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jack j

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Everything posted by jack j

  1. Never been to the KC before, could of waited til fuc*king march like. Any battle cruisers near the ground/train station?
  2. The paedo shit is 1000000000000000000x worse and was alot louder than any mido songs.
  3. No, just no. If he's playing there will be.FACT. I would rather 4000 singing s**** about that than the usual paedophile bollocks which people seem to think is fine on here :thdn: sick twats.
  4. Hope there is loads of Mido baiting, The paedo shit lost it's humour years ago and really wasn't funny then......as for the match i fancy us to nick a draw which i would settle for aslong as we take 3 points of Stoke.
  5. Kinnear is a grade a c***, let's hope he gets aids Quite the moron aren't you? Seriously though, grow up. Not really sure what people expected from Kinnear really. He's always been an average manager and he's dealing with an unmotivated bunch of has beens and cast offs. Given that, he's pretty much done as expected. I just dont understand the hate or shock that he's not getting better results, he was the only one we could get and was on a hiding to nothing. He is acting as Ashleys underpants, it's getting right on my tits, why come out with a load of shite like he has? I appreciate he is trying his best with the team itself but i fucking hate paying alot of£££££ to be lied to. Like
  6. Kinnear is a grade a cunt, let's hope he gets aids
  7. jack j

    Away Support

    My dad is bigger than your dad, Man U piss on everyone else. end of thread
  8. jack j

    Away Support

    Portsmouth :lol: :lol:
  9. Probably to no help to you, but whatever happened to Rush travel?
  10. jack j

    Away Support

    I like Chelseas away fans if the tickets get in the right hands if not it's full of mongs.
  11. Wake up tomorrow morning and finding out ashley is deed
  12. ditto one of those where you go for the craic rather than the match
  13. hOW MUCH did u hoy on him then? Have they not got coton and Cottee mixed up
  14. £100 down the drain by the time i reach london should be a cracking day.
  15. jack j


    Its decent. I wouldnt consider it as one of the better followings who make their way to SJP, but their OK. Average numbers and decent noise. I think they brought 1,000 or so to the mackems. 320 odd they took to sunlun, they will bring 400 here at most.
  16. Barton kidnapped madeline says the sun
  17. depending on the timing of the takeover i would be tempted to keep JFK til the end of the season just to stabalise it short term, then next summer start from scratch AGAIN.
  18. jack j

    Players in public

    should of heckled him to why he beats kids and women, and why he can't do his shopping in Sunderland the mackem cunt
  19. WOW!!!1 another thing just how shit are man citehs fans 30 minute journey one of the cheapest grounds in the league billionaire owner galacticos playing yet the self proclaimed massive club can barely fill half there allocation
  20. down that is all we are down
  21. :dave: christ sake, we won't win none of our next 4 games tbf, we're fucked
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