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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Where is David the cunt craig today, never seen him on SSN yet
  2. I've heard we are signing necunt, is he any good?
  3. Nutter/ Eg Joey Barton has just stubbed a cigar out in that kids eye........he's a fucking radgie him like
  4. jack j

    Players in public

    Just seen Gregg from Geordie shore in eldon square, who is a big lad considering he's the one who didn't bother with the weights.
  5. General consensus (in Italian and English press) is that he's flying in for a medical and should sign tomorrow. What about Pieters, i thought he was flying into sign aswell? That roux character aswell, i still don't think we will sign anyone
  6. Who have we signed or going to sign over the next 2 days then?
  7. Around £20 max hopefully, any ideas on when they announce what date the fixtures on
  8. What day to people think this will be on? Can only go if it's the wednesday or thursday When's it announced?
  9. jack j

    Joey Barton

    Back to being the horrible vermin scouse fuckwit again now. Enjoy stubbing some ciggies out in warnocks eye
  10. Think it was Cabaye. Makes a change seeing the majority of them come over. Sounds petty, but I used to get so wound up at away games when players like Duff, Owen, Geremi etc used to just trudge off without even acknowleding the away support Aye but then they get accused of being happy clappers like Stevie Taylor, can't win really can they.
  11. Ryan Taylor the new cult hero on the terraces, who would of thunk it eh
  12. Wey after that first half it's turned out to be quite an enjoyable game Fair play to Scunthorpe though
  13. Quickest Ba has moved all night, might see him again in december. Fucking dreadful
  14. Could of broke his leg just then Marveaux, never ever bottle it man
  15. Can still get on Scunthorpe at evens, worth £100 of anybodys money.
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