the Prem? We're playing in the Championship now and Martins will tear teams apart down (t)here. If he takes a wage cut I would have no problem with him staying in the squad, he would be the best striker in the Championship by a country mile.
  2. Wish I could be there dudes, this would be tons of fun.
  3. Not too concerned. Like other's have said, it will be good to see some of our youngin's get a chance in the first team and it will be good to see us win a few matches. I don't expect us to shoot back up but it will be a good season none-the-less.
  4. cubaricho

    Players in public

    which bar in Orlando out of interest? You should have glassed him It's a place called BBQ Bar, it's downtown. Just looked up the term glassed and yeah, I was walking over there with the intention of sharing a few kind words with the douche who had a bleached faux-hawk. Color me surprised when it's Alan fucking Smith in Orlando, Florida of all places.
  5. cubaricho

    Players in public

    Met my first professional football player ever tonight in the form of (unfortunately) Alan Smith. He was in my local haunt here in Orlando. Seemed kind of peeved I recognized him, especially because I interrupted him hitting on my lady friend and he also probably came here to lay low. He was with a few more dudes with British accents but I didn't really recognize any of them, although I didn't get a good look either.
  6. 1-1 US/Honduras @ HT - quite a few people there too, great atmosphere.
  7. Yeah that Everton kit is horrible.
  8. We could easily get 7 mil for him. We're the only ones who (wrongfully) think he's shit.
  9. All Sunderland bashing aside, Bruce is a solid manager who has a very good track record with bringing in new talent. He could do well at a bigger club where when he brings in talent, he doesn't have to sell them within six months. Unfortunately, he will do well at Sunderland and they will be top10 next season.
  10. What even makes you think that? Because as far as I know, he's never said he was looking to stay in the Prem, only his agent said that he was looking to get Peter a contract in the Prem (and if we're being honest, who wouldn't?).
  11. I feel bad that he'll get a lot of schtick now because of his idiot agent mouthing off to the press. Lovenkrands was one of the few who looked down for the cause and I think he'll be a cracking player in the CCC. Would love for him to stay.
  12. Because we don't care about debt.
  13. We dont? I was under the impression that we didn't, since we dropped from the Premier League, but someone above has cleared that up.
  14. Are these actually any good? Or does it look like a bunch of labored donkeys running around?
  15. it's what's known as the Newcastle effect. If what Taylor said has been true, that there's been no one-to-one training in the last 5 years, Except Kinnear yelling at Xisco for making bad runs.
  16. cubaricho

    Football Tattoos

    Something like that might look awesome with an anchor behind it too.
  17. Hopefully Ranger will look at his situation, and even if a bid does come in from a Prem club, tell the powers that be he doesn't want to go. If he goes to a Prem team, it's straight back to the reserves. If he stays here, since we don't have a reserve team any longer, it will be a bigger chance at first team football in a league that he can most likely succeed in.
  18. One of the few that actually gives a shit in our squad. Would take him over any of our other strikers without hesitation.
  19. Anyone have any idea where I could buy the top below other than the official store? They want to charge me £20 to ship it to the US and the top itself is only £11, hardly worth twice the price of the actual top to get it shipped. There's gotta be a place that sells it where I can get a better shipping rate. http://img30.imageshack.us/img30/8651/180070.jpg
  20. cubaricho


  21. Maybe, but if we do have that kind of money for a player, I'd rather it weren't spent on Tevez. Fergusson would never let him go to Anfield, he would kill him first. I don't think he really has a choice to be honest.
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